Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (66) + Picture of Emmy

Today's question from Wendi: Did you use the Help button? Did you get some good information on the page you were on? Did you use the edit feature to add/edit any of the information on the page?

I'm afraid I'm not much help. I did tell my Aunt Linda how to add books, but that's about it.


Doesn't this look like a kitty bunk bed? I love how Finn has his front leg hanging over the side so it looks like an arm.

UPDATE: Liviania has a picture up of Emmy and Finn that she took this weekend while she was visiting me. Check it out!


  1. Yan wants to take one home O.O like seriously lol can they not be adorable!?

  2. http://inbedwithbooks.blogspot.com/2009/08/picture-of-emmy.html


  3. They are so cute. You just want to snuggle with them.

  4. Awww, Finn and Emmy are so cute and calm in that picture!

  5. lol, it does look like a bunk bed!

  6. So sweet! It's really nice they get along so well. No kitty cat fights, just lots and lots of cute!

  7. I probably should've bought my kitties something like that. Because they've destroyed my flower beds outside and are looking for some new territory to explore!!!

  8. Liviania got to visit you?! Very lucky! Aaand in a moment of boredom and curiosity I scrolled down to the bottom of your sidebar and saw the Team Peeta icon. LOL. Who was it before that had been Team Gale? :)

  9. I love the photo of the kitties!

  10. These two are just too cute. I love them!

  11. I wish your two sweet cats could meet the pure white creature that showed up at my house two days ago and stayed for an hour.

    Perhaps she was looking for you.

    (I photographed her and put her on the blog for you.)

  12. Hee, it does look like an arm, and it's super-cute.

  13. I have been wanting to get a kitty condo for the boys for awhile, but we have so little space right now that I just can't do it. I think your kitties look adorable taking their nap though.


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