Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dystopian August Week 3 Recap + News

What an exciting third week of Dystopian August! Here's a quick recap in case you missed any of it.

6 book reviews

The Unidentified by Rae Mariz gets 4 Zombie Chickens
For the Win by Cory Doctorow gets 4 Zombie Chickens
The Water Wars by Cameron Stracher gets 3 Zombie Chickens
Matched by Ally Condie gets 3 Zombie Chickens
The Gardener by SA Bodeen gets 3 Zombie Chickens
Salvation City by Sigrid Nunez gets 1 Zombie Chicken

1 author interview

Cameron Stracher discusses The Water Wars

1 preview post

Upcoming Dystopian Sequels

6 still open giveaways

Win one copy of Matched (open internationally)
Win one of two copies of The Water Wars (open internationally)
Win one copy of the The Unidentified
Win the first three books in Michael Grant's Gone Series
Win one of 3 copies of Ship Breaker

Win a 6 pack of dystopian books from MacMillan

2 installments of Dystopian Reader Views
Mockingjay Predictions
Which dystopian characters would you want on your team?
The coming week is FULL of highlights:

Tommorrow, the Mockingjay tour is coming here with the MOST amazing giveaway yet! Plus during the week I'll have an interview with Lauren Oliver about Delirium, a look at dystopian titles coming up in 2011 and 2012, more book reviews and giveaways, a look at more obscure dystopian titles, and my dystopian reader panel tells us what they'd miss if they were living in a dystopia.

Dystopian News

First of all, PLEASE don't go to GoodReads if you want to avoid Mockingjay spoilers.  I learned the hard way...and so did Carla.

Suzanne Collins answers 5 questions over at Scholastic.

Mrs. DeRaps has a round-up of some cool Mockingjay posts around the blogosphere

Amanda at the Zen Leaf is preparing for Mockingjay. I am in complete agreement on her reading of the Gale vs Peeta debate.

Sarah Enni talks about the (casting) Katniss problem.  I love the idea of Tania Raymonde (Alex from LOST) playing her.

How to create a dystopia over at The Spectacle.

Also at The Spectacle, Beth Revis discusses dystopias.


  1. Thanks for the warning about Goodreads, I would have been super pissed if I accidentally came across some spoilers. Can't wait for your Mockingjay tour stop tomorrow!! :D

  2. Sara - The spoilers I read were very minor, but Carla ran into some MAJOR spoilers.

  3. I also read Matched and The Unidentified this week. It was a great week for dystopian lit fans BUT next week will be even better!

    Thanks for all of the links and contests and I am going to avoid Goodreads at all costs!

    (Thanks for posting my link, too!)

  4. I actually was on Goodreads a couple days ago and scrolled through the page for Mockingjay. There was one person who wrote a super long review of Mockingjay with plot spoilers (I have no idea how she got her hands on a copy), but luckily she put a spoiler notice at the top so I was able to skip it.

    It still really annoys me, though, when so many people are looking forward to reading Mockingjay and one stupid and inconsiderate person can just ruin it for everyone.

  5. Interesting casting thoughts for The Hunger Games. I tend to agree with her thoughts that I'd prefer someone who fits the physical and emotional attributes of Katniss instead of some blongde waspy girl who's a big star.


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