Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Favorite Reads of 2010

You'll have to wait until closer to the end of the year to see ALL of my favorites (hey, I still have time to read - what if one of those books is on my favorites list?), but you can see my 2010 favorites of the dystopian genre over at my guest post on The Book Smugglers.

I also tell you which dystopians I am most looking forward to in 2011.

A special bonus?  A hilarious picture of my kitteh Emmy!  You know you want to look....


  1. Well darn, I haven't read a single one of your favorites.

  2. I haven't read any either, BUT I do have the first installment of the Walking Chaos Trilogy on my shelves, and will most definitely be read in 2011. And I'm going to echo your excitement over the new Lauren Oliver book. I signed up for the ARC, and am praying I get it!

  3. Kathy - those are just my dystopian faves. my other lists are coming soon!

  4. What a great post! I am head over heels for Monsters of Men; seriously, I can't stop talking about it. And I've been itching to read The Unidentified!!

  5. Sadly, I haven't read any of your faves either, although I've wanted to read Inside Out since I first read your review of it. I also really want to read Wither!

  6. I clicked on Emmy's picture and it came up really big on my screen. I almost jumped back when I saw her eyes - they're so blue! As much of them as you can see, anyway.

  7. looking forward to your other lists, always a good way to find new books. :)

  8. I haven't read any of these but there were a few that I for sure want to get to!! Love your kitty!


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