Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Return of Cat Tuesday (10)

Brrrr! It's cold and snowy here:

Kittehs have no trouble finding warm hide-outs.  Does this count as a kitteh pile even though Kaia and Lu (on top) are not actually touching Emmy (inside)?


  1. omg your kitties kill me with cuteness! my little man, jasper, fell off the balcony last night and was so embarrassed that he hid all night...even when stella went and tried to comfort him haha ;)

  2. Lol, kitty paw prints in the snow, how cute :D

  3. How cute! Love the snow kitty prints... *swoon*

  4. Yes it counts!! I so love the snow paw prints!!

  5. Poor cold little kitteh paws! I think this probably counts as a pile. I'd take it anyday. Actually I caught two of my little rottens sleeping on the same bed about a foot away from each other...that is a pile in my house.

  6. Those are Lu's prints. He was out there for approximately .127 seconds!! Enough to make his mark anyway...

  7. Too cute. I love the paw prints in the snow. :))

  8. I'm guessing they're not enjoying the balcony these days.

  9. The few times we have had snow my four don't like to go out in it. They try to walk without getting wet and shake their paws trying to get the snow off. So funny to watch.

  10. Oh, I love the paw prints! How adorable!

  11. awww, what a cute little paw print.

  12. Sorry my comment is off-cat, but I wanted to alert people that in today’s HuffPo, Al Franken has an alarming article on how the U.S. FCC is now making rulings that threaten net neutrality for getting sites like this one on mobile broadband devices. The FCC is also not banning the “paid prioritization” that could let corporate blogs buy the fast lane, putting our sites in the slow.

    The outcry from independent websites was crucial yesterday in improving the FCC ruling. But we need to stay alert and inform each other as new threats come up. We need a community of Paul Revere web bloggers.

  13. Love the kitty prints! And yes, that totally counts as a kitty pile!

  14. Those kitty prints look like the beginning of a stalking situation. Very vicious I'm sure, LOL

  15. Those paw prints are so perfect!


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