Thursday, March 3, 2011

Book Review: Shadow Tag by Louise Erdrich

Irene finds out that her possessive husband Gil is reading her diary. She decides to start a “true” diary and uses the “fake” diary to manipulate him. See, Irene has decided that she wants to leave Gil, but Gil insists he’ll never let her go, at least not with their three children. What follows is a family descent into some very dark places…

I’ve been hearing that I should read Erdrich for years (and in fact, have two of her other books unread on my shelves) and I was so incredibly impressed by this novel, I am wondering why I waited so long.

Erdrich gets to the emotional truth of her scenes - of the dysfunctional marriage that is also an artist/muse relationship. Neither character is particularly likeable, and all signs point to a tragic ending, but I was riveted. For me, this was one of those rare treasures, a deep literary fiction novel that is also a page turner.

I read this as part of a TLC tour.  Check out the other stops!


  1. Also one of our most admired Native American writers....

  2. The premise of this book fascinates me so I'm glad to see you loved it.

  3. This book seems to have a number of reviewers pulled into it - I'm going to have to check this out!

  4. I did like this book but I have to admit the dysfunction of their family life disturbed me. I read this weeks ago and it's still fresh in my mind.

  5. I read this one for the tour as well. I had such a hard time with the relationship- I walked away not liking it, the writing was excellent, I just couldnt past the flag in the rear-end...:(

  6. I'm so on the fence with this author. I've read other books by her and really didn't enjoy my experience. I may be willing to try this one someday.

  7. Dang! I guess I should read Eldrich as well. I've heard this book is really close to her heart, so I'd love to read it.

    Great review! Glad you were on this tour. :)

  8. I really need to read Erdrich myself!

  9. I haven't read Erdrich yet either. I like the two-diary premise. What an interesting way to manipulate someone.

  10. This is a book I am totally bent on reading, and I have read some wonderful reviews of it all over the place. It makes me glad to know that it kept you riveted. I am going to be getting this one soon!

  11. I have loved Erdrich from her very first books (including Jacklight, her book of poems). I will now have to check this one out as well. Thanks for the great words about it (and still so excited about all that is happening for you!)

  12. I haven't heard of this book before, but it sounds good :)

  13. For all of you who are saying, "I need to read some Erdrich," let me encourage you to do so ASAP. I took a course on her work in college and had to read every novel that she had published up until that point -- every one of them was stunning, and none of them were the same. I am eager to check this one out myself...

  14. Lots of good reviews of this one. I've decided it's a shame I haven't read Erdrich!

  15. They should def. get a divorce. :) Sounds like a very interesting book! A book while reading it I will be screaming to the men to get a life. I think! ;)

  16. I have to say, I'm a huge Erdrich fan. I can't wait to get my hands on this one. I have heard a lot of great things about the book. And I heard her talk about the book on NPR and it sounds like the book was inspired by some of her own real life experiences.

  17. Wow, great review! I have had this book to review forever, I should get to it soon. Thanks for the push!

  18. I love Erdrich. I have read several of her books in various classes and just love her writing. I can't wait to get my hands on this one.


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