Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dystopian February Wrap-up...

...will be coming on Sunday - including prize winners.  Stay tuned!


  1. I'll be very sad.

    I have loved Dystopian Feb.

    I'm not sure why I enjoy rading about a dystopia.

    I've posted some reviews at my blog here:

  2. Can't believe it's over...I didn't read nearly as much as I had hoped for. Well, I'll just have to wait for August, I guess!

  3. I didn't read as much as I wanted either. I liked having the excuse to focus on dystopian books.

  4. I'm going to add my own sentiments that I didn't really have a chance to read as much dystopian as I would have liked, since February turned out to be an unexpectedly busy month. But I'm hoping that you will host another Dystopian reading month... perhaps even a little bit sooner than August. :-)


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