Saturday, March 12, 2011

Book Review: Wake Unto Me by Lisa Cach

Caityln has always felt out of place in her Podunk American town so when she’s offered a place at a boarding school in France, she has no problem whatsoever leaving her life behind. Once there, Caitlyn falls in love with a ghost, Raphael, who was killed centuries ago. Oh and she also has to solve the mystery of who she really is…

Ok, so…there are many aspects of this novel that require a serious ability to suspend disbelief – but if you are able to do that, then you’ll have fun with the clever twists and turns of this sweet paranormal romance.

There’s quite a bit of historical intrigue woven in. In fact, it reminded me a bit of THE DA VINCI CODE in that they had to decipher clues that lead to more clues. Wash, rinse, repeat.

WAKE UNTO ME comes out March 31, 2011. Find out more about it at the author’s website. (NOTE: Lisa also writes Erotica, so some website content may not be something you want to access at work or in front of children).


  1. Great review =] haven't heard much about this book so I't nice too see a review on it.
    Looking forward to read this one.


  2. I'm not so sure this one is for me, to be honest. I've seen some mixed reviews for it and, frankly, I'm really looking for something different in the YA genre, you know? Great review though!

  3. I am nothing if not good at suspending disbelief.

  4. I liked the sounds of this one but wish they would do a better cover!! Now I would've jumped at the chance to study in France!!

  5. I think I could totally suspend the sense of disbelief for this one. It sounds really interesting, but the comparison to The Da Vinci Code has me a little out of sorts!

  6. I'm kinda agreeing with melissa here, i'm on the fence a little, because whilst that is a majorly fine cover and premise, paranormal has to really REALLY work hard to make me show any kind of interest and i don't think we'd hit it off.

  7. Hmmm... the whole suspending disbelief thing kind of throws me off. I mean, it's true that with pretty much all of paranormal romance, we must be able to do this to some degree. But the book has to have some seriously distinguishable and redeeming qualities as well, to compensate for the lack of "real life" stuff. Does that make sense? After a re-read of my comment, it doesn't.

    Oh well, I know what I'm trying to say :) At any rate, this does have a pretty cover!

  8. So far, I've read some good reviews on this, so I am going to keep it in my radar! :)


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