Monday, March 14, 2011

Book Review and Giveaway: Lost & Found by Shaun Tan

It's no secret I am a fan of Shaun Tan's artwork in THE ARRIVAL and TALES FROM OUTER SUBURBIA, so when I found out that Scholastic was coming out with an omnibus editions of three of his early works, I knew I had to have it.

All three included works are wonderfully bizzare.  THE LOST THING, for which Shaun Tan just won an animation Oscar (I've met an Oscar winner!), was my favorite.  I liked the simple language of the narrator and his concern for the lost thing.  It's very touching!  I also really enjoyed the haunting quality of THE RED TREE and the social awareness of THE RABBITS.

Here's a spread:

Check out Shaun Tan's website.  Watch the trailer for THE LOST THING.

I have 2 copies of the book to give away today.  US only.  Fill out this form and good luck!


  1. I love Shaun Tan! I haven't read this one yet, though. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. My library doesn't have this yet! Pick me, PICK ME! *dancing around like a nut and waving my arms*

  3. Shaun Tan is such an increadible artist. I have to get a copy of this to put with my copy of The Arrival. :)

  4. I loved this book too. I thought it was much deeper than the intended middle grade audience.

  5. I love Shaun Tan! Saw this film at the IFC as part of their Oscar coverage, it was excellent.

  6. I LOVED The Arrival and would love to win a copy of this book...thanks for the giveaway :)

  7. i just saw the short animated film, the lost thing, and loved it! such great colors and characters. the book looks just as fantastic!

  8. I have heard great things about Tan's books and would love to read this. I really need to seek out the short film as well.

  9. I've seen this around before. It looks really cute! Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  10. Sounds awesome! I've had Tan on my wish list for quite awhile now, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  11. Cool! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  12. I adore Shaun Tan's work. It's the perfect mixture of weird and wonderful. While I was at the library I recently stumbled on another of his I didn't know existed. And this makes me all kinds of excited. I cannot tell you how much I want this book.

  13. I've got a copy of this book coming my way! I really enjoy Tan- I LOVED The Arrival so much, and I'm so looking forward to this book. I also really hope I find a way to watch the movie!

  14. Hi Lenore, I've just found your Blog space via Daniel's FB post. We all LOVE and ADORE Shaun Tan's work in our house. We have all of them in our book case, and we are always eagerly awaiting the next beauty ,,,,lovely to read your posts and reviews, and well done on your exciting announcement! It seems a very long time ago when Florian, yourself and Daniel took me sightseeing around Wiesbaden. Great to find you here, and hope all is well with you and yours, cheers, Ros ( from Dunedin, NZ )


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