Thursday, June 23, 2011

Argentina Recap 1: Iguazu Falls

The definite highlight of our recent trip to Argentina was visiting Iguazu Falls, one of the biggest waterfalls in the world (actually a conglomeration of 275 smaller waterfalls).  Our first stop was the U-shaped Devil's Throat section - where about half the water of the Iguazu river tumbles off a 82 m high cliff.  It's very wet! Here you can see Daniel's back as he views the massive flow.

A pic of both of us at Devil's Throat.

A view of Devil's Throat from afar.

A view of the rest of the falls from the vantage point of the lower trail.

Posing at the lower falls.

View from atop the falls.

We didn't go on a helicopter tour like we did at Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe (view my recap) because they don't offer them on the Argentine side of the falls and I didn't have a visa to go to the Brazilian side.  So we never got a true panoramic view.  But the area was so lush and lovely.  Truly a world wonder!


  1. Those photos are gorgeous! I am so jealous!

  2. LOVELY photos! Thanks for sharing. You are just intensifying that travel bug in me even more! lol

  3. Gorgeous! I really want to go to Argentina someday. These pictures just reinforced my desire to go there.

  4. Oh my, these pictures are fantastic! I would love to visit here and see this for myself one day! Thanks for sharing them!

  5. How beautiful! A friend of mine actually went to Iguazu Falls last fall; we were in awe of her shots. Makes Niagara look like nothing, huh?

  6. A highlight of your trip, yes? Thanks for sharing the pics!

  7. SO BEAUTIFUL! I've never visited any sort of falls before, that looks amazing!

  8. This looks like one of the most beautiful places on Earth. I could do without the wet but on the whole it looks fantastic.


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