Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Book Review and Giveaway: Forgotten by Cat Patrick

London has a strange affliction - all her memories come from her future instead of her past.  So when she meets Luke and has no memory of him, she sadly surmises that he's not part of her future.  However, day after day, she meets Luke "for the first time" again.  So why can't she remember him?

FORGOTTEN has a great premise but it is one that is extremely tricky to pull off. Author Patrick does an admirable job of it, though the mechanics of London's affliction are somewhat hazy (especially as they relate to Luke).  Memories are so important to our understanding of who we are, and it made sense that London would be more confident than a typical teen because she remembers her future self.  Because of this confidence, her relationships with her friends and mother were both refreshingly free of unnecessary angst, though London came off as pretty manipulative at times (for example, in the situation involving her best friend). London's sweet romance with Luke was a highlight here - I love good guys in YA.

FORGOTTEN is available in hardcover now.  Find out more about it at the book website and watch two of London's video diaries here!

Thanks to Big Honcho Media, I have two copies of FORGOTTEN to give away.  If you live in the US and would like a copy, fill out this form by August 2nd.


  1. I have been reading a lot about this book, and am glad to hear you say that the angst stays at a minimum. It sounds like something that I would really like, so I am off to see how soon I can grab a copy. Thanks for the great review, Lenore.

  2. I just saw this in the bookstore the other day and I was surprised that I hadn't heard of it as looks really great! Glad to see that you enjoyed it! I'm also a sucker for the good guys in YA too...not enough of them!

  3. Great review! I just bought this not too long ago, and am really looking forward to reading it! :)

  4. Thanks so much for the review and giveaway!

  5. Awesome! Thanks for the review. Looking forward to picking this one up.

  6. I loved this book. Thought the mystery was well done. Some of how the memory stuff played into her life at school seemed a bit implausible to me but on the whole the plot was great.


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