Thursday, September 29, 2011

Book Club Report: Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan

This was a special "travel" edition book club for me! I knew I was going to be in DC last weekend, so my DC buddies and fellow bloggers Michelle, Swapna and Jennifer met at Michelle's to discuss GLOW.

Short Summary: Even though she's only 15, Waverly figures she'll marry Kieran - sooner rather than later. See, they're on one of two spaceships traveling towards a new home planet and children are an essential part of the mission. But when the other spaceship makes contact after years apart, Waverly learns some shocking secrets and hard truths about the crews.  Who can she trust? Who can anyone trust?

The Group's Verdict: We all enjoyed this one.  It was fun both to read and discuss, and its themes reminded me a lot of the Battlestar Galactica reboot. Waverly's chapters were more creepy and extreme, and what she goes through in book 1 is certainly going to affect her actions going forward into the sequel. We really liked that there were no clear cut heroes and villains in the story, and even the reader never knows who to trust. It has a dystopian vibe to it, definitely, though it's more of a sci-fi thriller than anything.  I'll be interested to see where the next books take us.


  1. Sounds interesting, maybe I'll give it a try.

  2. Ok, you totally had me at the mention of Battlestar Galactica, which I feel was one of the best shows on television. I hadn't ever heard of this book before, but now you've got me hungering to read it. It sounds excellent! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  3. That book club sounds like so much fun! I'm not sure the book is for me, but I would have read just to hang out with y'all!

  4. I definitely got the creepy pervy vibe from the early pages of the book. But as it went on I really enjoyed how the role of faith/religion played a role. The end, yea that opened the door wide open for the next book. So many great characters too, several that I can't tell if they will fall on one side or the other. Fantastic.

  5. I really enjoyed this one -- loved the space ships and the battle and the reason the one ship attacked the other. I can't wait to see what happens next!

  6. The Twitter discussions about this sounded SO interesting, I downloaded the e-book version this week. Now, I need to get to it sooner rather than later!

    I would love the chance to be part of your book club!! You guys have so much fun!


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