Friday, September 30, 2011

Book Review: Past Perfect by Leila Sales

Chelsea has worked at Essex Historical Colonial Village for pretty much her whole life, so when she finds out that ex-boyfriend Ezra is working there this summer too, she feels like her turf is being invaded.  Which it is – by the Colonials’ rivals across the street – Civil War re-enactors in the annual war between the two.  When Chelsea finds herself falling for the enemy – and she knows it can never work because they are from different times – she realizes she has a lot to learn about love and loyalty.

PAST PERFECT is the perfect read if you’re looking for something quirky, clever and effortlessly funny.  But it’s not just the highly original premise and comedy that works so well here – it is also the depth of observation Author Leila Sales offers about relationships and how we tend to be ruthlessly revisionist in the creation of our own histories. 

PAST PERFECT comes out next Tuesday on Oct 4th.  Find out more about it at the author’s website


  1. You've piqued my interest - it's going on my wish list.

  2. I loved Past Perfect. It was a wonderful book to read.

  3. I enjoyed her first book (though not as much as others) so I'm looking forward to seeing how she handles the Colonial tourist trap!

  4. This one sounds like a nice feel-good novel. I'll be reading it for sure!

    Xpresso Reads

  5. Sounds like fun! One for my wishlist. :)

  6. I love the bit about the Civil War re-enactors, and have always found those groups of people to be very interesting. I can imagine that I would probably really like this book, especially if like you mention, there is a great deal of observation on the intricacies of relationships. I want to read this one!!

  7. Great review! I`m reading this for sure!

  8. I just finished it this weekend and thought it was so much fun!

  9. Really loved this book! I love it when authors can make history seem cool (I was a history major in college so you know, I just love history anyway!)

  10. I really liked this one and wanted to hand it my heartbroken teen self and say "get over that boy!" I think it's a perfect break-up book and the premise is hilarious!


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