Saturday, September 3, 2011

Or maybe not ...

So I had planned on reading and reviewing at least three more books this week (you should see my still-to-be-read dystopian pile - it's epic!) but ... it turns out I didn't have as much reading time as I had hoped.  I'm heading to the US next week and there's so much I need to accomplish beforehand.

BUT - you still have until the end of today to add your review links for a chance to win one of the two big prize packs.  And there's still a bunch of open contests to enter last minute.

I'll be back tomorrow with the wrap-up.  I'm sad to see Dystopian August end, how about you?


  1. Zombies everywhere will shed acid tears :(

  2. I can understand your running out of time -- safe travels!

  3. I am sad to see it go, but perhaps you will consider maybe doing another dystopian month sometime soon. I would be very eager to see that! Have fun on your trip, Lenore!

  4. So sad its over :(. It has been a lot of fun, thanks for all the reviews and great giveaways, etc! I look forward to February when hopefully you will be doing it again!

  5. I'm sad to see it end too, and I was only able to read two dystopian books this month. But I've added a ton to my TBR thanks to your posts.
    Have a great trip & thanks for another awesome dystopian month!

  6. Maybe you could do it again sometime. I have a feeling there will always be more than enough dystopians on the market.

    Viel spaß in Amerika :-)

  7. I really love your dystopian celebrations and look forward to your dystopian February (hoping you can do it)!


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