Monday, February 6, 2012

Book Review: Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

Warning: Major spoilers for DELIRIUM ahead, so if you haven't read it yet, see my review of DELIRIUM instead.

Like DELIRIUM, PANDEMONIUM caught me up in its spell immediately.  I really didn't know what to expect from this second book in the series after that killer ending, but I was ready to hop down the rabbit hole.

There are two alternating timelines. In the NOW, Lena is a covert operative in the resistance, charged with spying on the son of a prominent pro-surgery activist. This son, Julian, has a medical condition that could kill him if he gets the surgery - but he insists he'd rather die than be infected by love.  In the THEN, Lena crawls through the wilds trying to survive the loss of her great love Alex.  She meets up with some fellow off-the-griders and joins their group.

It's no secret to anyone who has read Oliver's books that she has a way with words.  This is writing that can make you believe in anything.  And I won't lie - at the end of DELIRIUM, I was hardcore Team Alex (not that there was another team), and didn't want to see Lena bond in any way with any other guy. But these words - they got under my skin. They challenged my preconceptions. They seduced me into seeing things differently - into accepting what the story gave me.  And I can't wait to see how Oliver wraps everything up in the third and final book.

Series order:

DELIRIUM – out now
PANDEMONIUM – coming February 28, 2012
REQUIEM – set for Spring 2013

Find out more about the series at the author’s website.

See index of dystopian reviews on Presenting Lenore  

FTC disclosure: This book was sent to me by the author


  1. Rhapsody Jill and I will both be reading this one soon, in time for its release. I absolutely LOVED Delirium. LOVED. The book made me feel like I was a teenager again. And who can argue with that?

  2. Omg I SO have to read Delirium!!!

  3. I'vve read DELIRIUM recently and I'm happy PANDEMONIUM is coming out soon - although I wish it came out sooner!

    Also, Lenore, I cannot thank you enough for Dystopian February. Each day is filled with such awesomeness now!

  4. Sandy is so excited about this one, and I am waiting until it comes out to read Delirium, which I just got a few months ago. I didn't read this review because I wanted to remain spoiler-free, but I will be back once I have read them both, Lenore!

  5. I agree with you- I love Alex, but even Pandemonium made me stray a little bit... but just a bit ;) I recently reread Delirium (after I read Pandemonium) and fell for Alex alllll over again. I just adore him. But I'm also very nervous for Requiem- I know it's going to be so much for emotionally painful than the first two!

    Brenna from Esther's Ever After

  6. I like how you say it challenged your preconceptions -- this was exactly my experience with this book! It got me all twisted and turned around and not quite sure of what I felt or wanted or believed by the end of the book. Insanely impressive!

  7. I need to get started with this trilogy. I'm being left behind.

  8. This is one of my most anticipated books for 2012. I was totally smitten with Alex in Delirium, the ending...ugh! Can't wait to read what has you "challenged your preconceptions." Definitely intrigued!

  9. Omg i want this book now! I read Delirium thanks to NetGalley but it's not published in my country so I probably won't read Pandemonium in a millon years! Lucky me :/


  10. I haven't read either of the books but I have read some good reviews of Delirium and have put it on my wishlist.

    The follow up sounds equally as good.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  11. Loved Delerium...and can't wait to read #2. Thanks for peaking my interest!

  12. I am almost finished with Delirum and I am glad that I waited to read it because now I can read Pandemonium right away. Thanks for the review!

    the imagine tree at aol dot com

  13. I've had this pre-ordered for a while and wish there was a way to put a rush on it! You are right, Oliver has a way with words as I loved both Before I Fall and Delirium and bought Liesl and Po just because it has her name on it. Looking forward to reading more from her!

  14. Delirium was not amazing like the way I thought it would be but I can't wait to read this sequel anyway.

  15. I just read Hana....and my excitement for this book is out of this world. My own delirium in the wait for this book is killing me!

  16. Delirium was my favorite read from 2011. I have to admit that I was afraid to read your post because I don't like to spoil my read of Pandemomium...seriously. I just know that it would be perfect, sigh, I can't wait for the release, just days are left.
    Best wishes


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