Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dystopian February Week 1 Recap

Short week to start us off, but a recap all the same!

This week in reviews (click on book's name to read review):

NOTE: In a policy change, I'm giving each book I review a merit badge in one of the following categories: World-building, Action, Romance, Twisty Reads, and Great Writing (see the merit badges here - they are ADORBS! and read more about the philosophy behind the merit badges here) so if you know you prefer world-building books over all else, you'll know which titles to look out for.

DARK INSIDE by Jeyn Roberts (Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for Action)

ARTICLE 5 by Kristen Simmons (Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for World-Building)

This week in author interviews:

Steven dos Santos previews THE TORCH KEEPER (Flux/Early 2013)

Kristen Simmons talks about ARTICLE 5 for Apocalypsies Love!

This week in other posts:

Dystopians out now that I reviewed last August

This week in still open giveaways:

Win one of two hardcover copies of Marie Lu's LEGEND

Win one of two hardcover copies of Megan Crewe's THE WAY WE FALL

Win one of two hardcover copies of Kristen Simmons' ARTICLE 5 (international)

Win a prize pack of 8 HarperCollins books (international)

This week in news and links:

Take this Facebook quiz to see if you'd survive UNDER THE NEVER SKY (I survived!)

Megan at Po(sey) Sessions discusses using dystopia as an umbrella term

The Guilded Earlobe discusses favorite adult dystopians and definition of dystopia

Fragment of Life presents their recap of their Dystopian Domination Event (lots of excellent content)

Coming up next week:

It's sequels week! I have reviews of DELIRIUM, FEVER, A MILLION SUNS and a joint discussion of THUMPED with Michelle of Galleysmith.  Also - more preview interviews & some really awesome prize packs from Simon & Schuster.


  1. Just did the quiz, apparently I won't survive xD

  2. The quiz is super hard I hear! It helps to have read the book already.

  3. You are off to a good start! I look forward to next week... :)


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