Friday, February 17, 2012

Commenter Giveaway: Macmillan Prize Pack (International)

Thus far on Dystopian February, I reviewed 11 books, posted a bunch of book preview interviews and Apocalypsies Love! interviews and offered a ton of giveaways.  I hope you've enjoyed the programming so far. Sometimes it's hard to gauge reaction when visitors don't leave many comments, so I've decided to offer this commenter giveaway to encourage you to visit my Dystopian Feb posts so far and share your thoughts.

All you have to do to enter is leave one comment on any of my Dystopian Feb posts this month (already posted or upcoming) and then link to the post you commented on via this entry form. Deadline is Feb 29, 2012 at 11:59 pm CST. And the giveaway is international!

Do that and you could win this fab prize pack donated by Macmillan (click on book title to get more info):

Nomansland by Lesley Hauge (paperback) (read my review)
Enclave by Ann Aguirre (hardcover)  (read my review)
Birthmarked by Caragh O'Brien (paperback)  (read my review)

Additionally, a runner up will win a paperback of The Green Book and an ARC of After the Snow.  And even better - this giveaway is open internationally - so enjoy browsing #dystopianfeb and get commenting!

Here are links to posts that might interest you, for your convenience:

Review/Discussion Post + Giveaway: Pure by Juliann...
Author Interview: Melissa West previews Gravity
Review and Apoc Love Interview: Above by Leah Bobet...
Author Interview: Kat Zhang previews What's Left of Me
Book Review, UK Giveaway & Apoc Love Interview: The Other Life by Suzanne Winnacker...
Author Interview: SJ Kincaid previews Insignia
Book Review, Giveaway & Apoc Love Interview: Starters by Lissa Price...
Book Review & Giveaway: The Girl Who Was On Fire (...
Book Review and Giveaway: A Million Suns by Beth Revis...
Giveaway: Simon & Schuster Dystopian Prize Packs
Joint Book Review Discussion: Thumped by Megan McCafferty...
Author Interview: Rachel Cohn previews Beta
Book Review: Fever by Lauren DeStefano
Author Interview: Mindy McGinnis previews Not a Drop to Drink...
Book Review: Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
Author Interview: Steven dos Santos previews The Torch Keeper...
Book Review, International Giveaway & Apoc Love Interview: Article 5 by Kristen Simmons...
Joint Book Review Discussion: Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts ...
Dystopian Books Out Now (Featured in August) ...
Dystopian February 2012 Kick-off + HarperCollins Prize Pack...


  1. There's no way I can express how AWESOME Destopian February is! It's like Christmas but better, because they last for a full month! Well, almost full, since it's February. But hey, it's 29 days this year. :D

  2. Awesome giveaway. And I've loved all the dystopian reviews and interviews this month. Thanks for featuring them.

  3. I live, eat and breathe dystopian lol, it has become my absolute favorite genre!!! Haven't read any of the books pictures above, but they all look soooooooooo good, and I want to read them ALL hehehe ;D

  4. Thank you for this international giveaway! :D

  5. FYI: I have been loving Dystopian February! And the giveaway above? AMAZING. Enclave, Prized, and Birthmarked are all fantastic. Thanks for the chance to win ;)

  6. OH MY GOSH The Green Book is being republished!!!! That makes me so happy! Best sci fi book for eight-ten year olds ever!!!!

    the other books look good to. And I've been enjoying the month, even though (since I'm reading mostly at work) I can't comment much. Oh for the utopian good old days, when breaks could be spent blog reading....

  7. I'm a high school librarian and I am always talking up dystopian books with the students. The other librarians laugh at me because my obvious favorites are dystopian and fantasy, and I'm always trying to persuade students to check out those types of books. What I love as a librarian is that dystopian books are appealing to both males and females. Thanks for the giveaway, I'd love to win these books!

  8. Obviously, I want all of the things, but I'm most desperate for Birthmarked and Prized. I've already read them and they're pretty high on my 'why on earth don't I own this yet?' list.

  9. I must have spent most of the month in a hole. I didn't realize it's "Dystopian February". Fun! My niece just chewed me out for not having yet read the Hunger Games and I do love Dystopian books, so I'm thinking I need to plunk our copy beside the bed.

  10. Thank you for the amazing giveaway! I love dystopian books and it is fantastic to see so much love for dystopian books!

  11. Thanks so much for the amazing giveaway! I'm a huge fan of Dystopian and love reading reviews/interviews for them!!!

  12. All of the Dystopian February posts have great. I really like dystopian, but I'd run out of book ideas and now I have tons.

  13. I love dystopian, it is amazing that you are doing a whole month devoted to it! I am enjoying reading all the posts!

  14. You piqued my interest in 'THE WAY WE FALL' by Megan Crewe which I had never heard of.

  15. Dystopian is definitely one of the best!!! It just completely sucks me in.

  16. What a great interview with Heather. :) We share an agent and I can't wait to read GLITCH. (And would love to win the giveaway, almost as much.)

  17. What a beautiful giveaway!!! Thank you very much!


I would love it if you leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on my post. Due to some overwhelming spamming of late, I have enabled comment moderation on posts older than 3 days, but I will do my best to quickly publish your comment on these older posts. Your comments will continue to appear immediately on my current posts.