Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dystopian Books Out Now (Featured in August) + Giveaways of The Way We Fall and Legend

Part of the fun of my dystopian months is getting to read and review new dystopian lit months ahead of time. I thought a little reminder post was in order...because now you can actually buy these books or borrow them from the library!

SCORED by Lauren McLaughlin Oct 2011

Imani knows the only way for her to be able to afford college is to keep her score above the scholarship line of 90.  But is the score really the best thing for Imani and society as a whole? Or is it just a way for ScoreCorp to rule with an iron fist?

What I said then:
"Privacy is a big issue and Author McLaughlin explores it here in depth, showing us the effects freely opening up your life for public scrutiny has on a person, a peer group and a larger society."

LEGEND by Marie Lu Nov 2011

Day is the Republic’s most wanted criminal and June is the Republic’s most promising military cadet and charged with tracking him down. Day only stays in the city because he wants to protect his family. June is out to avenge her brother’s murder. When they meet, they uncover secrets and discover they might not be on opposing sides after all.

What I said then: 
"I was completely drawn into their two points of view, understood their motivations and rooted for them to succeed – which of course creates palpable tension and heart-stopping thrills. Day and June are dystopian fiction’s new power couple: Apart they are formidable opponents – but together, they are legend." 5 Zombie Chickens - Highly recommended

Want to read a copy?  Thanks to Penguin, I have two hardcover copies up for grabs. US and Canada only.  Fill out this form by Friday Feb 10th, 2012 at 11:59 CST for your chance to win!

THE PLEDGE by Kimberly Derting Nov 2011

In the violent country of Ludania, where merely looking at someone who speaks a different language than you can condemn you to the gallows, Charlie lives in fear of her neighbors discovering her unique ability to understand all languages. When she meets a boy who speaks a language she has never heard before, Charlie is swept up into centuries old intrigue and a forbidden romance.

What I said then:
"The prologue, featuring the most evil queen this side of Snow White, sets up the creepy atmosphere of Derting’s dystopian world perfectly."

CROSSED by Ally Condie Nov 2011

Sequel to MATCHED.  Assigned to a work camp, Cassia has only one thing on her mind: getting to the outer provinces to look for Ky. Meanwhile, Ky is trying his best to survive as a decoy villager at the edge of the Society’s reach, knowing he’ll probably never see Cassia again.

What I said then:
"CROSSED will most appeal to Team Ky fans (he even gets chapters from his point of view). Probably my favorite part was the setting. Deep canyons and landscape that reminded me of the James Franco movie 127 Hours (without the arm amputation)."

THE WAY WE FALL by Megan Crewe Jan 2012

When a deadly virus begins to sweep through sixteen-year-old Kaelyn’s community, the government quarantines her island—no one can leave, and no one can come back. Those still healthy must fight for dwindling supplies, or lose all chance of survival. As everything familiar comes crashing down, Kaelyn joins forces with a former rival and discovers a new love in the midst of heartbreak. When the virus starts to rob her of friends and family, she clings to the belief that there must be a way to save the people she holds dearest.  Because how will she go on if there isn't?

What I said then:
"Despite hitting some familiar beats of epidemic fiction (looting, violence, characters close to main character dying, dwindling supplies, etc), the narrative still manages to feel fresh."

Want to read a copy?  Thanks to Big Honcho Media, I have two hardcover copies of THE WAY WE FALL up for grabs. US and Canada only.  Fill out this form by Friday Feb 10th, 2012 at 11:59 CST for your chance to win!

INCARNATE by Jodi Meadows

In a world where all other inhabitants have been reincarnated over and over again for thousands of years, Ana is a new soul (or as her heartless mother Li likes to say, a “No soul”). Once she hits 18, she sets out for Heart to find answers about the origins of her existence.

What I said then:
"The world building is inventive and made my imagination run wild. I can’t wait to see what Meadows has in store for the rest of the trilogy!"

Are any of these on your to-read list?


  1. Thanks for the giveaway! I'm looking forward to reading The Way We Fall :)

  2. Awesome reviews and giveaway! I'll defenitely read some of these books:)

  3. All of these but Scored are actually on my to-read shelf. I'm really excited for The Way We Fall and Incarnate! Thanks for the giveaways =)

  4. These sound good! I have seen a lot of buzz for The Way We Fall lately. I just finished Scored today and I am working on my review as we speak! Love the dystopias!

  5. I've read half of them, but look forward to all dystopias!

  6. It is probably sad that I haven't read any of these...

  7. Really need to get to the library asap, The Pledge sounds amazing.

  8. Just added four new books to my goodreads list. Thanks for the reviews!

    <3 Gina Blechman

  9. Joanne! You're back!!

    That's what we like to hear, Gina :)

  10. I really want to read The Pledge, and am going to be looking to grab a copy as soon as I can. I also already have a copy of Legend, and will have to make some time for that one. This is a great roundup, Lenore!

  11. Is it sad that I still haven't gotten around to reading any of these? Legend is supposed to be on its way, but I can't read Crossed until I've read Matched...

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. I absolutely fell in love with Incarnate and The Pledge. They had been on my TBR list since I heard about, but they really surprised me. Crossed was amazing, too. The environment/canyons were almost a character of its own.

  13. I haven't had a chance to read any of these, but I love dystopian so I'm looking forward to them.

  14. They're all on my TBR list except Scored but I will be adding it now.

  15. All those book are on my wishlist. I can't wait to read Crossed because I really liked Matched and that Incarnate cover is stunning!

  16. I've been wanting to read Scored since Scott Westerfeld blurbed it. If he's talking about it, then you know it's worth reading.


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