Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dystopian February Week 2 Recap

Need to catch-up on your Dystopian February reading?  Here are all links to all my posts this week for your convenience.

This week in reviews (click on book's name to read review):

NOTE: In a policy change, I'm giving each book I review a merit badge in one of the following categories: World-building, Action, Romance, Twisty Reads, and Great Writing (see the merit badges here - they are ADORBS! and read more about the philosophy behind the merit badges here) so if you know you prefer world-building books over all else, you'll know which titles to look out for.

PANDEMONIUM by Lauren Oliver (Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for Writing)

FEVER by Lauren DeStefano (Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for Writing)

THUMPED by Megan McCafferty (Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for World-Building)

A MILLION SUNS by Beth Revis (Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for Twists)


This week in author interviews:

Mindy McGinnis previews NOT A DROP TO DRINK (HarperCollins Fall 2013)

Rachel Cohn previews BETA (Disney Hyperion Oct 2012)

This week in still open giveaways:


THE GIRL WHO WAS ON FIRE giveaway (International)

Win a prize pack of HarperCollins books (International)

This week in winners:

2 winners of THE WAY WE FALL
#15 Andrea H. from FL
#46 Amy S. from NC

2 winners of LEGEND
#16 Kara M from SC
#39 Brooke A from IL

2 winners of ARTICLE 5
#3 Ester R from Spain
#104 Jennifer Q from NY

This week in news:

Becky reviews ALL GOOD CHILDREN by Catherine Austen (Orca)

Tabitha Olsen reviews PARTIALS by Dan Wells (HarperCollins)

Julianna Baggott reveals her PURE playlist at Good Books, Good Wine

Megan at Po(sey) Sessions talks about Dystopian World-building

Adventures in YA Publishing gives writing lessons from THE HUNGER GAMES (Stakes and Characterization) 

Dark Faerie Tales offers a 2012 Dystopian reading challenge

Coming up next week:

It's debuts week! I'll be reviewing STARTERS, THE OTHER LIFE, ABOVE, and GLITCH (complete with Apocalypsies Love! interviews with the authors).  I also have a joint discussion of PURE with Michelle of Galleysmith. There will be more preview interviews & a big prize pack from Macmillan.


  1. It was an exciting week! thanks for the fun!

  2. What a great week it was! Very interesting reads. :) x


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