Friday, March 21, 2014

Series Review: Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

UNDER THE NEVER SKY is one of my favorite recent series starts (see my review). I bought THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT when it came out, but I waited to read it until INTO THE STILL BLUE was in my hands. This turned out to be an excellent idea because I didn't forget half the details between books. I need to do more of this back-to-back series reading!

Whereas UTNS focused on the opposites-attract romance between Aria and Perry, the following books detail the problems they have trying to stay together. It's an understatement to say that Perry's tribe doesn't approve of Aria or trust her and this causes a lot of the tension. Of course there's still the aether to deal with and the fact that everyone will die if they don't get to the still blue.

In TTEN, Aria and Roar go on a journey to try to figure out the location of the still blue, and then in ITSB, the goal is to get all the pieces in place to move everyone there. While the plot is straightforward, Rossi excels at character twists, especially in regards to the secondary characters. They often start out seeming one note but gradually become more complex and have some surprises up their sleeves. It's an action-filled, character-driven ride to the end.

 Find out more about the series at the author's website.

See an index of all dystopian reviews on Presenting Lenore.

FTC disclosure: Bought TTEN and review copy from Edelweiss for ITSB.  

1 comment:

  1. I loved this series too. Wish I could have restrained myself like you and read the whole series together.


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