Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spring Reads

I'm currently reading THE GLASS CASKET by McCormick Templeman (creepy fairytale time) and DON'T LOOK NOW by Michelle Gagnon (sequel to the impressive action thriller DON'T TURN AROUND).

This spring I hope to get to all the books on this Goodreads bookshelf: Next Up. Let's see how I do!


  1. You have some fabulous books on your spring reads list. I loved The Glass Casket and I can't wait to read Dissonance and Nearly Gone!

  2. Ohh, I have not read any of these. But I do have a few on my to-read list as well :D I hope you will get to read them all. <3 and that you enjoy them :)

  3. Love your list. I loved Salvage and A Snicker of Magic. I really want to read Nearly Gone and My Last Kiss.

  4. Oh, I need to read THE GLASS CASKET for Fairy Tale Fortnight next month. Can't wait!! And I am so excited to read NOGGIN and SHE IS NOT INVISIBLE soon! Oh, I have MY LAST KISS to read, too. I haven't heard of A SNICKER OF MAGIC, but that cover is ADORABLE!

  5. Oh, lots I want to read!

    (I can tell you that Inheritance is great.)

  6. I would love to read This Side of Salvation as well. It looks great. And I was randomly sent Noggin...it seems interesting!



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