I reviewed this last July and you can read my review here.
Or here's the summary:
All her life Ellie Enderlin had been known as Lila’s sister. Until one day, without warning, the shape of their family changed forever. Twenty years ago, Lila, a top math student at Stanford, was murdered in a crime that was never solved. In the aftermath of her sister’s death, Ellie entrusted her most intimate feelings to a man who turned the story into a bestselling true crime book—a book that both devastated her family and identified one of Lila’s professors as the killer.
Decades later, Ellie is given a notebook that Lila carried everywhere, a piece of evidence not found with her body. She explores the mysteries of Lila’s notebook, filled with mathematical equations, and begin a search that has been waiting for her all these years. It will lead her to a hundred-year-old mathematical puzzle, to a lover no one knew Lila had, to the motives and fate of the man who profited from their family’s anguish—and to the deepest secrets even sisters keep from each other. As she connects with people whose lives unknowingly swirled around her own, Ellie will confront a series of startling revelations—from the eloquent truths of numbers to confessions of love, pain and loss.
A novel about the stories and lies that strangers, lovers and families tell—and the secrets we keep even from ourselves—Michelle Richmond’s new novel is a work of astonishing depth and beauty, at once heartbreaking, provocative, and impossible to put down.
All you have to do to enter is answer one of the following questions in the comments by May 19th at 11:59 PM CST:
1. Ellie, the narrator of NO ONE YOU KNOW, is a coffee buyer, and the author happens to be a coffee addict. What's one thing you couldn't give up?
2. NO ONE YOU KNOW is a novel about sisters, but it's also about storytelling. What's one story that you and a sibling or parent remember very differently?
For a second entry (leave a separate comment) link to this contest on your blog (sidebar is ok) or a social networking site and tell me you've done so.
This contest is for the US and Canada only.
Neither of us could give up books or chocolate!
Beth & Nathan
I could never give up napping during the day. It feels so good and I need it.
Blogged: http://www.morbid-romantic.net/2009/04/28/book-giveaways-0427-0503/
Coffee !!!! Just ask my co-workers. :)
Those are two great questions! One thing I could never give up is reading! I couldn't answer the second question because my sister and I don't remember much of anything the same way. milou2ster(at)gmail.com
I could never give up my friends. Or, if that's too deep of an answer, I could never give up cookies&cream smidgens from GH.
I could never give up music!
I couldn't give up peanut butter!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
I'm pretty sure I'd have a very, very hard time living without Internet access and my computer. (Can't have one without the other! :)
actually my biggest vice is coffee followed by bargain shopping so it would have to be those thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net
Sounds like a good book! You have an award! come check out my blog!
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to give up travelling. There's no other thrill quite like it.
I could never give up chocolate. I keep trying, but it just won't stick.
Books! and Mountain Dew.
I can't give up on mangas. Definitely not.
I have also linked this to the sidebar of my blog: www.orientaldesires.blogspot.com
What's one thing you couldn't give up?
Orange juice! I need orange juice to function. It's the best drink ever.
I linked the contest in my sidebar:
My shower. Love. It.
I couldn't give up lip balm! My lips feel really dry and weird without it on. I have tons and tons of different kinds and flavors and I'd be lost without them! :) Thanks for entering me into this giveaway.
I couldn't give up Diet Coke!
I can't give up Dr. Pepper!
Posted contest on my sidebar:
I could not live without books (duh). But if that's too obvious without then a flushable toilet.
I linked this on my sidebar.
Ooops. Forgot to leave a separate comment for the sidebar thing.
Good luck everyone!
I couldn't give up books. No way, no how. Of course, you probably already knew that!
Sounds a very good book not so much an addict but I could give it up but it would be very hard my twice monthly movie and buttered popcorn. Thanks for the giveaway
sharr1226 at yahoo dot com
I don't think I can give up my lappy WITH internet connection. It makes me stay connecxted to everyone everytime!
I thought I would take choice 2 - Our family's house burnt down when I was 7 (sisters were 11 and 14) and of course we all remember where we were and why we were there differently. What they say caused it - when we all actually found out, etc. It is kind of fun to see what actually "sticks" in each of our minds.
kherbrand at comcast dot net
I couldn't give up chocolate. I have a little bit each day.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
I'm supposed to give up caffeine - I'm headache prone - but I am having a really hard time!
nnjmom at yahoo dot com
Chocolate, for sure is one thing I can't give up. Same with reading.
Reading, of course! ;D And knitting. Those are the only activities that keep me sane!
Thanks for the chance to win. :D
I cant give up the internet haha
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com
I couldn't give up books or tea. (Nor would I want to. )
Tea, wine, sushi, blogging... and not in that order.
I wouldn't give up my Starbucks lattes and Riccola mints
It's a toss up between the internet and taking an afternoon nap. When my computer crashed for a month it was interesting as I saw how really addicted I was to it. Count me in for a chance at this book. It really looks great!
espressogurl at hotmail dot com
Great contest. Good luck to everyone who enters : )
Great contest, as usual, Lenore!
I know you've probably been inundated, but there's an award waiting for you here!
I could never give up on books and Taiwanese Dramas!!
Wdebo :)
I added your contest to my sidebar!!
Wdebo :)
One thing I couldn't give up? Books. Or...chocolate, yeah.
Oops, I forgot to leave my email address. :)
poet.1234 [at] gmail [dot] com
I couldn't give up books OR popcorn!!
oops..my email is purplg8r@aol.com
I can't give up my diet pepsi!! The caffiene!
thanks for the giveaway!
No need to enter me; just posted on Win A Book.
I could never give up my computer!
I could not give up the...alphabet. I know we're all bookworms here, though, haha.
Also tweeted:
I have to say, I don't think I could give up coffee. I figure there are worse things I could be addicted to!
I would not give up my son's text messages.
There was an incident with dogs that frightened me to death. I wasn't laughing. Others were. The story is remembered differently.
(thank you for your earlier comment on my just letting it be itself for now hair)
I honestly could not give up chocolate/caffeine/and books!! I have this book in my pile to read but if I won an autographed copy that would be wayyyyy coooool!!!
One thing I could not give up would be my dogs. I love them and they make me happy. Please include me in your giveaway.
one thing I wouldn't be able to give up would be music, I am honestly addicted to it. :) I LOVE IT!
hmm..then there's books... hehe
I could never give up dark chocolate. My parents and I remember basically every time that I got in big trouble very differently. I remember my position as the victim while my parents remember me as reckless and irresponsible. Haha, I guess it depends who you ask.
If anyone asked what I couldn't do without I would think my computer but in reality, it's books. I've read all my life and can't imagine not.
I can't give up bingo..I love going and have been since I was a teenager. I go with my mother and it is "our" time
"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:
I couldn't give up books.
Love to have this. I cant give up books, cats, wine, chocolate, my finance...
Er...probably mangos...
I blogged about it.
ttt1612 AT yahoo DOT com
I couldn't give up my 2 springer spaniels - they make me smile everyday
msboatgal at aol.com
I'd have to say coffee too! Even when I get heart burn, I still can't live without it!
jgbeads AT gmail DOT com
I don't think I could give up sweets. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm going to have to go with chocolate!
Linked here: http://noraatnow.blogspot.com/
I could never give up my kittehs.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
Even though I'm allergic I couldn't give up owning cats - I've had anywhere from 1-3 ever since I was 5, and they are well worth the constantly stuffed nose!
It looks like a neat book. I'd have a really hard time giving up chocolate. A cliche, I know. But true!
I am a coffee addict as well. There is no way I can give it up. Thanks for the giveaway!
I couldn't give up my children! LOL! Ok, that wasn't exactly what the question was looking for. I couldn't give up reading or the Internet.
momof5boys at gmail dot com
I could never give up books or my cell phone!! thanks for the chance to win!!
Besides books, I could never give up chocolate!
I could never give up books!
I could never give up Diet Mtn. Dew!
Thanks so much for a great giveaway and good luck to everyone=)
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
My sister and I remember a lot of situations differently!
One in particular is the time she spit in my mouth! I was so mad I held her down and spit right back in her mouth. She, to this day, doesn't think she spit in my mouth and is disgusted about being spit on. I say oh well! Blech. She was younger than me. :)
I posted this contest on my blog just click Contests at the top!
Two words. Wild cows.
I put a link here: http://bookcontestlinks.blogspot.com/2009/05/may-4th-2009.html
I could never give up writing! That probably sounds silly, but it's the outlet I value above all others. Oh, and giving up caffeine would really be awful, too!
Thanks for the chance!
writing.meg [at] gmail.com
I couldn't give up chocolate! It's one of my addictions :)
I could never give up my escapist activities - cable tv, surfing the net, and reading books!
mrolapus at yahoo dot com
I can't give up my iced mocha lattes. (and I have tried!)
Thanks for the chance.
waitmantwillie at hotmail dot com
giving up friends is a no-no.
God bless!
I couldn't give up my diet dr. peppers.
Definitely couldn't give up my morning coffees (two of them)!
I could NEVER give up my Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I am completely and totally obsessed ;)
lovejessicamarie [@] gmail [.] com
Well the only thing I think I could NEVER give up is reading. I'm an addict plain and simple.
Here's my second entry. I've posted an ad for your contest and blog on B&N.com book clubs romantic reads.
The one thing I can't give up is chocolate. I love it. Please enter me for this book. Thanks!
I have to say the 2 things I couldn't live without are books and hot green tea. Please enter me in this contest, I would love to win this book!
Books and my Daughter! Couldn't live without them! Thanks
hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com
I think it might be impossible for me to give up my computer and the internet!
Coffee and ice cream...it's a tie
I've tried, believe me, but I can't give up carbs!
I just blogged about this contest;
Thanks for the chance!
I've posted a link to this contest on my blog's sidebar.
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
I could never give up my walk in the park each night. Well I try to go each night. Please include my name in your giveaway.
I, too, am a coffee addict and could never give it up. I've tried a few times but only lasted for about a day.
I can't give up chocolates!
I could never give up reading!!! OMG! I can'e even imagine it!
I can't give up coka cola - I know it's stupid but I love that drink!
I'd have a hard time giving up Sonic's Diet Coke w/Cherry
shelcows AT gmail DOT com
Basically my sister and I remember EVERYTHING differently. I always wonder how 2 girls who shared a bedroom for 18 years can remember so much so differently...its weird!
I just couldn't give up my Diet Coke. I've tried!
I tweeted it! http://twitter.com/quelleheure4/status/1853228679
i could never give up reading all together,if i was told i couldnt read another book my whole life i might just go bonkers
sarah christine
i tweeted about it at
I wouldn't give up my dogs...or the ability to have them. They're too much fun and I love them too much not to have them around :)
(or writing or books but my dogs keep me company with writing and reading so...)
I would never give up Pepsi, reading, or my dogs! I also put your giveaway on my blog, thanks:)
Ooops! SO sorry, I didn't look at today's date:(
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