Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009 in Review: Highlights Month by Month

2009 was a great year in many ways. Here are some of the highlights.


AS King delivered probably my favorite author interview of the year in the guise of DUST OF 100 DOGS character Saffron.

Adele of Persnickety Snark launched the Young Adult Read Carpet Podcast, which unfortunately only lasted two episodes. Read transcripts of my contributions: Dystopias Part 1 and Dystopias Part 2.


For Valentine's Day, I posted a love letter to my collection of signed books. I should do this again in 2010 with all the signed books I've acquired since then.

I was one of the first bloggers featured on Cathy's awesome feature Scene of the Blog at Kittling Books.

Steph of Reviewer X and I got together to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the publication of SPEAK by Laurie Halse Anderson including a post where four awesome authors speak up about SPEAK.


Alea of Pop Culture Junkie and I invented the Zombie Chicken Award (button by Daniel) and gave it to each other, sparking a viral phenom that spans the blogosphere. Google it today and find over 1 million hits!


Daniel and I met new kitteh Finn for the first time. See first kitten pictures of Finn.

I went to the Greek island of Rhodes for 5 days with friends Heather and Tracy. (Rhodes update)


I traveled to Lisbon, Portugal for a week to attend a design conference (OFFF 2009). (Lisbon recap)

My first time in NYC and at BEA where I met a ton of authors, publicists, and fellow bloggers. And of course, got a signed copy of Catching Fire. (BEA recap 1) (BEA recap 2)


We picked up Finn and brought him home. Emmy was none too pleased!

I participated in the Nerds Heart YA Tournament - the brain child of Renay at YA Fabulous -with a bunch of other cool bloggers and made a tough decision in my first round berth. The eventual winner was MY MOST FABULOUS YEAR by Steve Kluger.


I traveled to Barcelona for a wedding which gave me the perfect opportunity to take a NOTHING BUT GHOSTS field trip!

Went to Brussels for Florian W.'s wedding. Congrats!


I visited my best friend Sommer in Ohio and then went to Kansas for the first time in 2009 where I picked up 8 months worth of books that had been sent to me.


Presenting Lenore is shortlisted for Most Eclectic Taste during Book Blogger Appreciation Week. Thanks to everyone who nominated me and voted!

I attended 3 Tori Amos shows (Basel, Zurich and Luxembourg), and was in the FRONT ROW for two of them! (Tori shows recap)


I confessed that LIAR Author Justine Larbalestier and I are best friends in my review of LIAR.

I attended 3 more Tori Amos shows (Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, and Berlin), was in the FRONT ROW again for one show, met Tori for the second time, and finally heard Northern Lad live.

Rocked the Frankfurt Book Fair. (Recap day 1) (Recap days 2-5) (Shaun Tan book signing recap)

I participated in Dewey's 24 hr Read-a-Thon as a cheerleader and left 500 comments!


My new (non-paranoid) book club had a phone chat with THE HERETIC'S DAUGHTER Author Kathleen Kent.

Daniel and I traveled to Kenya and Tanzania for nearly three weeks. (Africa recap 1) (Africa recap 2) (Africa recap 3)


The blog got its 700th follower, 1000th subscriber, and 108,000th visitor. Thank you everyone for reading!

Daniel and I visited DC, LA and Wichita. (Partial DC and LA recap)

Have a great 2010 everyone!


  1. What an amazing year for you! Happy New Year!

  2. I love your love letter to your signed books. I love my autographed books best too :)
    Happy 2010!

  3. You have had a great year!

  4. Goodness gracious, you got Finn over 6 months ago? How time flies! Loved the highlights, Lenore, and looking forward to 2010 on your blog!

  5. Long live the Zombie Chicken Award, that still cracks me up!

  6. LOL "...lasted two episodes"

    Sad but true. I tried. I did. Oh well. Loved your dystopian discussions :)

  7. Your review of Liar is one of my favourite reviews that I've read this year. It was so innovative and quirky. I loved it!

  8. Alea - Me too!

    Adele - I should have added "...through no fault of her own..." You gave it a good try!

    Thanks Becky! It's one of my favorites too.

  9. What a year, sis. Happy happy new year and you'd better be at BEA this year.

  10. Well, Finn was certainly one of the highlights of /my/ year....

  11. I loved the kitty-kat story throughout the year. I also loved the Tori Amos post (I'm a die-hard fan).

    Happy New Year!

  12. What a fun re-cap, Lenore!

    Happy New Year to you, Daniel, Emmy and Finn :) All the best in 2010.

  13. Oh great break down and you picked some of the best to highlight since I seem to remember most of these (and goodness knows my memory is full of holes)!

  14. I love the idea of a love letter to your signed books. YOu had a fantastic year in blogging! :-)

  15. What a great resource!


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