If that premise sounds enticing to you, take note: the actual novel is 1 part thriller to 6 parts teen romance. Now, on paper, such a set-up shouldn’t work for me, since I don’t seek out romance as a genre. And, truthfully, I was a bit worried at first. Once Violet’s ability is established and the serial killer makes his first snatch, the plot concentrates on Violet’s super-crush on her best friend of many years – once just Jay, now the hottest guy at school. Everyone but Violet can see that Jay carries a major torch for her, and there are a bunch of high-sexual-tension and avoidance scenes that make you scream “get it on already you two!”
But let me tell you, once those two best friends finally connect romantically, the resulting fireworks are totally worth it. As I was telling Trish on Twitter the other day, I am a very emotional rater – which is why I don’t usually give ratings on my blog reviews (dystopian fiction being the exception). I do give ratings on GoodReads and LibraryThing though, and this one got a big fat satisfied 5 star rating from me for the emotional impact alone.
5 stars for a book that had a character taking foolish risks to fit the plot (a pet peeve of mine)? Yep, it was THAT emotionally engaging that when all was said and done, I came away able to overlook certain deficits (such as the at times strange pacing and some logic problems concerning the serial killer part), and just revel in the experience of reading.
THE BODY FINDER comes out tomorrow in hardcover. Find out more about it at the author’s website.
Excellent review, Lenore! Everyone I've seen review this book so far seems to love it. I have to read it!
I need to read this book so badly it hurts. I have preordered the US version but it seems to be forever until release date. Damn, that was a very enticing review!
I know what you mean about the emotional aspect of this book. I didn't know what to expect. Job Well Done by Derting!
I can't wait to get my hands on this one! :D
I am a very emotional reader too, and almost never analytical. If a book builds and builds and builds and maybe bores me a little, but smacks me upside the head at the end with something that rocks my world? I will fall all over myself giving it a 5. They got me right where they want me. So you have certainly gotten my attention with this review. I think it would work for me.
Wow! When you said 6 parts teen romance, I was thinking the book wouldn't be any good, but 5 stars! You've made me want to read it.
5 stars and an emotionally satisfying book...count me in!
Is it horrible that I'm sitting here thinking, "Eek, poor Violet! I'd hate not to be able to go near cats"? :P
I really wasn't going to buy this book because there is just something about it that doesn't connect with me. I convinced myself it wasn't for me and that I would wait and maybe buy it if it was released here in the UK. But you know what? you totally have me convinced because i'm the same way, the emotion potrayed in books is what makes them five stars. You could have a killer plot line which was flawless, but if the characters are presented with the emotion needed to get you through the book, then it wouldn't be a novel in my eyes.
I've just ordered this right now, so thanks, my bulging bookshelves may be hating you right now, but I most certainly am not!!
This seems so appealing! Great enticing review
Oh gosh, I love the cover of this book. Dazzling.
At first glance this book doesn't look that appealing to me, but after reading your reactions to it, I think I might have a good time with it. Thanks for the very interesting review, I'll have to look for it!
I can't wait to read this one! I'm hoping my copy will arrive soon! :P
5 stars, huh? I had been planning on reading this *eventually* but I might have to bump it up on the list.
Great review! The more I read about it, the more I can't wait to read it! Even though it's out here, I'm waiting until I get to Seattle for the book signing and have Kim sign it for me to read it.
Can't wait!!!
Does the picture on the cover have any significance within the book?
It looks interesting, but I'm not sure if I like the idea of a book with THAT much romance in it - I was hoping for something with a bit more mystery attached...
Very interesting! I'm not one to seek out romance either but I think I'll have to check this one out!
I thought the premise sounded fantastic, AND I really enjoy romance. I'm now even more excited! Especially since you found it so emotionally engaging.
Excellent review, and a very fair appraisal of the book. So glad you loved it!
Looks like you have a number of us intrigued - great review!
Great review! I'd checked this out on amazon and passed because it sounded like the romance slapped the thriller aspect into the back-seat. But after reading your review I've reconsidered and will definitely give it a shot :)
awesome!!!! thanks so much for doing this! great review! can't wait to read :D
Sas - You could say perhaps that the cover might represent one of Violet's "echoes" - plus it is sooo pretty!
The premise is definitely appealing to me but I am not sure about the romance part. Still, the way you have described it here makes me think I would enjoy it!
5 stars?! I will definitely be picking this one up! :D
Great review! I've been excited for this book for a while, but placed a 'new book buying ban' upon myself recently. However, think I might have to break it for this one. Sounds so good!!
I just bought this book along with The Line...both based on your reviews! I can't wait to get reading! :D
I was really excited until you got to the "6 parts teenage romance". Just not my thing at all, but thanks for the great review!
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