Saturday, September 4, 2010

Where My Last 20 (erm...40) Books Came From (9)

So it's been awhile since I've done this!  Here's where I got my last 40 reviewed books. 1/4 are bought or borrowed! That's pretty impressive :)

Black Hole Sun by David Macinnes Gill - Bought
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins - Bought
First Light by Rebecca Stead - Borrowed from a friend
Escape from Furnance: Solitary by Alexander Gordon Smith - Given during tour of MacMillan
The Limit by Kristen Landon - Picked up at BEA
Salvation City by Sigrid Nunez - Picked up at BEA
The Gardener by SA Bodeen - Can't remember!
The Water Wars by Cameron Stracher - Got signed copy at BEA
For the Win by Cory Doctorow - Requested review copy
The Unidentified by Rae Mariz - Requested review copy
The Blending Time by Michael Kinch - Requested review copy
Green Angel by Alice Hoffman - Borrowed from friend
This World We Live In by Susan Beth Pfeffer - Amazon Vine program
Restoring Harmony by Joelle Anthony - Requested review copy
Gone by Michael Grant - Library
Carbon Diaries 2015 by Saci Lloyd - Library
Nomansland by Lesley Hauge - Amazon Vine program
The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan - Bought
Z for Zachariah by Robert C O'Brien - Bought
Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi - Requested review copy
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen - Bought
Picture the Dead by Adele Griffin - Accepted review query
The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller - Unsolicited review copy
7 Souls by Barnabas Miller and Jordan Orlando - Requested review copy
A Friend of the Family by Lauren Grodstein - Unsolicited review copy
Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus - Accepted review query
The Cardturner by Louis Sachar - Requested review copy
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell - LT ER program
Borderline by Allan Stratton - Accepted review query
Slept Away by Julie Kraut - Accepted review query
Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready - Got signed copy at BEA
Yes, My Darling Daughter by Margaret Leroy - LT ER program
The One That I Want by Allison Winn Scotch - Got signed copy at BEA
This Gorgeous Game by Donna Freitas - Accepted review query
Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase - Bought
Alison Dare: The Heart of the Maiden - Accepted review query
Alison Dare: Little Miss Adventures - Accepted review query
Persuasion by Jane Austen - Borrowed from a friend
The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson - Accepted review query
Matched by Ally Condie - Got signed copy at BEA

Where are your books coming from?


  1. I haven't ever stopped to break down the books I receive statistically by where I get them from. The idea entices me because I love statistics, I just don't know if I'll ever have the time to do it. :)

  2. my favourite part of this post? "i can't remember!" made me giggle

  3. Carla - I know! Isn't that sad? I think I got it BEA but I am really not sure!!


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