Sunday, May 4, 2008

Celebrating 1 year blogging - with a contest!

I have now been blogging for one whole year and to celebrate, I am having contest! The winner (picked at random from everyone who comments on this post) will get a $20 gift certificate to (or the Euro equivalent for All you have to do to be entered is leave a comment (only your first comment will count towards the contest) where you answer the following 4 questions:

1. What is your dream job?
2. Where was the last place you went on vacation? (or your dream destination)
3. What was the best book you read recently?
4. What is something cool that happened in your life lately?

You also get 1 extra entry if you blog about my contest and link to this post (and tell me that you did). The contest will end when I have 50 comments or on May 15 - whichever comes first. Good luck and thanks for helping me celebrate!


Steve said...

Oooh, Me First! :)

Crap, the questions are back on the other page now. Ok, I'll have to try and remember......

1. Dream Job - Sadly, on Monday morning, nothing comes to mind! haha. But race car driver used to always be one.
2. Last place was West Virginia, but Kelly and I leave Saturday for St. Kitts!
3. "Age of Turbulence" by Alan Greenspan
4. My bosses told me they want to get me promoted!

Linda said...

Wow - great idea Lenore!

Okay, here goes on the questions:

1) Dream job - that one is a little hard. I would like to be a disc jockey if I didn't have to also do sales!
2) Last day trip was to visit Brandon in Manhattan, last big trip - to Miami about 2 years ago.
3) Hold Tight by Harlan Coben
4) Sold one of my Longaberger baskets on E-bay for almost $200!

And yes, I will definitely link to your blog on my blog. I'm sure all my blogger friends would love a chance to win too!

See you soon!

Heather rules said...

Hi Lenore, I'm Heather and I work with Linda.
1. Dream job - To own my own bar and grill in Manitou Springs, Colo. at the foot of Pikes Peak.
2. Last big vacation - Cruise to Mexico. We've been on a lot of small vacations over the last year too.
3. Book - I guess I'd have to say "Losing It" Valerie Bertinelli. I have not been reading like I'd like to.
4. Planting a little garden yesterday. I totally enjoyed myself. I'm not real good with flowers and plants, but I have total faith in myself. That's a good feeling.

Rachael Stein said...

1. to be a writer :D
2. i think it was a cruise to the Caribbean
3. too many to choose from!!! but the last book i read was Generation Dead. simply AMAZING!!!
4. reading that good book?! does that count, cuz i dont think tests count as a good thing

oh, and btw, i have a link to your contest here:

Anonymous said...

Hello, Lenore---

Dream Job: Benevolent dictator of an island.

Last Vacation: To see my niece in Atlanta. Dream destination: Right now, to be fishing on a boat in some mountain lake.

Best of Recently Read Books: The Picture of Dorian Gray --- Currently reading Ken Follett's Pillars of the Earth, which is quite entertaining, if not ridiculously long.

Somtething Cool: Gee, I'm pretty lucky, so it's hard to think of something. How about this, this thing right here---having a link to friends new and old, despite time and distance.

Jennifer Lacy said...

I am a friend of Linda's and found this on her blog. great idea!
1. What is your dream job? Planning really great events like the Super Bowl or the Emmy's, etc

2. Where was the last place you went on vacation? (or your dream destination)we love florida and can't wait to go back. dream vacay is GREECE

3. What was the best book you read recently? I am reading a book called Hissy Fits

4. What is something cool that happened in your life lately? My oldest daughter started playing soccer - i am loving it.

thanks for the contest

Hardy Family said...

Lenore I am glad to have heard from you I had forgotten what your blog name is glad you contacted me.

here are the answers
1.dream job-Other than being the mother of my two girls.. a writer for travel brochures.

2.A year ago we went to Costa Rica unfortunatly we have been busy ever since.
3.To Train up a child by Mike and Debbie Pearl (I am a mother)
4.The best thing that has happend recently is My daughter walking again after her right brain was removed.

Scott and Carolyn said...

1. What is your dream job?-to be the CEO of Kit Kat...Ok, the taste tester
2. Where was the last place you went on vacation? (or your dream destination)-Kit Kat factory
3. What was the best book you read recently?-Dealing with your Kit Kat obsession
4. What is something cool that happened in your life lately?-I won a Wonka ticket from the Kit Kat I ate

1. Dream job-stay at home mom with a house full of adopted and biological children-and I mean a HOUSEFUL!
2. Last place to visit-Cocoa Beach last weekend. Dream place-Greece!
3. Over the Moon (a children's book about adoption-it was so perfect for my daughter's life story!)
4. The best thing that has ever happened to me was the day I held my precious little girl from Guatemala!!!! :) And every day after that! :)

BTW...I am posting a link on my blog about your blog! :)

Ralph-Sensei said...

1. Dream Job = Teacher (I'm doing it!)
2. Dream Destination = Hawaii (and while there hopefully losing the return ticket)
3. Book = Over the Moon, by Karen Katz
4. Cool Thing = I was recently selected to be a guest of the Government of Japan as part of their Fulbright Memorial Fund Teacher Program, and will spend 3 weeks in June traveling and working with teachers in Tokyo and Katori. Check out my JFMF trip blog at

I'm Scott, the husband of Carolyn, Lenore's friend from college.

W & K said...

Woohoo!!! Contests are fun.

1. My dream job would be working as a flight nurse for a mediflight unit - probably for OU Medical Center.
2. The last place I went on vacation that was actually for a vacation was to Virginia to introduce my fiancee to my family.
3. My favorite books I've read lately are the Uncle John's Bathroom Readers. They're filled with all sorts of useless knowledge.
4. I was just accepted into nursing school and will finish in March... and I'll be married in July! Yay!

-Carolyn's brother, Will

Anonymous said...

1. Dream job - novelist
2. Last vacay was NYC. Want to go to Paris.
3. I really enjoyed Madapple.
4. I won a writing prize!

Janie (found your contest on the book muncher's site).

paperxxflowers said...

1. getting paid to review books would definitely be high up there
2. well, it's been awhile since my last vaca, but my dream vacation is to go to the land of my ancestors (Ireland)
3. Recently? Annie between the States. I finished it today lol
4. I keep getting free books! YAY!

I'm blogging about your contest at my blog:


Chelsea said...

Awesome contest!

1. Bookstore owner. I know it's not a big money-maker, but I would love it.

2. Ocean City. It was fun, but not my dream destination. That would be London. Or anywhere in Europe, actually.

3. Looking for Alaska by John Green. I loved it, and I could really relate to some of the things going through the main character's head.

4. I got my first nephew! My brother just had his first baby (well, his wife did), and he is the CUTEST thing ever. Now my other brother is having a little girl. I'll have my hands full babysitting. :)

Thanks for the contest!

My Journey Through Reading... said...

1. Dream Job - owning my own company (I'm about to do it!)
2. Last place I vacationed was Charleston and Myrtle Beach. Last trip I tool for work was to Baraboo, WI, woo hoo.
3. Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks. Beautifully Written.
4. I won a free book yesterday!

Thanks and congratulations on making it 1 year. Oh, by the way, I'm not related to anyone on this site. :)

dd said...

Congrats on the big milestone! The idea for your contest rocks! =)

So, on with the questions:

1. That would probably be a pediatrician. I love helping people, and I have a soft spot for kids. If I couldn’t be a pediatrician I’d probably want to be a librarian coz I love books so much!

2. My family and I went to Rotorua last Christmas. It’s a tourist hot-spot and famous for its adventure sports!

3. I haven’t read too many books recently coz I’m at Uni, and the library here is weird. But just yesterday I read Sweethearts by Sara Zarr which I’ve been wanting to read for ages! I loved it!

4. The other day I was walking to the grocery store, and I walked past this mini greenhouse, and they were asking people to write environmental messages on it, and read what other people wrote. It was really cool! And everyone got a free silverbeet seedling! It’s kinda weird but I sort of feel protective of it! Lol, I even named it Peyton! You can run away from the crazy lady now!

Oh, and I’ll definitely blog about your contest! Just check back here:

Bebemiqui said...

Dream job changes, but here's a couple of them: Doctor, Starbucks barista, world aid organization employee, mechanic. Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com

Melissa Walker said...

fun contest!
1. What is your dream job?
Writer, and (yay!) I'm doing it!

2. Where was the last place you went on vacation?
(or your dream destination)
Hawaii, for a friend's wedding, and I think it's my dream destination too.

3. What was the best book you read recently?
Veronica, by Mary Gaitskill

4. What is something cool that happened in your life lately?
I signed on to write a teen romance book for next summer!

Anonymous said...

1. Graphic designer
2. To Pasadena to march in the Rose Parade (my dream vacation would include way less exercise!)
3. How to be Bad by E. Lockhart, Sarah Mlynowski, and Lauren Myracle
4. I finished all my AP tests :)

Aarti said...

These are hard questions!

My dream job is to be a world traveler. I suppose I'd have to finance that by writing about my travel, which is fine. As long as I get to travel :-)

My last vacation was a weekend trip to visit my friend in Minneapolis. I don't know where my dream vacation would be to- there are so many places in the world I want to see.

3. The best book I read recently is the one I am currently reading, Ramesh Menon's version of The Mahabharata.

4. Something cool that has recently happened to me- planning a family trip to Thailand & Cambodia for the end of the year!

Melissa Walker said...

Not another entry but just a note to say i linked!

Anonymous said...

1. My dream job is to work with a professional baseball team (preferrably the Giants!), either as a nutritionist or a chef.
2. I think my last vacation - besides going back home on break from school, was New York City two years ago. Even though it was a really long time ago, it was so much fun and I can't wait to go back!
3. I just finished Stephanie Hale's "Revenge of the Homecoming Queen," and it was really good! It was not what I expected at all, and I couldn't put it down!
4. I go to school at Cal Poly SLO - and every day is an adventure here! While the weather isn't as gorgeous as it usually is, we love taking advantage of the area we live in, going to the beach, and soaking up the sun!

The Compulsive Reader said...

Oooh, fun!

1. What is your dream job?

To be a writer and reviewer.

2. Where was the last place you went on vacation? (or your dream destination)

Last place I went was a weekend in Chicago. it was my first time ever going, and I had loads of fun just wandering the museums and Shedd Aquarium.

3. What was the best book you read recently?

Generation Dead by Danie; Waters.

4. What is something cool that happened in your life lately?

Does managing to clean my house in under an hour count? Haha. It ususally takes a whole Saturday.

Thanks for the cool contest! I love your reviews!


RR2 said...

1. What is your dream job? I actually have no idea yet...maybe an editor?
2. Where was the last place you went on vacation? (or your dream destination)
I've always wanted to go to Australia.
3. What was the best book you read recently? The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary Pearson. So. Good.
4. What is something cool that happened in your life lately? nothing's really happened lately except school....:(

Anonymous said...

1. What is your dream job? A best-selling author with no public speaking.

2. Where was the last place you went on vacation? Madison, WI.

3. What was the best book you read recently? Violet by Design by Melissa Walker.

4. What is something cool that happened in your life lately? I totally passed my Social Psychology test today!!!

Erin said...

1. Professional actress
2. Seattle!
3. Trouble by Gary D. Schmidt
4. Had a super-fun callback for the musical Fiddler on the Roof. :)

Sarah Woodard said...

1. My dream job is... I am not yet.
2. The last place was San Diego. My Dream vacation is Ireland.
3. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
4. I found the British version of The Bell Jar and Harry Potter(2-4,6) at Half Price Books.
Peace out, Sarah.

Bunny B said...

Oooo! I wanna join :)

1. Dream job - getting paid to Travel and Eat
2. Last place I went on a vacation was Dubai
3. Best recently read book - The Goose Girl, Shannon Hale
4. My best friend that I haven't seen since 3rd grade is coming to visit me!!! :)

Bunny B said...

Oooo, Congrats on your 1 Year of Blogging! I was too excited just now, I totally forgot to wish you :P

Well, here's my extra entry. Blogged about you HERE.

bunnybox9 [at] gmail dot com

ChristyJan said...

Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!
This is my first time to visit your blog ~ it's wonderful.

1. Dream job ~ own my own antique store
2. Last vacation ~ went on a Mexican Riviera Cruise in Feburary
3. Best book ~ Winter Study by Nevada Barr
4. Something cool ~ I had a pedicure and a massage


Anonymous said...

Dream job: a Librarian... I love being surrounded by books!

Last place we went on vacation: Ocean City, NJ for a week. My family loves the beach

Best book I read recently: Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" (technically it's a play but I really enjoyed it)

Something cool: I recently got a call in response to my application at the Library and got to have an interview, and they all seemed to like me :)

Anonymous said...

1 Used bookstore owner
2 Marin County California
3 Power to the People by Laura Ingraham
4 Got to have a long visit with my Granddaughter IZZY!

Margaux said...

1. Dream job: A television producer. It has always been my excuse for watching far too much TV!
2. Last Vacation: Pennsylvania. My grandfather took me to Ursinus and the town he grew up in.
3. Book: I'm reading Ties That Bind, Ties That Break in one of my classes. Its an easy read, but a good one still. Its about a character who is one of the first women to break with tradition and not have her feet bound. (Of course, the book is set in the past, in China.)
4. Life Happenings: I'm not thinking of anything that doesn't make me sound like a hermit! I suppose it would have to be simple relief over good grades on projects I had worried about.

Liviania said...

1. What is your dream job? Editor
2. Where was the last place you went on vacation? San Antonio
3. What was the best book you read recently? Tarnished Beauty by Cecilia Samartin
4. What is something cool that happened in your life lately? I finished my first year of college!

I'll blog about your contest at

Breanna said...

Okay, here are my answers.

1. Dream job - to be a writer, I've always wanted to write a novel or write something that people will love.

2. The last place I went on vacation was California, Disneyland to be exact. It was like three years ago, sadly.

3. The best book I read recently was Just Listen by Sarah Dessen.

4. Something cool that happened to me recently was my english teacher telling me that I write better then most of the people in English 101, it totally made my week.

I also posted about the contest on my blog on myspace.


Kayla said...

Dream Job....own a bakery

Getting ready to go to Cozumel

Last book I read...Junie B. Jones is a Graduation Girl **I teach Kindergarten :)

I got engaged and will be married to Will Shockley on July 19th! Then I will be Carolyn Ralph's sister-in-law :)

Marie Cloutier said...

Here are my questions and answers:

1. What is your dream job? Librarian in a film library
2. Where was the last place you went on vacation? (or your dream destination) Last place was Washington, D.C., last year. It was awesome!
3. What was the best book you read recently? The Rabbi's Cat 2 by Joann Sfar. It's a graphic novel by a French artist/writer.
4. What is something cool that happened in your life lately? I went to a great library conference and got to have dinner with the celebrity guest, totally by accident!

I'm going to blog about your contest & link to it and your blog as well! :-) Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Em said...

Cool contest! :-)

1. Getting paid to read and review books
2. The beach
3. House of Dance by Beth Kephart
4. I just joined a new soccer team!

Unknown said...

Cool contest:

1: Dream job: To be a writer
2: Last vacation: Washington DC
3: Best book read recently: Jinx by Meg Cabot
4: Something cool in my life: Well, the coolest thing thing that happened in my life recently would have to be seeing my little sister in the school play. It was so cute. I was so proud of her.

I blogged about your contest here:

Anonymous said...

1) A politician or a fashion designer (I know, total opposites)

2) My Dream Destination would have to be either England, Egypt or New York City

3) Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard

4) My parents bought a limo

Jen said...

1. My dream job is book reviewer. No question. I would love to be paid to read all day! Plus, I imagine that is the sort of job one could do from home.

2. The last place I went on vacation was probably Florida last summer. I've taken some trips since then, but not really vacations. However, I'm going to Mexico this summer on my honeymoon!

3. I have read an awful lot of good books lately, but the best would either be "The Last Queen" by C.W. Gortner or "Year of Wonders" by Geraldine Brooks. The first is a novel of Juana of Castile, aka Juana la Loca and the second is historical fiction about a plague town.

4. I was contacted by a blog tour promoter and sent a free book to review!

Axa said...

1. My dream job would be traveling to different places around the world and getting to taste the food.(like they do in the food network)
2. Vacation-I would say California
3. Not So Snow White By Donna Kauffman
4. I finished school, yay!

Petunia said...

Congratulations on completing your first year.

1.Dream Job-I always wanted to be a stay-at-home Mom so I'm living my dream job.
2.Last Vacation-a road trip from CA to TX where I picked up the flu just in time for Easter.
3.Last Great Book-I finished Child of My Heart last week and loved it.
4.Great Experience-I spent a pleasant Mother's Day walking through a few of my favorite stores.

Ginger said...

1) My dream job is to be a famous writter. Oprah, are you reading this? LOL
2) The last place I went on vacation was Disney World. It was so long ago and I really miss Mickey.
3) The best book that I recently read was "Fablehaven" by Brandon Mull. It's a children's book, but I'm young at heart.
4) As for something cool, I recently received an advanced reader's copy of the book "Beyond the Reflection's Edge." It was very good.

Ria said...

Wow, this is great. ;]

1. What is your dream job?
My dream job would definitely involve books. I'd say editor, or book reviewer, or writer, since I spend every waking hour when I'm not in school writing and reading.
2. Where was the last place you went on vacation?
I'd love to vacation in Montreal. The atmosphere looks amazing there.
3. What was the best book you read recently?
The Host, by Stephenie Meyer. I finished it in 14 hours.
4. What is something cool that happened in your life lately?
I spoke to Columbia and got ridiculously exited at their Journalism and Fiction writing curriculum.

Wendy said...

1. What is your dream job?
Something to do with travel and animals...maybe a photographer for National Geographic?
2. Where was the last place you went on vacation? (or your dream destination)
Oh that's easy - I just took a vacation with my husband to Mendocino and the north coast of California...beautiful!
3. What was the best book you read recently?
The Cellist of Sarajevo, by Steven Galloway
4. What is something cool that happened in your life lately?
I had an author comment on my blog and offer me a signed copy of her latest novel for a giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I met you at SCBWI Bologna and really enjoy your blog! You really do have very similar taste in books...
So questions:
1. I think I'd like to be a rockstar until I hit maybe age 50 (like Madonna!) Then I'd like to be the person who orders books for Barnes and Noble, since that's just a ridiculously powerful yet enjoyable job
2. San Diego was where I went last month but my dream vacation is Madagascar
3. The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks has a brilliant middle and ending, very thought-provoking
4. I finally wrote a good beginning to my novel, now I've sent the first 3 chapters to a few agents and I'm anxious to see if any bite

Chris said...

I'm just under the wire on this contest. Lucky me :-)
(by the way, I know your aunt Linda because we used to work together -- see #4)

1. Dream job: Being a full-time writer.
2. Last vacation (or dream vacation): My last big vacation was the Las Vegas and southern California. My dream vacation is the Fiji.
3. "Water For Elephants" by Sara Gruen.
4. I recently got laid off from my job and am now looking for another job while enjoying my freedom from a job and my 20 weeks of severance pay. (But I am also unemployed and therefore REALLY need the $20 Amazon gift!)

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I think I just made it under the wire.
1. Dream Job: Cellist.
2. Last vacation: The Beach
3. Best recent read: Pillars of Earth by Ken Follett
4. Cool happening: My grandson passed 12th grade. He will graduate.

Daniel said...

Dream job - children's book illustrator
last vacation - portugal
book - the wall by peter sis
great thing - i have a very cute kitten