Wednesday, August 6, 2008

July Book Blowout Wrap Up

My realistic goal was 12 books, my fantasy goal was 18 books and I ended up reading 16.

YA and middle grade books read:
Evolution, Me, and other Freaks of Nature by Robin Brande
Joy of Spooking: Fiendish Deeds by PJ Bracegirdle
Unwind by Neal Shusterman
Millicent Min: Girl Genius by Lisa Yee
Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer
Oh.My.Gods. by Tera Lynn Childs
Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway
Little Brother by Cory Doctorow
The Specialists: Model Spy by Shannon Greenland
The Specialists: Down to the Wire by Shannon Greenland
The Specialists: The Winning Element by Shannon Greenland
The Specialists: Native Tongue by Shannon Greenland

Adult Literary Fiction and Thrillers:
Down River by John Hart
No One You Know by Michelle Richmond
The Septembers of Shiraz by Dalia Sofer
Tomato Girl by Jayne Pupek

This was an excellent month of reading as each and every book on the list I would rate with 4 stars or higher.

Some stats:
Checked out from the library - 5
Bought - 2
Review copy or ARC - 9

1. Did you discover a new author? Every single author on this list was new to me. I would definitely read another book from any of them.
2. Where was the most unusual place you found yourself reading? All the places I read were pretty usual for me.
3. Did you read more than usual? I think I probably pushed myself to read more than I would have this month normally.
4. Did you give up anything in order to read more? A couple hours of sleep here and there.
5. If you won the Amazon voucher what would you spend it on? More books of course! My wishlist is miles long.
6. Would you like to see a 2009 Book Blowout? Yes, please.


  1. Whoah! Lots of books read. That's amazing though. And it looks like you read some really good ones...and some ones that I want to read, b/c i don't think i've read any on the list...YET!
    new blog stuff. weekly roundup on second page. comment!!

  2. Wow you read a lot! Good job! Some of those look really interesting.

  3. Congrats on 18! I hope I can do half as well this month. I just finished my first book of the month, so I'm not overly hopeful.

    My wish list scares me sometimes. It never gets any shorter.

  4. Wow good job! Lol my reading looks so pathetic next to some of you guys.


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