Sunday, July 27, 2008

Book Review: Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway

Audrey breaks up with her self-absorbed musician boyfriend who promptly writes a song about their break up called “Audrey Wait”. It makes stars out of his band and as his “muse”, Audrey has to kiss her anonymity goodbye as she is relentlessly pursued by “fans”, paparazzi, and even other bands who think she can help them write a great song. The novel is Audrey telling her side of the story and trying to set straight all the misconceptions about her which have been printed in the gossip press.

Audrey is hilariously sarcastic – which is what gets her in trouble since sarcasm doesn’t come off well in print. Fortunately, she has an awesome best friend ( who tries to get her to take advantage of swag, but Audrey won’t “sell out”) a sweet new boyfriend, and supportive parents to help her get through the crazy times.

My favorite part of the book? The chapter headings – all lyrics from rock songs – that helped set the scene for each of the 41 chapters. I was delighted to see such favorites as The Smith’s “There is a light that never goes out”, Radiohead’s “Fake Plastic Trees”, Regina Spektor’s “Fidelity”, The Decemberists’ “Of Angels and Angles” and Stars’ “Your Ex-Lover is Dead”. I am planning to look up the songs I’m unfamiliar with and if they rock as much as the songs I am familiar with, then I’m eternally thankful to Author Robin Benway for putting together such an awesome playlist.

A must for fans of great music and great YA.


Ruth King said...

Thanks for the review! Love the chapter titles -- "Fidelity" is one of my all-time favorite songs. I'll definitely be on the lookout for this book!

Anonymous said...

what a great idea to use rocksongtitles for this kind of story. i think i want to read the book-or is that only a girlbook?

Alea said...

This was one of my recent favorites. It was so so funny!

Melissa Walker said...

ooh, love the idea of songs as headings! a built in playlist. robin's book is still high on my list to read!

Anonymous said...

Great review! It sounds very interesting.

+Evie S.
aka Bookbegger

Amanda said...

Great review! I can't wait to read Audrey, Wait!

Book Lover Lisa said...

Sounds like a very fun book.

Carolina said...

Great review as always! :)

Lana said...

I love the idea of using rock lyrics as chapter titles, completely wonderful. I know a book that mentions songs that I love always gets me so excited!

And the idea of being a "muse" gone wrong is great. It reminds me a little bit of Meg Cabot's Boy Meets Girl where that was a minor plot point - and such a funny one!

Alyce said...

I like that the book is about both music and unintended fame. It sounds like a fun read!
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

Book Fanatic 101 said...

I sooo want to read the book, I'm a big fan of la musica de awesome and YA literature.

And ohh I didn't know it starts off with a different song for every chapter! Thanks for mentioning that part. Now, I want to read it even more.

Sheri S. said...

This book sounds like a lot of fun!! I think I'd really enjoy Audrey's sarcastic humor ...hmmmm I wonder why ;)

Simply_Megan said...

This sounds really interesting and original. I can't wait to read it.

Great review!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a fun book since I love music and I like how the chapters titles are song names! How neat!

Anonymous said...

This book sounds awesome, and Audrey like a great character! Thanks for the review!

darbyscloset said...

Hey Lenore,
I love the playlist and the song sounds like a hoot, what a fun story line!
Thanks for the review,
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Amee said...

I also like it when books have quotes from songs or anything at the beginning of chapters. I always enjoy reading them. ;)

Amanda said...

That's great! I love the part about the chapter headings. I love when authors do little things like that.

Jess Bair said...

I'd love to read this book, it sounds fantastically fun! The song lyrics at the beginning of the chapters reminds me of Meg Cabot's Heather Wells mysteries, where there are about 4 lines of lyrics Heather creates at the start of each chapter.

Wrighty said...

I think that's a great idea to use song titles for the chapters. It's fun to try to remember the songs. I read another book recently that did the same thing. I wonder how many people are linked to famous songs because of a break up. It sure is a popular topic. It would bring up strong emotions though. I saw a teenage singer on TV today and she is releasing a new album. She said that she wrote her songs and most of them were about her break up with another singer. They are both young and famous and now it's all over TV. If any of those songs become a hit they will forever be linked to the guy she went out with. Then again I wonder how often it's a publicity stunt.

Amelia said...

Sounds awesome great review

Paradox said...

This sounds like a really fun book! Especially the part about the chapter titles! I want to read it now!

Thao said...

The review makes me want to grab this book and read it right now ^^