Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (14) + Emmy Photo Series

Today’s question: Favorite bookstores. What’s your favorite bookstore? Is it an online store or a bricks-and-mortar store? How often do you go book shopping? Is your favorite bookstore (or bookstores) listed as a favorite in LT? Do you attend events at local bookstores? Do you use LT to find events?

I buy most of my books at amazon.com I have to admit. It's easy and it's almost always cheaper. amazon.de is not allowed to give discounts because of the strict German rules so I don't buy much from there.

When I am in the states visiting, any bookstore I see will draw me in: on my last trip I went to Borders (bought 3 books - one with a coupon and 2 that were buy 1 get one 1/2 price), Barnes & Noble (multiple visits that garnered 10+ books and 3 design magazines) and Books a Million (7 YA and children's bargain books).

Here in Frankfurt, there are two English bookshops with pretty good selection - Hugendubel (part of a chain) and then an independent. When I special order, I do it with the independent but for impulse buying the chain gets more of my business because they simply have more variety.

Sadly, neither of them ever seem to have any events, nor are they listed on LT.


So this week, Emmy discovered something new:

It would of course have to be explored:

What's for dinner?


Bunny B said...

Awww... Emmy's so cute!!! :) LOL
I love shopping at Kinokuniya!

Julie said...

Oh, those pictures of Emmy are darling, she is a cutie! I am also an amazon person, just don't have a great bookstore in town.

Anonymous said...

LOL, I have to admit... my bookstore's caught up with me a couple times, too.

Emmy is such a sweetie! What kind of sauce goes good with kitty, though?

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Watch that tail, Emmy!

Anonymous said...

I usually buy my books from Chapters (the Canadian equivalent of B&N or Borders, it's also part of a big chain) and sometimes from Amazon.com. Similarly, Amazon.ca doesn't have anywhere near as good deals.

Alea said...

I love your series of pictures :) I'll have to go to Books A Million sometime...!

Anonymous said...

The cat is cute!

Too bad you don't have a Barnes & Noble. I can find anything. If I want something out of print I can purchase it from B and N online.

Elizabeth said...

I do like Amazon - I've been sucked in by their 4 for 3 promo quite a few times. =)

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Gosh. That is the cutest set of pics I've seen all week.

I'm with you. Amazon.com is my favorite place. Not many choices here.

Mary said...

Emmy is so cute! Please visit my blog soon, its new so it may not have as much. Your kitty is so cute!

Chick Lit Teens said...

Emmy is so cute!! Those pictures are adorable!

Literary Feline said...

I like Amazon.com too. I do like to shop at brick and mortar stores too though and probably buy equally from all sources.

I love the photos of Emmy! My cats haven't gone so far as to climb into pots and pans, but they do appreciate a good box or empty mini trash bin. :-)

Silverheron said...

I have a big ol cat that loves to sleep in my roaster if I leave it sitting out. He can fit everything in but his head and then falls asleep with his head hanging over the side.

Jena said...

aww... what fun pictures!

as for bookstores, I love Powell's. (www.powells.com) I think it's the States' (and possible the world's) largest independent bookstore. if you've never been there, make sure you detour for a visit (plan for a whole day) anytime you're near Portland, Oregon. but if you don't see that happening, their web presence is impressive, too.

I'm in Canada, as well, though, so I don't get there too often. we have a local indie store, which I prefer on principle, and a Coles (a division of Chapters?) at the mall. but, as I'm not allowed to work at the moment and not earning $, I'm making do with books I already have (lots) and what I can get from the library on my husband's library card. (Because I'm not technically a resident, I can't get my own card yet.)

Dominique said...

love the pictures! =D so cute!

sorry about the meme/tag--I didn't realize you had already done it! ><"

Holly said...

Oh my gosh, those kitty pictures are so adorable! :-) I saw your post on LibraryThing that you received Schooled. I hope I get my copy in the mail today. I was also excited that the author for Anatomy of a Boyfriend contacted me to receive a copy of her book! It's the first time someone has approached me through my blog.

Happy Reading!

Jen Robinson said...

I have a local children's bookstore that I love, and frequent when I can (Hicklebee's in San Jose). But I also buy books from Barnes and Noble (there's always one around when I'm traveling) and Amazon (good price, amazing selection). I'm also a fan of used bookstores - whenever I'm in Texas I go to Half Price Books, and I'm generally on the lookout for a great used bookstore when I have some free time. And I buy books from Audible.com on MP3 - I'm a member so that I get two books a month, and sometimes buy more.

So many places to buy books!!

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that Amazon.com has a 4-for-3 deal for paperbacks that Amazon.ca never seems to offer - too bad all the amazon sites don't offer the same things. Emmy is a cutie.

Liv said...

Those are quite possibly the cutest pictures I've seen in quite a while! Adorable!
I'm a library/barnes and noble girl myself. :)

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

I love visiting the bookshops in the USA also, here Nova Scotia Chapters is the only big chain store.

Love the photos of Emmy, she is beautiful!

Kristen M. said...

I also buy mostly everything on Amazon. Sometimes I go browsing at Barnes and Noble or Borders, write down what catches my eye, and then go on to Amazon for the reviews and cheaper prices to buy it. Too bad I can't do that with kids books too though. Once a book is in my son's hand, we have to buy it then and there!

Linda said...

Emmy is SOOOOO adorable. Don't you love the crazy things that kittens do?

I shop any and every bookstore I can, as well as garage & estate sales. I also belong to several book clubs, and I buy from Amazon too!

Darlene said...

Emmy is just so sweet. How cute crawling right into the pot and curling up. Love it!

Kathleen Gilligan said...

Aw so cute :)

Amazon's my #1 too!

Anonymous said...

That's interesting that Germany doesn't allow discounts. I've only been to the airport in Frankfurt, but I loved the rest of my trip through Germany. I never looked at any bookstores while I was there, but I did get to meet Doris Dorrie while I was there and that was amazing.

Anonymous said...

I loved the pictures of your cat. We have a cat too, but he hasn't done anything that...well...uh...inventive yet. To see a photo of him (when he was smaller than he is now), see here.

avisannschild said...

Oh those pictures of Emmy are so cute! Thank you for sharing them!

Cassie said...

Aw, that cat belongs on Cute Overload, I think!

You know, I'm pretty strictly an Amazon customer these days, when I even buy books. As a library employee, I tend to use the library for my books.

I used to have a favorite local store, but it got eaten by the corporate machine and just lost its vibe.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

OMG! Your cat is so adorable. I love pictures of pets..especially when they are doing something cute or goofy! LOL

Anyway, that's a bummer you don't have too many ways to buy books. I love Borders as well. I have yet to get a buy one, get the other half off pick b/c sometimes I have a hard time finding two books I really want...in the future though! It's a great idea.
