Sunday, September 14, 2008

Book Review and Contest: Read My Lips by Teri Brown

Ah, the things we do to be popular. After all, isn’t it nicer to be liked than to be ignored or ridiculed? Serena is deaf, so she knows what it’s like to be an outsider. But her disability has also enabled her to develop a superpower of sorts – she can read lips, even at a distance, with 85% accuracy. And when she moves to a new school and girls from an exclusive sorority promise her popularity in exchange for some juicy gossip, Serena is very tempted. But she’s also made friends with fellow outsider (and hottie) Miller who doesn’t like the sorority’s catty ways. Is it possible to be popular, get the guy AND be true to herself?

Serena comes off as a surprisingly well adjusted teen, and she deals so well with her disability that it doesn’t seem to slow her down much. Ok, so she has to be extra careful crossing the street, she can’t enjoy loud music and she doesn’t like for people to touch her ears, but in many ways she lives the life of a typical high school student. And like most teens, she wants badly to fit in. Her struggle to find a way to do this without losing her integrity and individuality makes for compelling reading. And the gossip she uncovers is fun too – it’s amazing what people say when they think no one is listening (or reading lips).

Though many of the supporting characters feel very stock – the mean cheerleader, the overprotective mom, the dumb sidekicks to the queen bees, the brooding loner, etc., there were a couple originals who stole all the scenes they were in – the preppy yet independent Darcy who warns Serena against letting herself become a carbon copy of everyone else, and Aunt Shirley, a former sorority girl turned supermom and animal activist.

It’s a fun, light read with a great narrative hook. And in honor of Book Blogger Appreciation Week, I am giving away two copies to my readers. The contest is open until Friday September 19th at noon CST and the winners must get me their shipping information within 24 hrs or forfeit their prize.

For one entry, just leave a comment. If you are not in the US or Canada, you must indicate international shipping in your comment to be eligible.

For a second entry, e-mail me at lenoreva AT hotmail DOT com and tell me on what body part Author Teri Brown got a Read My Lips tattoo in honor of her book launch. Check her party posts from June on her blog ( for the answer.


Anonymous said...

I want to read it!

Adayla S.

Simply_Megan said...

I would love to win this book!

Anonymous said...

Count me in as well!


Anonymous said...

I've been dying to read this!

asdfjkl; said...

Hi Lenore! Could you please enter me into your contest?

(if you need to contact me their is an email me button at my blog)

Anonymous said...

I would love to enter to win this book.

Chelsie said...

I have really been wanting to read this book, but I just can't get around to finding it anywhere!


avisannschild said...

Enter me too please!

Alessandra said...

Please count me in!
(international shipping)


Anonymous said...

I'd love to read this book, Lenore!

allfivestars (AT) hotmail (DOT) com


allfivestars (AT) gmail (DOT) com

katayoun said...

sounds like an interesting book and i would love a chance to read it - international post

and also have you read lockhart's "the disreputable history of frankie..."? i do recommend it.

Anonymous said...

My daughter and I would love this book.

Please enter me.

literarily AT live DOT com

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Hey, Lenore. Just stopping in to let you know I posted this at Win a Book.

photoquest said...

This is my 1rst visit to your site and i enjoyed looking around I will put you on my list of favorites for a daily visit. I would love to be entered in your contest!

Anonymous said...

My daughter would love this book! Please put my (our) names in the hat!

Chick Lit Teens said...

Oh enter me! This book looks so good!

Jessica R.
(You can find my email on my blog)

Alyce said...

This sounds like a great read!

akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

Bunny B said...

I'd love to win!
International shipping.

bunnybx at gmail . com

Anonymous said...

I would absolutely love to win this book so badly!

aimme21 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Enter me, please!

Anonymous said...

Ooo,that sounds like a superpower that would be wild to have. I'd love to read this book!

Wendi said...

Loved your review - please include me in your drawing!

wbarker (at)

Julie said...

Sounds like fun, great review:)

Chesh said...

So want to read this!!!!

angelleslament @

Linda said...

Kaitlin and I both enjoyed this don't need to enter us in the contest since we've already read it. LOVE YOU! (She's my niece so I can say this!)

Alea said...

Ahh I'd love to enter! I almost got it from bookmooch but the user seemed to not intend on sending it ever so I cancelled. :(

aleareads @ gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

ohhh!! this sounds so good! enter me please

Grace L

Holly said...

I've never read a book with a deaf main character. Sounds vair interesting, thanks for hosting this giveaway, Lenore!

Nancy said...

This books sounds amazing. I would love to read it. Please enter me in your contest. :)


Dawn M. said...

This sounds like a really good book. Count me in!

Thanks! :0)

ReadingIsSoMuchFun said...

I would love to be entered for this giveaway thank you.

This sounds like a really good book I would love to read :)


readingissomuchfun at yahoo dot com

avalonne83 said...

I'd really like to read this book...please throw my name in the hat! Thanks. (international shipping)


Anonymous said...

Ooh, I'd love the chance to win this. It looks really interesting!


Dominique said...

This book's been on my TBR list!! please count me in! :D


Cynthia said...

Throw my name in the hat! Thanks for providing this giveaway

Unknown said...

this sounds like a great book its going on my must read list! and thanks for entering me into the giveaway contest :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win this book :)

preferred.stock at gmail dot com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

definitely enter me. I've been wanting to read this!!


Rachael Stein said...

yay, thanks for reminding me about this contest (to add to my list). it's always helpful when you leave comments :D

tho i am not entering btw :D

di said...

i would love to be entered

Book Sp(l)ot said...

I read about that book when it came out...I just haven't had a chance to read it yet--so I would love, love to read it

(I'll be emailling you soon for the second thing)


Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

I would love to be entered in your contest! I'm sending an email to you in one second :)


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I don't know how to edit a comment. I forgot to write down my contact.

Adayla S.

Again, sorry!

Unknown said...

i would love to win this

lc_intocable at yahoo dot com

Liviania said...

I've really wanted to read this books for awhile - great choice of giveaway.

mrs.mommyy said...

pming you with the answer

mrs.mommyy said...

throw my name in the hat please- thanks

Me... said...

This sounds like a great read! Thanks for the opportunity!

daq_17 at hotmail dot com

Traci said...

Please enter me. Thank you so much!


Sunny said...

Sounds good! Count me in!


Anonymous said...

Please throw my name in the hat for this title. Thank you!!

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

oh I really want to read this!! I have seen it mentioned, reviewed and loved all around on book blogs. I even saw a trailer that looked awesome. i will keep my fingers crossed :)

the Dizzy said...

Sounds like a good book count me in!



etwilight @ yahoo .com

Anonymous said...

I've seen this reviewed on other blogs and would LOVE to win a copy, everything I've read has been positive! Thank you for the chance to win a copy!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a good book; your review was well done. Sign me up for the giveaway!

amber at

Anonymous said...

I want this book so badly!


ikkinlala said...

I would love a chance to win this book!

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Lenore Appelhans said...

Contest is still open until I post CONTEST CLOSED in the comments.

Anonymous said...

I love finding new books to read--and this is one I want to read now!
digicat @

Anonymous said...

name: katlynncore

i would love to read this! Count me in please!

Laura K said...

Please count me in as well.

Lenore Appelhans said...

Thanks everyone! CONTEST CLOSED.

I have notified the winners and hope they'll get back to me soon...

Anonymous said...

enter me please!!!