Thursday, January 8, 2009

Awards (You Rock My World) + Contest Winners

There are a couple of blogger awards going around and I'm thrilled to be able to say that a few of my blogging peers thought of me. After some thought, I decided to create my own awards instead of passing these on again to people who already have them. (Also scroll down to see the winners of my MJ Rose contest).

I was awarded the The Premio Dardos Award by Dar for my great reviews and pictures of Emmy. I got the Butterfly Award from Dominique at The Book Vault. Holly and Allison of On My Bookshelf awarded it to me too for having a cool blog. And so did My Friend Amy for introducing her to great YA books and being mysterious ;) Thank you all!

Here are my "You Rock Presenting Lenore's World Awards"

All around awesome award: Steph at Reviewer X. I don't even know where to begin describing the awesomeness that is Steph. Honest book reviews, great blog features like YA Weekly and the very cool Girl Week, and a generosity that blows me away.

Most consistently amazing book reviews award: Jen Robinson's Book Page is a must read for me and when she likes something, that pretty much guarantees I'll like it too. I've bought many a book thanks to her including just recently Graceling by Kristin Cashore and How to Make a Cherry Pie and See the USA by Marjorie Priceman. I also love her newsletter which you should be subscribing to if you are at all interested in YA and kidlit. Here's to you my fellow dystopia fan.

Top notch book reviews award: There are several other bloggers whose reviews I never, ever miss including Ali of Worducopia, Gabbi of All Five Stars, Anna of Diary of an Eccentric, Jocelyn at Teen Book Review, Marie of The Boston Bibliophile, Caribousmom, and Everyday I Read the Book Blog.

Most amusing book reviews award: This has to go to the Reader Rabbits when they review a book together such as their review of Jenny Green's Killer Junior Year. I love their playful banter and they really must do this more often - please?!

Best non-review posts award: (tie) Taren of The Chick Manifesto for her posts on far ranging and interesting topics such as yummy male characters and more recently all things VC Andrews. Love it! And to Beth Kephart for her poetic musings on the daily writing life. You inspire me. LATE ADDITION: I knew I'd forget something... I also adore Rebecca's Adventures in Bookselling series at The Book Lady's Blog. Keep 'em coming!

Best book piles award: Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. Her book piles are always aesthetically pleasing AND full of great books - I look forward to them every week.

Most faithful commenters award: I love getting comments and though I don't have any hard stats, these are the cool people who brighten my day most often - Alea, Bermudaonion, Dar of Peeking Between the Pages, Lauren of Shooting Stars Mag, Beth Kephart, S.Krishna, My aunt Linda, Jen (aka Ladytink), Alyce of At Home with Books, Joanne of Book Zombie and Keri Mikulski.

Most amusing comment award: Marcia at The Printed Page made my favorite comments for 2008 on this post. Marcia also has a great blog and has been hosting Mailbox Monday and Up for Grabs forever.

Coolest contest award: Brooke Taylor's Monster Month of Giveaways in Oct 2008 had a vampire week, a ghost week, a zombie week and a faerie week and even though I did not win (*cries*) I have to give her props for hosting such a creative contest.

Best theme week award: Obviously, Steph gets a shout out here again for Girl Week. But I also must mention My Friend Amy for the giant undertaking that was BBAW. Amy also set up Buy Books for the Holidays of which I was proud to be a part.

Generosity award: Lisa of Minds alive on the Shelves graciously offered to get Confessions of Contractor signed for me when Author Richard Murphy was in town for a signing. The book blogging community in general has been so generous so this is for YOU too.

Most frequent updates award: The two blogs I see on my google reader the most? J.Kaye who hosts a mind-boggling amount of challenges and noontime chats, and has a ton of other exciting features. And West of Mars - Win a Book, Susane Helene Gottfried's way of keeping us all aware of the contests we can't miss.

The "when do you sleep?" award: Becky of Becky's Book Reviews seems to join and complete every book challenge out there as well as hosting a good number of them. She reads so many books, I am beyond impressed.

Best informational blog award: Cynthia Leitich Smith's Cynsations keeps me up to date on kidlit and YA industry happenings and she always has fascinating interviews with authors and illustrators. And great contests.

Best vlogs award: Melissa Walker vlogs about keyhole covers and other exciting topics. Always very fun!

Most creative challenge award: The Chunkster Challenge. If you haven't heard of it, you must go there and read the rules. I laughed so hard, I just may have to join this one.

Best newcomer award: Shalonda has only been on the scene since October but she's extremely enthusiastic and a great addition to the book blogging community.

Ok, I might do more later, but now I'm running out of steam... so on to the winners of the MJ Rose giveaway!

Winners of The Reincarnationist paperbacks are:

Elle Vee
Amy (of Passages to the Past)

And the grand prize winner of The Reincarnationist and The Memorist is:

Lorin of Arch Thinking

Please contact me with your addresses at lenoreva AT hotmail DOT com so I can get your books out to you!

Congrats all and stay tuned for my next HUGE contest (hint: it's again sponsored by Penguin) which I will annouce next week.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing some new blogs to my attention. I should have gotten an award for stealing, I mean borrowing, an idea from you. (Tuesday Thingers and a Picture of Emmy)

Lenore Appelhans said...

Hey, stealing is the sincerest form of flattery right? I love that you do it too!

Alea said...

Lenore! This was so great, I loved all the awards you created and gave away! It's a great recap of the whole book blogging community!

You are too sweet to mention me, I'm glad you are enjoying my book piles! I need to start getting more creative with how i display them! I'm still waiting for the week where I can post a picture of nothing, that will be a fun week!

Meg89 said...

I found some new blogs to add to my roll today, thanks for such a good list!

Jen Robinson said...

Thanks, Lenore! I feel the same way about your reviews. In fact, you don't even have to review them, sometimes. Your Waiting on Wednesday posts are a consistently excellent source of book ideas for me.

Dystopia fans unite!

Serena said...

Wow what a great list of awards for some fantastic bloggers! Congrats on your awards as deserve them!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Aww, Lenore, thanks!

Beth Kephart said...

Whoa. Yow. I love this. I love BOTH of my awards.

More soon, when my client work shifts just a little to left or right and I can breathe!

Steph said...

Hehe *inside joke* This is special for several reasons ;P

Thank you for the awards, cherie :D


Shooting Stars Mag said...

Fun awards! I'm stoked to be a good commenter. I do try. LOL

And aww...Shalonda IS an awesome addition to this crazy world called book blogging.


Lenore Appelhans said...

Oh Lauren, I also wanted to give you the award for coolest idea - for your marked up books. You know I love them :)

S. Krishna said...

Thanks for the commenter award! I like the idea of making up your own awards.

Ali said...

Lenore, this is a terrific post. Lots of awards I nodded while reading them, and some new blogs I'm off to check out right now! And thank you so much for including me! A compliment on my reviews from you means a lot!

Shalonda said...

Awww, Lenore you are so sweet! I am so excited that you thought of me! You really don't know how flattered I am to be on your list!

In my eyes, you are a blogging queen, and I am thrilled to be in the YA blogging community because it has allowed me to communicate with awesome people such as yourself!

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Lenore, you're too sweet! Thanks so much for thinking of me and my randomness!

Thao said...

I love the awards : D I had fun reading everything. Congrats to the winners!

Amy said...

Many thanks for the honorable mention!

Anna said...

Thank you very much! You've totally made my day!

And congrats on your awards. You definitely deserve them!

Diary of an Eccentric

Lisa said...

Thanks so much for mentioning me! You've got a good memory. It has been so much fun to receive books and then to pass them along to other book lovers - it's one of my favorite parts of this whole process!

Marie Cloutier said...

Thanks for mentioning me AND for posting that great list of blogs! :-) Way cool :-)

Ana S. said...

Lots of new to me blogs in there! I now want to check them all out.

Darlene said...

Awwwww thanks Lenore. I comment so much cause you have such good posts. lol.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Lenore: I know you like the marked up books!!! :) I'm so excited you do though. They areeee super fun.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for awarding me 'The Most Amusing Comment'. I'll have to admit the fur kids are great for giving me something to talk about and we've just added another adorable kitten to family. These awards are great and such fun to read through.

Passages to the Past said...

What great awards you came up with...very clever!

Yeah...I won something! Thank you so much!


jocelyn said...

I said it on my blog, but I'll say it again here--thank you so much for the award! I'm honored. And not just because of that (but because I really think you are awesome), I listed you for an award at :-) Just to let you know I think you rock.

RR2 said...

Wow, thanks SO much, Lenore! And, we'll definitely post a joint review some time soon. :)

Ladytink_534 said...

Thank you so much for the award!!!

Wendy said...

Hi Lenore, I just realized today that I never received my book :( I think we exchanged emails where I sent you my snail mail address.
