1. You already know I'm obsessed with books, blogging, cereal, chocolate, and my cat Emmy (to the point that I make up songs that I sing to her like "Meowy kitty, you like to meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow" sung to the tune of Lucky by Britney Spears.)
2. You may not know I'm obsessed with collecting paper money from around the world. This is a joint venture with my father and together we have amassed quite a collection. I'll go out of my way to cross a border on my trips so I can get even more (i.e. when we went to Zimbabwe, I planned a side trip to Botswana). Whenever someone takes a trip to a country I haven't been , I beg them to bring me back some currency. I've also bought some of the rarer ones at flea markets and online. Here is one of my favorites:

3. Seasonal obsessions: I am a huge fan of fresh fruit in the summer, and I always have to have gingerbread around Christmas. I also get really into skin care and make-up in the winter. I am probably most obsessed with lip treatments and lip gloss. Current favorites? The Sugar Lip Treatment from fresh, the Beauty Balm in berry from Too Faced, and the Color Plump in Hey Sailor! from benefit.
4. Dormant obsession: During her tours, I spend way to much time at the various Tori Amos message boards. I could tell you all her setlists and what songs she debuted where. I also went to 4 shows last tour and collected all the available (legal) bootlegs. This is cover used for her "Clyde" shows.

5. Former obsession: In high school, I got mostly As, but I wasn't too upset if I got a B. In college though, I was obsessed with getting straight As. And I did.
So what are some of your obsessions?
Cool about the paper money! And I agree about seasonal obsessions....in the summer, it's watermelon, and in the winter, I make SO many cookies that my family is still eating them by Valentine's Day! (:
Great post. That money is gorgeous! I always knew you were smart.
I have some great paper money I have collected on my trips as well. :)
One of my obsessions: Depeche Mode!
That money is awesome! I also love Tori!
My main obsession related to your money obsession is Pez dispensers. I have hundreds and I love them and I'm going to pass them on to my children. I put them all out on the floor a while back and took pictures (I've actually been meaning to post them on my blog), and I made a very nice carpet of Pez dispensers!
That money is beautiful! I think that's a great obsession, everytime I see a new bill of some sort, it's always prettier than the one before! I was less obsessed with grades in college than in high school after i found out some teachers would give crappy grades because they could and there was no way around it (trust me i tried to find a way!). Oh art....
Yay for the straight A obsession, you keener ;)
Yay for the straight A obsession, you keener ;)
Those who love Tori will always have an obsession! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tori. I named my first dog after her!
I have ever CD she ever made, plus nearly every video. I do see her in concert whenever she is within driving distance.
One night, in Los Angeles, in an open-air stadium... she sang Carbon, Baker Baker, Sorta Fairytale and Black (by Pearl Jam... my favorite song by them). I thought I would die in ectasy! Like, she sang the concert just for me.
BTW... I love subscribing to your blog.
That money is cool, I wish our notes had flowers and birds on them instead of heads!
I used to love collecting foreign coins...and stamps...that was an obsession for a long time.
I can't tell you how happy/relieved it makes me to hear that other people ALSO make up songs they sing to their cats. I'm not alone! Wheeee!
This one time I went to go see Tori Amos at this really expensive venue here in NYC. My friends and I bought the cheapest tickets possible (we didn't have the money for good seats) and had seats sooo far back that you almost needed a telescope to see her. As we were sitting down in our back row, waiting for the show to start, this huge guy came up to us out of the blue. He told us he was Tori Amos' body guard and that every show Tori Amos plays she buys a certain number of front row seat tickets to give away so that her fans that could only afford the cheapest tickets get a chance to sit up close. We picked out one of us to go up there and my friend got to see the whole show front row center! Just one of the many reasons why Tori Amos rocks!
I think your obsessions are more interesting than mine.
Congrats on the award!
Your obsessions sound awesome, esp. the money.
In addition to the BSC, and chocolate, my obsessions also include amassing as many different shades of lip gloss as possible.
I like Tori Amos, too. Never seen her in concert, though--I don't think she's been here in the relatively short time I've been listening to her (I was a latecomer).
OMG you love Tori? Chances are that you'd know my friend Matt as he haunts message boards, etc and knows all the playlists. He's a tragic TA fan too.
currently I am obsessed with buying books :)
Otherwise I don't really remember being "obsessed" with anything. Sad, I know :(
btw, which place is that currency from, it's real pretty..
Vintage portable sewing machines...weird I know. I'm a quilter, (when I'm not reading) and I do most of my piecing on my 1951 Singer Featherweight or a 1948 Elna Grasshopper. I make flannel quilts on my 1953 Elna Supermatic, machine applique on my 1953 Bernina 501, machine quilt on my 1954 Singer 301,and the 1950-something Bell is just because its so darn cute!!
I LOVE dishes. I have a teeny kitchen, so there isn't much room for them, but if I had the space and money, I would have about fifty sets.
Suriname has absolutely GORGEOUS currency! American money looks so plain in comparison.
Other than books, I would say my obsession is television. I don't watch many shows, but I really get into the few that I watch. I never missed an episode of The X-Files while it was still in production, new Doctor Who and Torchwood episodes are cause for celebration in my house, and you absolutely cannot pull me away from PBS on Sunday evenings -- I need my Masterpiece Theater!
I'm also a bit of a political junkie. I watch a lot of MSNBC & CNN, love Countdown with Keith Olbermann and the Rachel Maddow Show. I never miss The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.
My mother makes up songs for our cats as well! It's very cute.
I'm so glad we're not the only people who make up songs they sing to their cats...
I think my husband and I have seen Tori 6 times! So much fun.
My mom has been collecting coins (all of them used that just drifted into her possession) most of my life.
I have a few obsessions but my main one is reading (and watching) things in order. It drives me crazy to do things out of order!
Nice! I like the paper money thing. Very fun. My obsessions? Reading, quilting, my cat, being a librarian. I used to collect religious pamphlets but I've never been too into collecting. i like your hobbies though! :-)
What gorgeous money that is. I have bills stuck in drawers from different countries, but I've nothing from Africa. What an interesting obsession.
And I love Tori Amos, too!
We should go out, eat sushi, get fresh fruit (I need it all the time) and listen to Tori Amos.
I love the paper money obsession. I actually have some Bolivars and Eastern Caribbean dollars laying around my house. If you don't have those , I'd be happy to send them to you. :)
I think its neat to see how money looks all over the world. You must have a cool collection! I love Tori Amos, too, but I'm not obsessed. ;)
Diary of an Eccentric
Like Alea, I realized after a while that professors will often give you whatever grade they think you deserve. I've been graded up and down before. It's always nice to be on the up end! haha
I have always put paper money from different countries in my son's stoccking - he's always been fascinated. I love coins from different countries. I myself love vintage kitchen gadgets!
I have foreign money. I have a 25 cent cordova from Nicaragua. It's really pretty.
I do the cat-song thing too ^_^
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