Saturday, May 30, 2009

NYC and BEA update

BEA attendees, if you are stopping by Presenting Lenore for the first time, welcome! Regular blog readers, here is a short recap of my BEA experience so far.

After a 9 hr flight on Thursday, we arrived at JFK, got to our hotel, and finally made it to the Teen Author Carnival (very late) at 5:30. If you were watching the event live, then you might have seen me asking the final question to the third group of authors. I asked about the first blurb each was asked to write, and there were some great responses. Wish I would've taken notes, ha! Since I was so late, I missed out on a lot of authors, but I did get to chat with Pam Bachorz (Candor), Michelle Zink (Prophesy of the Sisters) and Sarah Cross (Dull Boy). Not to mention, I finally met a ton of bloggers for the first time in person! Steph, Alea, Steph Su, Dominque, Sharon, Marie, Kori, Devyn, Mitali, and ... my brain just shut down. In any case, Marie has a very unglam pic of her, me and Steph on her blog, as well as a better TAC recap and other pictures.

Then it was off to dinner with bloggers and Hachette publicists: Steph, her mother, Daniel, Amy, Julie, Dawn, Stephanie, Kelly, Brianne, Miriam and Literanista. Lots of fascinating bookish talk. The waiters took notice that Daniel was the lone male among many "bellas".

I got a couple hours of sleep before I met Amy and Julie to stand in line for Catching Fire tickets. We braved the pouring rain and were about tenth in line, so yes, we got tickets.

The rest of the day is a blur. I know I meet tons of lovely bookish people - at my signing (my blogger trading cards produced by the team at Firebrand are so fun! I will send one to the first 10 people who ask - signed even!), standing in long autographing lines, walking the convention floor, and at Books of Wonder later in the afternoon. I also got to chat with a few of my favorite authors including AS King (you are awesome), Gayle Forman (and her lovely daughter and husband), Melissa Walker, Joshua Ferris (so adorable!), Scott Westerfeld, Libba Bray...and my brain just shut down again.

Oh yeah...did I mention I got Catching Fire? (And I saw a couple of people sit down on the floor and start reading it immediately. There was also this little boy there who said he hadn't read it, but he was getting it for his teacher who couldn't come. How sweet is that?)

Just about time to join the fray again. I hope to catch some panels today, including the book blogger panel at 2:00 p.m. in room 1E15.


Liyana said...

So cool! I asked you for your card already on Twitter. Please sign it! :D :D :D

Emily said...

CATCHING FIRE!?! SHUT UP. I am sooo jealous. My heart is aching right now. Oh god.. Lucky girl!

Donna (Bites) said...

Dude, I tore a muscle in my chest carting my bag back to the train station.

Beth Kephart said...

All right. Can I have one? Please?

sweetmelissa818 said...

Oh, cool! I want one!

PJ Hoover said...

Sounds full of awesome! One of my crit buddies was hoping to snag a Catching Fire for me!
And if I'm still under number 10, I'd love a card!

Reverie said...

I am so jealous. And it this point might cry.... for real!

Steph Su said...

Nice summary! Makes me feel as if I'm almost there with you. It was great meeting you, too, and Daniel, and I hope that the rest of BEA goes well for you!

Thao said...

Could I have the card? It sounds cool. I'm really jealous of you. I wish I could go there and have fun too. Anyway enjoy your stay ^^ I hope you'll meet more authors, bloggers and publicists/publishers.

Reyna Meinhardt said...

It sounds like you had an amazing time! I wish I could have gone! I would love a card as well please!

Cecelia said...

I envy you with Catching Fire. May I please have a card as well? Enjoy the rest of your trip! (or the recovery from it)

the story siren said...

It sound like you are having a fantastic time! I'm so jealous of everyone that gets to go!! So glad you are having such a good time! Tell everyone hi!!

Janssen said...

Oh how I hope i can go next year!


Nancy said...

ohh I am so very happy for you. How friggin amazing to meet so many bloggers and authors and to get Catching Fire!!!

susan said...

Man! Sounds incredible. Glad to hear you're having a great time.

Anonymous said...

Ha. I'm baking brownies and drinking chocolate martinis and who CARES about all the fun you're having at BEA? Nyah-nyah.


Erica said...

Catching Fire??? I'm sooo jealous!

That's sweet you got to meet all those authors :)

Heather Zundel said...

Oh, Lenore, can you post a picture of it? I will live through any vicarious means I can until Catching Fire comes out (and I would LOVE a card if they're still available). So happy for you over there!

Jenna said...

Sounds like you are having a great time!

I would love a card, if there are any left.

Melanie said...

I'm glad you're having a great time! I definitely plan on going next year. Is it always held in NYC?

If there are any left, I'd love a card. :)

Bonnie said...

It sounds like you and Daniel are having an amazing time at BEA. I can't wait to hear more and see pics!

If you have any cards left, I'd love one!!

Anonymous said...

Aww, the number's already higher than 10, but if there's one to spare, I'd love to have a card!

Good work on snagging a copy of Catching Fire. Now us mere mortals can sit and seethe as you joyfully read! =D

Staci said...

sounds like you're having the time of your life!! Enjoy every minute of it!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're having such a great time at BEA! I can't wait to read your and everyone's else's lists of all your haul.

Unknown said...

*wishes that was MY student getting me Catching Fire*

Luanne said...

Thanks for the update Lenore - it's great to hear how wonderful it is for those of us who can't go!

Ali said...

Glad you got there safely and you're having a good time!

Stephanie said...

I got Catching Fire too!! So cool. Sorry I only got to say hi and didn't really get to have a conversation with you. Maybe next year?

Rebecca Herman said...

It was nice meeting you even if we only met for like a couple of minutes! Enjoy all the nice books you got too!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I am so jealous of everyone that got Catching Fire. I hope to see some giveaways for it :-p That is so cute about that little boy. Glad it sounds like you had a great time. I wish I could have gone.

H said...

I'm not surprised people started reading it straight away. I'm so jealous! And that's a lot of very cool bloggers you got to meet :)

Christina Farley said...

So jealous! Catching Fire! Sounds like you had a great time!

Lenore Appelhans said...

Ok Liyana, Beth K, and Celia I already have your addresses and will send you one.

Melissa, PJ, Thao, Polo Pony, Heather Z, Jenna, Melanie, Bonnie, and dissecting perfection - send me your mailing addresses to lenoreva at hotmail dot com.

Sadako said...

Hey! I was there, but I didn't know you were there...awesomeness!

A.S. King said...

YOU are awesome!

Reader Rabbit said...

I meant the "hate" in the most loving way possible!

And BEA sounds exciting.

bermudaonion said...

It was so great to meet you - I wish we could have spent more time together.

Jess said...

Sounds like you had a fantastic time. I am definitely have to go next year!