I read 5 books (besides travel guides) on my vacation, including two for the Chunkster Challenge (reviews coming up):
THE MARK by Jen Nadol
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett
We were visiting good friends in Nairobi, so we spent quite a few days there just hanging out in their house, going to restaurants, attending the Guy Fawkes Day fireworks (sponsored by the British Embassy) and looking at real estate (they intend to move house). Not the typical tourist stuff - though we did do that too, including a trip to the Langata Giraffe Centre and the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Baby Elephant Orphanage.
Daniel and a new pal:

More soon, including our trips to:
Hell's Gate National Park
Lakes Bogoria and Baringo
Lamu (World Hertiage Site)
Masai Mara National Reserve
Ngorogoro Crater (World Heritage Site)
Arusha National Park
It sounds like you had an awesome time! Glad to see you back. =)
Amazing! Dying to see more pics. :D
I love to visit a new place and do "non-tourist" stuff - it gives you a better feel for the country. I love the pictures!
Welcome back! Sounds like an amazing trip. That baby elephant is supercute.
Lovely to have you back! Can't wait to hear more.
Ohmygod, that baby elephant is ADORABLE! I'm so glad you had fun - Kenya and Tanzania! How awesome!
What is going on with that baby elephant? It looks like its either in a trance or has spotted something incredibly exciting on the ground. Either way, adorable.
How privileged you are to have been graced with the place where all the animals roam.
Thank you for sharing.
wow, that sounds like a wonderful trip. I hope you plan to share some more photos!
welcome back!
What a fascinating trip!! I love that baby elephant!!
OMG that baby elephant is cute!
And C&P is on my list to read. Oy.
Looks like you had a great trip, and glad to have you back! Looking forward to hearing more.
Welcome back! Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful trip!
Welcome back! :) Looking forward to more pics and your reviews, especially of THE MARK!! :)
Welcome back! The baby elephant is so adorable :D I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures!
Hey you went to the giraffe sanctuary (loved it). Did you see the male giraffe, we could not find him...also aren't the lakes just gorgeous? Will there be more pictures soon please :)
Look at that baby elephant! His ears are all big and flappy like Dumbo - what a sweetheart. :)
what an adorable baby elephant : )
Welcome back! Sounds like you all had a wonderful trip! Can't wait to hear more.
I am so, so jealous! Going to Kenya has been a lifelong dream for me! I'm so glad you had a fantastic time... I can't wait to see more photos.
Good to have you back! That baby elephant is so cute! I want to know more, see more, hear more... :D
Glad you had fun! I can't wait to hear about all the places ya'll went.
The giraffe is cute, but the baby elephant is adorable. He looks like Dumbo.
I'm glad you had a great time there. Baby elephant is so cute!!!!!
Don't worry - I will post more VERY cute baby animal pics!
Glad that you had fun. So cute pictures. =)
That picture is too neat! I'd love to get that close to a giraffe. Looks like lots of fun!
Can't wait to hear more about your amazing sounding trip. The baby elephant is the cutest thing evah!
Aww, the baby elephant is so cute!! :)
Sounds like a fabulous trip and it's wonderful when you have local friends to spend time with.
What an adorable elephant! I wish I could've been there--you don't see that kind of cuteness at your everyday zoo!
Glad have you back!!
That baby elephant is adorable. Baby animals are so freaking cute!
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