Monday, April 12, 2010

Where My Last 20 Books Came From (7)

It's that time again! Here's how the last 20 books I reviewed made their way to my review shelf (links lead to my reviews):

Beware, Princess Elizabeth by Carolyn Meyer - Requested review copy

Funny Business by Leonard S. Marcus - Picked up at BEA

The Blonde of the Joke by Bennett Madison - HarperCollins First Reads Program

The Vampire Is Just Not That Into You by Vlad Mezrich - Picked up at Frankfurt Book Fair

Stolen by Lucy Christopher - Bought

Jumped by Rita Williams-Garcia - Bought

The Girl She Used to Be by David Cristofano - Requested via Book Bloggers Ning

Tethered by Amy MacKinnon - Requested via Shelf Awareness

The Iron King by Julie Kagawa - Accepted publicist query

The Snowball Effect by Holly Nicole Hoxter - Requested review copy

The Eternal Kiss (Anthology) - Picked up at BEA

Airhead by Meg Cabot - Contest win

Tricks by Ellen Hopkins - Bought

Soldier X by Don Wulffson - Bought

Back Home by Julia Keller - Accepted publicist query

Purple Heart by Patricia McCormick - Bought

Out of the Blue by SL Rottman - Requested review copy

Await Your Reply by Dan Chaon - Bought

Very Valentine by Adriana Trigiani - Requested via TLC book tours

The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting - Requested review copy

Quite a good mix this time around I think! How about you?


  1. of my last few reviews, I have 2 books I bought, and 4 were from publishers.

  2. I did a quick check - 9 from the library. 5 ARC's, 1 purchased, 4 from work.

    Looking forward to seeing what you thought of The Body Finder.

  3. I got about four ARCs from various sources, finished two. And I got a book to review from LibraryThing Early Reviewers and GoodReads. I finished the former--it was great--and am in the middle of the latter, which is promising to be the same. I've really enjoyed writing reviews because it's like taking a voluntary English class, analyzing literature. Woohoo. =] Then I just bought a couple from a library book sale and mooched Tunes For Bears to Dance to by Robert Cormier from Bookmooch.


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