The last time I did a post like this, where I talk about books I started but could not finish, was February 2009 (
Sorry, I'm just not that into you...The Anatomy of Wings and The Believers). There were a lot of other books I probably should have put down last year, but I hate giving up! That said, here are two novels I really wanted to like, but had to finally admit that they just weren't for me.

First up is Laini Taylor's DREAMDARK: BLACKBRINGER. I adored her LIPS TOUCH 3 TIMES (read
my review) so I put aside my distaste for fairies and fantasy and gave it a try. The writing is lovely, and thumb-sized heroine Magpie Windwitch has just the right amount of spunk, but I could not get past her "faithful clan of crows". I kind of hate it when a main character is surrounded by sidekicks who flit around and talk a lot using colorful language. These wanted to put on plays...ugh. Even though the plot was heating up and starting to get interesting, I just couldn't bring myself to read another word of the crows' dialogue and gave up at page 104.
But if you don't have my particular "sidekick group" hate, you might love it like the following reviewers did:
Jen Robinson Charlotte's Library
Next is LOYALTY'S WEB by Joyce DiPastena.
My Favorite Author loved it and convinced me I should give it a chance, even though it's not the usual type of book I read. I wanted to really love it, but I could already tell in the first few pages that this novel wasn't for me. Still, I gave it 50 pages to try and prove otherwise.
I struggled with the language (the phrase "shapely bosom" was used) and I struggled with orientation (where was I and what was going on?). There were also way too many character introductions in the first few chapters, many of them random Dukes of wherever who kept talking about a plot to overthrow the French king (I think). Because I felt like I would scratch my eyes out if I had to read another description of a minor Duke (and his stately mustache), this one will remain unfinished.
I want to read Loyalty's Web now, simply for the phrase "shapely bosom", which is both accurate for said time period and made of win. ^_^
I also totally understand where these posts come from, as I have had similar sentiments with books before.
HeHe, I've never heard of either of these books, but your descriptions really made me laugh :)
I think I'm going to pick up DREAMDARK, because I love faery books. Although, I might not be able to stand the sidekick group if the dialect is playing off of ethnic stereotypes.
This happens to me sometimes too. Even though I go in with the best intentions, something about the book just niggles the heck out of me and I am left to leave it by the wayside. That being said, I think that my daughter would probably like Dreamdark, so I will mention it to her. The shapely bosom book is a no-go, I'm afraid.
I love hearing about books that didn't resonate with people, because it just shows you how strongly opinions can differ and how people seem to like and dislike a huge factor of things when it comes to books.
I haven't actually read any of these on the list, so I dont have anything interesting to say about either of them. Fab post!
Sorry to hear you didn't like the Laini Taylor. I loved LIPS TOUCH too and am thinking about checking this one out.
I totally love the title of these posts....and I will so steer clear of these!
I feel so bad that you didn't like LOYALTY'S WEB and I'm the one who recommended it to you! D'oh! I really did think you would like it, but everyone has their own unique taste in reading choices. There are certainly a whole slew of books that pretty much everyone raves about but that make my stomach turn just thinking about my experience with the book. Blech. I always hate it when I run into a book that turns me off to the point of not being able to finish it. But luckily there are so many amazing books out there that it doesn't happen too often.
Better luck with your next book choices!
I really liked Blackbringer. I picked it up on a whim at my school library some months ago, and while it took me a while, about the same time you stopped, I was speeding through! It got so great, and now I can't wait to dig into Lips Touch...(which my library is nearly done cataloging). But the fantasy element is very present, especially the world building, so it definitely isn't for everyone. I normally don't like hardcore fantasy myself, but Taylor made it utterly adorable. :P
Neither of these books are really down my alley, but I will heed your advice in case I come across either of them in the future. Do not really need to scratch my eyes out over dramatic crows or stately mustaches.
Hey, if you only get 2 stinkers a year, you're doing great!
"Because I felt like I would scratch my eyes out if I had to read another description of a minor Duke (and his stately mustache)..." Haha! Stately mustache made me laugh. But yes, I agree. I would probably have the same problems. No gangs of crows with inklings for theatre or awkward introductions for me.
I need to be better about putting myself out of my misery when I am reading a book that I am just not that into. It's good you can let the bad ones go!
Bummer on Blackbringer. I loved it. You might try Silksinger, second in the series. It stands pretty well alone and there are a lot less of the crows.
Awww, too bad on both of these. I had been wanting to read Loyalty's Web for some time, maybe I should pass on it.
You are a better woman than I, because I wouldn't even have tried. I know, bad Sandy.
Ok, the phrase "shapely bosom" makes me want to giggle uncontrollably. I can understand why you just couldn't continue.
:D It's always interesting to know what kind of books that others did not like (and did not finish)!
For now, I try to finish up the book I'm reading no matter how bad it is. I know that I should put it down if I can't stand it at all but luckily there's no reason for me to do that yet. :) Though it is a waste of time reading something you wouldn't enjoy, right?
I really like how you phrase these by pointing out other reviewers who did like them, Lenore.
I've been meaning to read Faeries of Dreamdark for a while now. I did enjoy Lips Touch.
I actually find these very useful. Because there are just some books, no matter how much you want to love them that it isn't possible. Not every book is for every person. Though I will still read Blackbringer. Her writing is incredible.
Life is too short to spend time reading books that just don't grab you. I had a DNF just this week. And it's a book that everyone else loves.
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