Intense. That’s the first word that comes to mind when I think about this novel. The atmosphere is heavy and foreboding, even at the beginning. Thanks to a prologue that starts in media res, the audience is already wary of Father Mark at the start of chapter 1, even as Olivia is excited to make his acquaintance.
I really liked how the introduction of Jamie as a love interest for Olivia underlined the fact that something was very wrong with Father Mark. Olivia’s scenes with Jamie are as lighthearted and care-free as her scenes with Father Mark are oppressive.
My only real criticism with the book is the handling of the climax and conclusion. The wrap-up is perfunctory, which robs us of a really cathartic release after such an involving narrative.
THIS GORGEOUS GAME is now available in hardcover. Find out more about it at the author's blog.
This definitely sounds intense!
Wow! That last sentence...I don't even think I could write something like that.
I was so busy and distracted that it took me five days to read this book and must have missed that!
I agree with you about the ending.
This sounds like quite a page turner!
Amanda - Indeed!
Amy - I read it in one sitting, so I was tuned into everything ;)
CI - I'm glad someone does.
Kathy - It is!
I hadn't heard of this one, but it sounds really interesting. Although I do get annoyed at books with lame endings.
I also hadn't heard of this one, but it does sound like a really good read. I like the fact that it has a really solid ambiance to it as well. Great review, this is one I want to read!
Really need to get my hands on this one! I just saw another review -- I think Steph Su's? -- and can't wait to read it!
I just finished reading this one yesterday and, you're right, it's just so intense. It's one of the very few books that has made me tear up while reading it. I was having lunch at work and almost cried because of how heartbreaking those final chapters were. Amazing book. You wrote a wonderful review!
This sounds like a really interesting book. I always enjoy books about writers and writing.
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