Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Book Review: Fever by Lauren DeStefano

There are spoilers for WITHER in this review, so if you haven't read it yet, please see my WITHER review instead.

One of the aspects I loved most about WITHER was the atmospheric writing - and that certainly continues in FEVER.  Almost immediately, Rhine and Gabriel are swept up into a new predicament, one that's like jumping out of the frying pan (Linden's house) into the fire (a circus brothel).  There's a funhouse mirror/dream-like vibe to this whole first section that fits so well to the circumstances. (And btw the cover is an absolutely perfect reflection of it too.)

I wondered how successful Rhine's flight could be, and the twists in FEVER were supremely clever - setting the stage for what is sure to be an explosive showdown in book 3.

Series order:

WITHER - out now
FEVER - comes out Feb 21, 2012
Book 3 - due April 2013

Find out more about the series at the author's website

See index of dystopian reviews on Presenting Lenore

FTC disclosure:  I was sent this book by my editor


Zibilee said...

I loved Wither, and can't wait to get to this one! I am really looking forward to it after having read your review and hearing that things do indeed get stranger! Very enticing review today, Lenore. I need to read this one!

bermudaonion said...

I haven't even gotten Wither yet. I am so behind on all these great trilogies.

Celine said...

These books look sooo good. I really have to pick them up! (:

candice (thecrjreviews) said...

Oh boy, am I ready for Fever to come out! Circus brothel - kind of explains the cover a little, which I love. Bring on an explosive third book. I am all kinds of exited now, thanks!!!

Ellz said...

Wither was one of my favorite reads last year, very excited to get my hands on this one!!

Anonymous said...

I loved all the imagery from the circus brothel too! But I shudder at the thought of how gross that would smell. I thought Fever was a fantastic follow up with Wither. I can't wait for the last book! Shameless plug for my review: http://brokenpenguins.wordpress.com/2012/02/07/destefanos-fever-gets-darker-and-better/

Jasmine Stairs said...

I'm not sure if I could deal well with a continuance of the Wither story that got darker. I am a darkness-wimp. I will say that the cover is lovely, though!

Christina said...

I'm glad you pointed out that the cover makes perfect sense because of the opening scene. I really didn't like this cover much (aesthetically I still don't), but I do appreciate that it depicts something from within the book, despite the fact that it's not beautiful.

Just read Fever myself and, while I enjoyed it, I would like to see more of Rhine standing up for herself and being powerful. She spent way too much of this book drugged up/otherwise incapacitated.

Unknown said...

Hum, this review is making me more eager to read Fever. I was pretty underwhelmed by Wither and I really don't like Fever's cover, but now I think I'll try it. The circus brothel makes me curious....

Giada M. said...

Thank you for your review! I haven't bought Fever yet, but after reading your review, I ordered it. Can't wait to get my hands on it! >_<

Evie said...

Wither is on top of my wishlist and I know that I'm going to love it!
I love those covers!

Vivien said...

I really loved Wither. I've been eager to read Fever since I finished Wither. The covers are just amazeballs.