Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 in Review: Books and Blog Stats!

So you know I love stats right? The following are the ones I chose to keep track of this year.


Total books read: 134 not including picture books (+1 which I will review in 2010, so I will count it then to make it easier)

First I will break down my reading by intended age-group (for marketing purposes):

YA: 83 (more than last year)
Adult: 41 (less than last year)
Middle grade: 10 (less than last year)

Secondly by genre: (note - a few books were very hard to classify, so I placed them where my gut feeling told me too!)

Contemporary/realistic fiction: 39
Paranormal/urban fantasy: 19
Sci-fi/dystopia/horror: 16
Chick lit/romance: 14 (surprisingly high!)
Historical fiction: 12
Traditional fantasy: 11
Thriller: 10
Non-fiction: 9
Classics: 2

Thirdly by gender of author:

102 by women
29 by men
3 by both

And then by how I aquired the book:

Sent for review/book tour: 82 (more than last year)
Book fair: 18 (not counted last year)
Bought/own: 12 (less than last year)
Amazon Vine/LT ER or other ARC program: 10 (same as last year)
Borrowed/library: 6 (less than last year)
Won in contest/gift (or trade) from blogger: 6 (same as last year)


Number of posts: 365 (average of one per day - YAY!)
Most popular contest: 700 Followers Contest with 415+ entries
Most commented book reviews: Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver (42 comments) and 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson (46 comments)
Most commented non-review post: Authors requesting reviews (110 comments)
Most commented picture of Emmy: #58 - cuddling with Finn (51 comments)

Other popular posts:

Tour of Hachette Books
Bookshelves Before and After Blog
New Book Blogger FAQ

Months with over 8,000 unique visitors: March, June and September


  1. I really liked how you did your stats. This is the first time I've ever kept stats and hopefully I'll do a better job for the end of 2010!

  2. I love your stats! I can't believe more people don't comment on precious Emmy and Finn!

  3. Fantastic Stats. You had a great year. I hope to visit more often and comment more often. Your stats are inspiring.

  4. It's so fun to read everyone's stats this time of year. I always get ideas for new ones to add to the new year. :-)

  5. These are great. I don't know, I must have an inner mathematician in me, but I just squirm in delight at stats. Though I did peg you more as a fantasy reader than I expected. Maybe the paranormal and fantasy combined? Anyway, Happy New Year Lenore.


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