Friday, June 5, 2009

Tour of Hachette Books

Another NYC highlight this past week was Kelly giving me, Daniel, Steph (Reviewer X) and Nicole (Linus's Blanket) a tour of Hachette's offices on Monday morning. Kelly took nearly two hours out of her day to answer our questions and show us around. Thank you to Kelly and the whole online team at Hachette. You are doing a great job reaching out to bloggers.

Group shot (Kelly Leonard, Anna Balasi, Miriam Parker, Nicole, Brianne Beers, me, Steph, Valerie Russo)

Our first stop was to visit Alice in the Little, Brown Young Readers division. I can't tell you how cool it was to see her desk piled high with ARCs of HATE LIST, ASH and PROPHESY OF THE SISTERS (all spoken for). No stack of BEAUTIFUL CREATURES because they went superfast!

Alice's desk

She told us a bit about her job and that she gathers up ARC requests and then deals with them all at once about once a week. She loves digest e-mails, so if you owe her links to several reviews, it is best if you wait to send them all at once.

Me and Alice Morley in front of this season's Little, Brown Young Readers sign

We walked around and looked at a couple of the other departments and imprints, with Kelly telling us about what they do.

Kelly points out the various imprints

And of course, she had to show us the ARC closet that Brianne recently organized. I am sure I squealed when I saw it.

Brianne shows off her handiwork

Kelly showed us Hachette's video studio and then took us to a whole different floor to check out Hachette's in-house, state-of-the-art audio recording studio where actors and authors come in to record audio books.

What I'd look like if I was recording an audio book
Hachette is very pro-book blogger and were very early adapters in online marketing. They are both amazingly accommodating and genuinely thrilled to be working with us.

They've set up a platform on ning where book bloggers can sign up to host a Hachette giveaway and another platform where book bloggers can request upcoming titles for review.

Thanks again Kelly!


Michelle said...

Look at all those wonderful books! What an amazing opportunity you had to get an inside look at how it all works. Color me jealous but so happy for you guys.

trish said...

That is so cool! That'll be something I'd like to try to do next year... :)

Unknown said...

Wow that is awesome! I'm totally jealous you got to do that! And you met Alice!

BookChic said...

That's totally awesome!! :) And is that Alice Morley? Great pics and recap- I'm jealous! Sounds like such a fun time!

Ana S. said...

ARCs of Ash! *pines* I'm really looking forward to that one.

Thanks for sharing the pics. Sounds like it was a great experience!

SarahChristine said...

i would love to be locked in hat closet :)

Meghan said...

That is really, really awesome. I'm jealous!

Nely said...

So neat - thanks for sharing the pics. It's great to put faces to these wonderful gals we work with every day.

♥ Nely

Anonymous said...

This entire post is just so so cool!

3m said...

Wow, that looks like a fantastic time!

Janssen said...

That is incredible. And I am, obviously, dying of jealousy over that ARC closet.

Alyce said...

That is really cool! I loved getting to see the behind the scenes photos of Hachette!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like such a great time. I'm so glad you guys got to go!

Anna Claire said...

What a fabulous trip! It looks like it was amazing. And you look so professional in the recording studio ;)

bermudaonion said...

I'm sorry I missed the tour! Hachette is so wonderful to work with and I loved meeting all of them last weekend. Thanks for posting this.

Hillary said...

That looks like it so was soo fun. Hopefully I can go next year. Now I want a book closet!

ANovelMenagerie said...

OH! I want to go there! That looks soooo cool!

Stephanie said...

Oh, I'm so jealous!!

Rebecca Herman said...

How cool! Love the ARC piles.

Brooke Reviews said...

Wow that ARC closet is awesome. :) I want one. lol

Shalonda said...

That looked like a really fun time! It would be so cool to sit in that audio booth.

And you met Alice! She's wonderful!

Kate said...

It sounds like you had fun. Great pictures. You didn't happen to get the blueprints for the builing (including the ARC closet) and notice if there were any alarms? :D

Bookworm said...

OMG that's so cool! I'm totally jealous. Did you manage to snag an ARC of Alphas by Lisi Harrison? Let me know! (:

Alea said...

Thanks for posting this, I've always wanted to see what the inside of a publishing house looks like. And loved the picture of you showing what it would look like if you were recording an audio book! hehe!

BurtonReview said...

Wow that is definitely awesome! Loved the pictures, especially the one that would make many of us squeal... WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOO

Toni said...

Love the pictures.. thanks for sharing. What a great time. I am soooo jealous.

Bonnie said...

Thanks for sharing your tour with us! It was so nice to see the "behind the scenes" at Hachette and faces of the wonderful women that support book bloggers. The ARC closet and audio booth were my favorites!! What a wonderful trip that you had in NYC!

kalea_kane said...

What a treat it was reading all about your tour! It looks like you had a wonderful time!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Hachette really is great when it comes to working with bloggers. And I'm so jealous you met Miriam in person, I used to talk to her a lot this past year.

You are so luck to have gotten a tour. I'm freaking out over that ARC closet. ME WANT. lol


Ruth King said...

Lenore, I loved this post! Thanks for giving us an inside look at Hachette. I've had the pleasure of working with Miriam several times and it's great to see how Hachette operates. I now want to move to New York and work for them. (How awesome would it be to be surrounded by so many books all day and actually get paid for it?)

You probably wouldn't have been able to drag me away from the ARC closet.

Totally off topic, but Steph and I own the same pair of shoes.

Thao said...

I'm so jealous of you guys. How did you get such a great tour like that? I'm so glad to see Alice, she's been so nice on emails and stuff. And look at the ARC closet! Anyone else wants to be book thief?

Thanks for the pictures and the links Lenore :D

Staci said...

Loved all of those pictures!! and especially the ARC closet..I could hear your squeals of delight from here!!

Darlene said...

That's totally awesome Lenore! I love Hachette-they really are great.

Amy said...

What fun! I have to admit I was green with envy when you guys made your plans at dinner.

I love the Hachette team...they are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

These pics are sooo awesome. And that ARC shelf is cool. I wish Hatchett would ship the ARC's internationally :(

Lenore Appelhans said...

One thing I didn't mention in the post - the security is tight. You have to present yourself to security guards downstairs who check your ID and then call up to see if you are expected. That's so no one pops in to try to sell a manuscript (or raid the ARC closet ;))

Christina Farley said...

Oh I loved the pictures. Thanks for sharing. Looks like you had so much fun. I'm living vicariously through you!

Deborah said...

what a great post. i love all the girls at hachette and it's wonderful you got to tour the place...SO jealous!

Beth F said...

How fun!!!!! I have to spend more time in NYC next year.

Erica said...

Wow. That's neat. That'd be something I'd love to do some time.

Kate at Read This Book! said...

*drools* look at all the ARCs.

You are very lucky! What a great opportunity for you.

Liviania said...

Way cool! I love the bit I've done with the Hachette team, so I'm glad to hear they were awesome in person.

The Tome Traveller said...

Thanks for this fantatic post! Hachette is just the best and I was sooo envious that you gals got a tour. But this post is almost as good as being there!


Amee said...

An ARC closet! That is awesome.

Angela said...

Oh, how cool!

I can't wait to read ASH.

Luanne said...

Oh I loved this post!! How lucky you are and how jealous I am that you got to meet all the great folks at Hachette and tour their offices!! Cool beyond belief. Thanks for sharing!!

icedtea said...

Thanks for the inside look and all your BEA reports.

Angela said...

Looks like a ton of fun! When I visit NYC again I would love to spend some time visiting with the amazing people at the publishing houses that I've been working with!

Melody said...

I enjoy reading your blog, Lenore! And this post about the Hachette Books Tour is just awesome!

Lenore Appelhans said...

Oh Bookworm, I did not get ALPHAS. I'm not sure I even saw it, but then I wasn't on the lookout for it.

vvb32 reads said...

supercool! thanks for sharing this hachette experience.

the story siren said...

That looks like so much fun! and what an awesome experience! Definitely learned a couple new things!

Ladytink_534 said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! I'm with you about that ARC closet :)

Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME!

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

This is such an awesome post! Thanks so much for sharing the pics from your tour - that is something I would love to do. I think it's pretty cool that the recording studio is in the same building.

Dawn - She is Too Fond of Books said...

Very cool behind-the-scenes tour complete with photos ... thanks for posting this!

I can't decide which pic I like the best - the group shot in front of the Hachette sign, the ARC closet, or you in the recording studio!

jamaise said...

That's so cool - I work with Miriam & have worked with Anna - neat to see them. What a great experience for you!