Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (58) + picture of Emmy

Today Wendi is talking about a new feature at LibraryThing: Collections!

I've always used my LT library to list books I've read, but now thanks to this new feature, I can sort my books into separate libraries including "read but unowned", "to read" and even "wishlist" (that last one is awesome, yes!). Now I just have to find the time.


As I write this, both Emmy and new kitteh are sharing my lap, purring. I am so relieved that they seem to be getting along. I have a picture of the first time they ever cuddled (on Sunday). It was supervised and lasted about 10 seconds, but it was a great start:

And then yesterday, I walked into the bedroom and saw this:

Bonus picture of new kitteh wrapped up in the blanket:

Name update: Still no name. What do you all think about Sawyer though? It's literary and a LOST reference. I'll have to see if Germans can pronounce it though. That's what killed my first choice (Jasper).


bermudaonion said...

Oh my gosh, the picture of the two of them curled up together is just darling! I like the new LT feature too, but finding the time to play with it is an issue for me too.

Anna Claire said...

That's almost too much adorableness for one photo :)

I didn't know LT did "collections" and one was "wish list" -- that sounds like a great idea.

Anonymous said...

How adorable!

Meghan said...

If you have read but unowned ones tagged that way, you can really easily switch them over to a collection. It took less than a minute.

I'm so glad the kitties are getting along well! I love the picture of them curled up together. So cute!

Lenore Appelhans said...

AC - It is brand new!

Meghan - I never tagged those. I did tag the TBR ones, and I noticed they are already in my "to read" library, so that's very cool!

Alea said...

Eeeeeee! So cute!

Kate said...

I love the picture of both of them curled up together :)

Tara said...

Cool! I didn't know about the new LT features - will have to check them out. Cute photos!

Staci said...

They are truly adorable. Right now my mama cat Pistol has 3 little kitties and I love watching them wrestle with each other. They're a riot!!!

ANovelMenagerie said...

Love the kitteh!

I think you picked a good name.

More pictures, please!

Erica said...

Oh my lord, they are too cute!

Melanie said...

I think Sawyer is a good name! Good book, too.

Kristen M. said...

I think you should go for the mythological/Lost reference with Djinn (Jin). And it's so fun that they are friends already!

I'm still not sure about putting books I don't own into LT ... but I *was* thinking of adding all of Z's children's books in there now with their own collection.

Ruth King said...

They are so quite together! I'm glad that they're getting along so well.

I love the name Sawyer.

I played with the Collections feature a little bit the day it was launched. I organized my Doctor Who books and that was really all I had time for. I need a nice chunk of time where I can sit down and really try it out.

Khy said...

I can't handle the kitteh cute! It's almost too much.

Anonymous said...

Awww. Your kittehs are adorable!

Melissa O. said...

I gotta agree with Khy, cuteness overload!! But in a good way, of course. I LOVE the picture of Emmy and kitteh sleeping together :-) And the one where the kitteh is wrapped up in the blanket is just precious, too!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, you need to warn people of the Awwwwww Factor of those pics! :-D They're so adorable!

I didn't know that LT has this new feature until last night when I went to post a couple reviews on the site. I didn't think much about it, as I was there with a purpose. I do use the same feature on Goodreads, though. But I use Goodreads just to keep track of my current reads and not as a social site like LT.

Memory said...

He's the cutest thing! I'm glad to see he and Emmy are getting along, too.

Sawyer sounds like a good name to me. You'll just have to hope he doesn't become a hardcore troublemaker like his literary counterpart.

Priya said...

Awww, they're both so cute! And I think Sawyer is a great name.

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

Oh just look at those little sweeties! So glad to hear they've become friends :)

I think Sawyer is a really great name! When my youngest son was born I had three choices - Sawyer, Holden or Hunter - I ended up choosing Hunter though because it went better with the one middle name I wanted :P

MySharonAnne said...

awhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The second pictures made me grin like an idiot. so so so cute!

Serena said...

AW so cute...i love the photos of the kitties...cuddling...sawyer sounds like a great name.

caite said...

very cute...very cute...

I love the idea of the collections and I am sure many who begged for it of LT are very happy. I just have to think out how I want to use it....but i will.

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Too cute! Thanks for sharing! I like the name. :)

Darlene said...

Oh my, I'm in love. That pic of the two of them is so beautiful. Love that last one also-too cute. Sawyer is an awesome name!

Chick Lit Teens said...

How adorable! I think that Sawyer would be a cute name.

Amee said...

Aw! They're so cute together. I like the name Sawyer, very cute. :)

Linda said...

I think Sawyer would be a great name! Love the cuddling pics!

allikat313 said...

Cute! I had a cat like that once. Is it a Himalayan Persian?

Amy said...

Oh my gosh, so cute!! It's seriously killing me the petless one.

and I LOVE Sawyer. :)

Doret said...

So sweet. Sawyer has a nice ring to it. Please show us one of Emmy licking the new one arrival clean.

Lorin said...

Cats are like siblings - arguing when Mom's around, secretly combing each other's hair when she's gone. Or maybe that's just my childhood. =)

Ana S. said...

Aww. You have the cutest kittehs ever. I really like the name Sawyer!

Anonymous said...


Cuteness overload! :D

I like Sawyer as a name, too, especially since it is two awesome regerences in one single name! :)

Bonnie said...

LOVE the pictures of the new kitty and EMmy...they are just so adorable!!

This is a really nice feature at LT and I wasn't aware of it. Time is an issue and deciding if I want to splurge on the lifetime membership as I have reached the limit of books I can list there.

Unknown said...

Beautifully sweet pics! I think they're going to be friends!

Dottie :)

Literary Feline said...

I love the photos! Such cuties!

I am really excited about the new LT collections feature. Now to find the time to put it to good use.

Wendy said...

OMG - how adorable is that??!? I am so happy to see them falling in love with each other :)

I love the name Sawyer...

Zibilee said...

Your babies are totally adorable! I am glad they are getting along so well. Please keep the pictures coming, I love stopping by to see them.

Dawn - She is Too Fond of Books said...

OK, I was excited about the LT news re: collections, but that definitely takes a backseat to these pictures!

TOO CUTE! My fave is the photo of the two sleeping :)

Thumbs up for Sawyer ... let us know if it passes the speech test.

Jessica Verday said...

Kittens in blankets are the best!

*whispers* A little birdy told me I need to persuade you to come visit some grave yards. I know one in particular that's awesome... ;)

weina said...

that is so cute, i think daniel's nerve can rest now. the new kitten is really pretty. actually on the photo which wrapped in sheet he looks like daniel.

H said...

They are SO adorable together! I'm glad Emmy seems ok with him now

Jenn said...

The new addition looks like an "Oskar" to me.

Lenore Appelhans said...

Jenn - Funny you should say that! We discussed the name oskar but it is the name of Daniel's godson.

Jena said...

I'm getting a new kitten in a few weeks!--and I'm so afraid Kitty we have now (who ADORES me) will have nothing to do with her, even though that has never been my experience with bringing in new kittens. (I've never had a cat who doted on me like this, either.)

Jen - Devourer of Books said...

Aw, Emmy and the kitten are so cute!

Toni said...

I just love those kitties .. how precious.

Kelly said...

I'm loving the new LT feature too. So far I've only sorted into "My library" and "Read but unowned" but I feel so *organized* already!