Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Book Review and Giveaway: Sapphique by Catherine Fisher

SAPPHIQUE is the sequel to INCARCERON (read my review), so if you haven’t read that yet, this review may have light spoilers. Read at your own risk!

When I first started this novel, I didn’t like it. From the ending of INCARCERON, I expected a bit more of a honeymoon period for the characters who got their (sort of) “happily ever after” ending in the Outside. Instead, they are still miserable and mope around annoyingly. Fortunately, a great twist perks them (and the story) up around 120 pages in, bringing the novel back to the high level of the first book – at least in the Outside world scenes. Here, the storyline and underlying themes deal with illusion vs reality and how much of our experience is perception. We finally get to see some of the rot under all the illusion of perfection in the Outside world. As a peasant who lives in abject poverty explains, “Era is no pretence for us, no playing at the past with all its edges softened. It’s real. You play at history. We endure it.” (p 203)

I still had my issues with the Inside scenes in Incarceron being too high fantasy (which to me was just too boring). There is also a character introduced who claims to be a magician but who also may be crazy. I never warmed to him, and found his whole purpose and the mythology surrounding him and Sapphique’s glove to be muddled and not especially logical.

And then the ending, as weird as it is, is also kind of brilliant. A mix of dark desperation and a twinkling of hope. And in the end, I’m glad I stuck with it.

My rating – 2 Zombie Chickens: Enjoyable but not essential.

SAPPHIQUE is already out in the UK in paperback, but won’t be released in the US until 2011. Can’t wait that long? You can have my UK copy! Just tell me in the comments if you need both books or just SAPPHIQUE. I’ll keep the giveaway open until March 8th at 11:59 PM CST and anyone can enter (yes international!).


PJ Hoover said...

I actually have them both so no need to include me in the giveaway. I found bits of the overall glove thing a tad confusing, but I did like the ending. Like you said, a twinkling of hope.

melissa @ 1lbr said...

I would love to read these! I've been waiting forever at the library for Incarceron, so I would definitely want to have both. Thanks!

Unknown said...

/shields eyes from spoilers in the review!


Please enter me for both! I've heard so many good things about these and would love to read them.

throuthehaze said...

I have Incarceron already and would love Sapphique

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Alysa Stewart said...

I've heard such good things about Incarceron. If I win, I'll need both. :)

Sheere said...

I have heard a lot of good things about Incarceron, but I haven't read it yet so I'd need both! Odd endings are great, I think, knwing how it is going to end since the beggining is a little boring..
What I don't understand is why one whole year to be released in the US..

donnas said...

I would love to be included for both. I have read so many great things about Incarceron but havent been able to get a copy yet.

Thanks for the chance!

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Jen said...

I almost started hyperventilating when I saw your post. I just finished Incarceron and would love, love, love to get my hands on Sapphique (although yes, I would admit to greedily wanting both). :)

Kurumi said...

I'd love to read both these books. I've heard good reviews for Incarceron and that has really piqued my interest. :)

Shy said...

As someone who is not from either US/UK, I actually cannot find this books at the bookstore that I frequent. So it'd be lovely if you enter me for both! Thanks for giving us this opportunity =)

Dani. said...

I would just need Sapphisque! :)


bermudaonion said...

I don't think this is for me, so I'm not going to enter.

Spav said...

I would love to read this one! I've heard nice thing about both books, but I still haven't read any of them.

Rylie said...

Please enter me for both!

bcanyon at hotmail dot com

Mandy said...

Incarceron has been on my list for awhile. I didn't know that the UK already had the sequel. So, if you please, I'd love to be entered for both. Thanks (:

Kristen M. said...

I would totally love to receive both of these books.

Staci said...

2 zombies???? I'll pass!

Kristi said...

I just finished Incarceron and really enjoyed it. I'd love to not have to wait for the sequel to be published here in the U.S.!

hannah r0x yoUR soX! said...

I haven't read either, but I'd love to!
I'm a new follower and I just want to throw in how excited I am about this blog. Honestly, until a few months ago, I didn't even know there was a whole book blogging community!
Love, Hannah

Travis said...

I've been wanting to read both for a LONG time, so I'd need both. :)
Thanks for the awesome contest!


Kristen said...

I've heard great things about these books! I don't have either of them. :) Thanks for the contest!

dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are so lucky! I haven't been able to get a copy of the first book yet! So enter me for both please!

Emi said...

I would love to enter for both books! I tried to go buy the first the other day but was told I had to cease book buying for a few months because of the budget :( thanks for the opportunity to win!

tetewa said...

I'd like to be included for both!

DeNiSe said...

Oh I would love to have both U.K version if that's possible and I dont think I can wait until 2011 to find out what's going to happen next in the series
Thanks for the contest

Angiegirl said...

Very generous giveaway, Lenore! And a very interesting review. I've not read either so I'd love to see what I think. Thanks again!

mariska said...

wow, what a generous giveaway. i love to have them both since i still only can 'read' the review on some blogs . i just need to read the books :)

uniquas at ymail dot com

Anonymous said...

I already have Incarceron so I would like to have Sapphique.

IanIan said...

Great review :D Please enter me, I would love to have them both and start reading this series (since in my place, even Incarceron is not out yet).Thanks :D

ninefly said...

I would love to give incarceron and sapphique both a try! thanks for giving us the chance to win this =)

Liviania said...

I'd need both books. I do want to read these though, because I've enjoyed everything by Catherine Fisher that I've read.

(I must admit, I didn't read the review to avoid spoilers. I am worried by the presence of only two zombie chickens.)

inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com

Mystica said...

My knowledge of books onthis genre is minimal and I would appreciate very much if you could count me in for both giveaways (if thats possible please).

Thank you for making this international. Much appreciated.


Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

OOOO AHHH I havent been able to get my hands on either of these yet. Count me in.

Sandy Jay said...

A new-to-me author so enter me for both books, please. I love finding new series to read. Great giveaway.

forwhlz at gmail dot com

Shweta said...

Please include me for both. As I stay in India, I don't think I ll be able to buy either of these books any time soon.But I so want to read them :)


Precious said...

I've heard great things about Incarceron! :) I think Sapphique will be good too.

I'd just want Sapphique please.



Alice ♡ said...

I would really love to read these two books! I have neither of them and Incarceron is not available on my Reader, so I would absolutely be amazed to get them. Thanks!


Silvia said...

I would love to be entered for both. Incarceron sounds amazing.

buddyt said...

I have read a number of reviews of Incarceron and it is on my wishlist but sadly finances have not allowed me to purchase it as yet.

I know the odds are probably not on my side but it would be awesome to be able to win both books !

I just must enter and hold both thumbs !

Thanks for the giveaway.


Lola said...

Awesome review. I am sad to see the sequel only got a 2/5 rating! I am reading Incarceron right now and love it! I would love to be entered for the sequel Sapphique! Thank you so much for the opportunity! :)

Sas (Squishy133) said...

Sadly none of my bookstores (in Australia) have either of these books on offer, so I would love to be entered for both if I may. They look awesome. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. :)

Brodie said...

The spoiler-addict in me wanted to read your review but, with great amount of effort, I refrained. I'm really interested in reading Incarceron - so please enter me for both!


Beth Kephart said...

your zombie chickens are killing me!

Sapphire Pyro said...

I love incarceron but it's sad that the sequel doesn't seem to be as good as it. But I am still curious to read it! Please include me for Sapphique only.

Sapphire Pyro

LucĂ­a said...

I've read your review and both looks great; thanks for the giveaway, and for make it worldwide! I'd like to enter for both please :)


KHCPL Staff said...

I have Incarceron and am still working on it. I love it and am probably going to finish it by Saturday. I would love a chance to read Sapphique!

visesten said...

Thanks for the review! OMG, I've been dying to read Sapphique ever since I finished Incarceron! So I was delighted when I found out the sequel was released 2008 but then I couldn't find it anywhere for purchase! I still can't believe that the US release is next year... the UK version seems very limited because even the online bookstores that I usually buy from says that the book is out of print. T_____T

Too bad about the beginning of Sapphique, I'd hoped for some little romance between Claudia and the fiancé she retrieved. But the author is not one to venture too near romance in regards to her main characters, although she does drop hints at the prospect every now and then (or so I've come interpret them). Claudia's lingering affection for Giles is the closest admission I've seen in Catherine Fisher's works so far.

Anyway, I'd love to enter the competition for both books as I don't own a copy of the first yet (borrowed it from a friend).

Thanks so much for the opportunity and for making it international!


Sarah said...

Great contest! I would love to be entered for Sapphique. Thanks! said...

I just read Incarceron, and loved it! I absolutely can't wait until the 2011 US release date for Sapphique. Please enter me in the contest! *fingers crossed*

Michelle said...

I am really looking forward to this series - so I would need to read both. Thanks for the heads-up, I didn't know the sequel was already out, at least in the UK.

mmillet at gmail dot com

Stacey Brucale said...

Please enter me for both!


Kelsey said...

I would love to win both of these, since I have not read them but I've really wanted to!


Jessy said...

That's a shame that you didn't find it that enjoyable. I am really looking forward to reading this so can you please enter me just for Sapphique.

Thuy said...

I love dystopian novels! Since there were "light spoilers" I only skimmed through your reviews :)

Haven't read either books yet. I would love to win both. Thanks!

vision.nguyen AT gmail DOT com

grace said...

Sapphique please!

The Lovely Reader said...

I am reading Incarceron right now and LOVE it, cannot wait for the next book, please enter me for both books, I would love to have my own copy of them :)

barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com

pepsivanilla said...

Please enter me, I would love both since I haven't read Incarceron yet :)

Thanks for this giveaway!


Emily said...

I would love to win both of these books! I haven't been able to get my hands on Incarceron yet and would love to have both! THANKS for the great, generous giveaway!

emily DOT wittenberg @

Simply Stacie said...

Please count me in.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

Esther said...

Oh I definitely need both as Incarceron hasn't made it to my end of the woods yet!

thanks for such a generous giveaway

mindy said...

i would love to read these thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net

chocowafer said...

I haven't read Incarceron yet so I would need both! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)


Cecelia said...

Ah, what fun! I haven't read Incarceron yet, but a library copy is sitting on my floor, waiting to be devoured. I think tomorrow may be the day...

Given that that is the case, I'd love to be entered for BOTH books. Thank you!


Misty said...

I've really been wanting to read this series, and I can't seem to get my hands on a copy of Incarceron (or its sequel, obviously). Definitely count me in!


iffath said...

I would love to win both of these books! I think there is a really long list for Incarceron at the library becuase I've waiting for ages!
Thanks you :)

E.J. Stevens said...

I haven't had a chance to read either book yet but they sound like fabulous reads. I would love a chance to win![at]gmail[dot]com

D Q said...

Please enter me for both. I would love to read them.

Beth F said...

Of course being at the end of this list, my chances of winning are about zero, but.... you can enter me.

I didn't read your review because I hate spoilers and even hints.

BFish (dot) Reads (at) gmail (dot) com

Yan said...

Crazy is good eh? Okay sometimes if done correctly. Heard some awful things and heard some amazing things about this book. I'm not sure where I'll under with this series but I would like to try it eventually. I'll need both books....

Sandra Stiles said...

I have Incarceron and would love to read Sapphique.


Anonymous said...

I'd love a chance at these - both of them. I have neither! Thanks for offering them up.

foltzsfantasticbooks at

Tia said...

I just started reading Incarceron this afternoon (library copy) and am really enjoying it so far. It's very different than most of the dystopians I've read, and I like the historical sci-fi aspect to the story. I'd love to own a copy of it and the sequel!

tiasbook AT gmail DOT com

Sue said...

I'd love both! You're fab. Thanks for the giveaway.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

Amanda said...

I'm a new book blogger from the Australian outback. I would love to read both of these books. Please enter me for both.

P.s I'll be in touch soon for the mentoring program

Kim said...

I started reading Incarceron when my best friend brought it to school, I fell in love with it and had to go out and buy it. It was one of those books that captured me and i read all day and night. It was finished in 7hrs. I have been searching high and low for Sapphique and can't find anyone that would have an Ebook, seeing as how I am not waiting until 2011 to read it, If i have to I'll take a trip from Tennessee to California or Washington, DC to read it. The only place in America that seems to have it. Please consider me in the give away! I'll pay you! Lol. Seriously though. I'd love to have the books, both simply because i want the UK version of Incarceron. Thank you!
<3Kim Cherrybabe1400 @

Borostyán said...

Thanks for the opportunity!

I'd like both of the books.


KMichelleC87 said...

Please enter me in this contest. I haven't read either of them but they look good. Thank You!


Ammietia (a girl you once knew) said...

I keep hearing about Incarceron and every time I read something new about it (review, a blurb, anything) I want to read it more... I just don't have the money for it right now, sadly.

I love the covers too! Fantastic.... Enter me please...

Bella@BeguileThySorrow said...

Please enter me for both :D
I've been wanting to read Incarceron but haven't gotten it yet; but all my book buds say it's a MUST read so I've gotta have 'em, especially since I hate waiting so long for a book two *le sighs*


Megan said...

Definitely need both of these books. This is me entering and not saying anything more than that. I hate when I do that.

Zibilee said...

I'd love to win both of these books as I don't have either. Please enter me in your very generous giveaway!


The Insouciant Sophisticate said...

I would love to win both books-I've read a lot of great things about Incarceron!

stephaniefleischer889 @

Unknown said...

Would love to win both books if given a chance :)

Many thanks!

rubs.escalona [at]

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win both!! Thanks for this amazing giveaway!

kpic724 (at) gmail (dot) com

twipippi said...

Enter me for both, I would love to read these!

Steph Su said...

Hmm, only 2 zombie chickens. Interesting. Incarceron completely captivated me, so I definitely want to check Sapphique out and see what it's all about!

stephxsu at gmail dot com

Test said...

I already have Incarceron, but I would love Sapphique. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Lasha said...

incarceron sounds amazing, i havent read it yet, so if i win i would want both books. wow i love the storyline, its sounds like a fantastic read.


Zoe said...

I've heard good things about Incarceron but haven't had a chance to read it yet, so I'd need both books.

Reading said...

I would love to be entered for both. I have heard such good things about them.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Sarah E said...

I would love to win both Incarceron and Sapphique. I've read great reviews about Incarceron and would love to read this series.

saemmerson at yahoo dot com

Sarah E

Josette said...

Hey there, I would like to be entered for both books! They sound interesting. :) Sometimes, I guess it's all worth it if the ending's really good. Thanks for the giveaway!


Elbereth said...

I've heard great reviews about the first one and would love to read both. Thanks for the chance!

Kelly said...

I want to read these so bad! I have heard a lot of good things about Incaceron. Please enter me for both. Thanks for the chance!
-Kelly H.

Nancye said...

I do not have either book. I would be thrilled to win one or both. Thanks for the chance!!

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Sharli said...

I've heard great things about these so I can't read them!
Please enter me for both! :)

Thank you!

Amelia said...

I'm sad the sequel isn't as good as the first (which I haven't read). I'd like to enter for both.

ameliarainier AT hotmail dot com

DeeCee said...

Both please! I've read fabulous reviews for Incarceron.

Melanie said...

I haven't read either of these books, so if I'm lucky enough to win, I'd need both. They sound like great reads!

Tabathia B said...

I would love them both, my teens would love to win these and since we stay down south we have to wait a long time for them at the library

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Raspberry said...

I need both, because my husband hasn't read the first. !
What a fabulous giveaway - definitely crossing my fingers... :)
Also on my sidebar.

Mary said...

I've heard wonderful things about Incarceron, but haven't had a chance to read it, so I would love to have a chance to read both.

DurĂŁo said...

I need both books please
carlos_durao AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Hi Hi! greeting from Colombia!

I have read good things about both book so I really want both^^


Thankh U!


Ella Preuss said...

I'd LOVE to read them both!

ella_press AT

Terra said...

I live in Australia and I am pretty sure that I have not spotted these books on the shelves here. I would love to have the chance to win and read both books if I were so lucky.

Unknown said...

I would love to read these. Please enter me for both.

jocelyn said...

These sound pretty good :) Please enter me for both!

Penny said...

Yeah, I just finished Incarceron and I'm dying to know the rest of the story. I NEED Sapphique.

So yeah, please enter me in the Sapphique giveaway

Penny said...

Great review.

I just finished Incarceron and I'm dying to know what happens next. I NEED Sapphique.

So yeah, please enter me in the Sapphique giveaway. Thank you.

bookaholic said...

A very helpful review.
I love reading books.So would love to read both the books! Please enter me for both! :)

Thank you so much! Yours is a great blog.

Sab H. said...

I would need both books!! And OMG you're so awesome! I loved Dystopian month!! ;D

yabliss AT

Anonymous said...

I haven't read INCARCERON yet and would love to read both books! Thanks. :]

sandyshin7 [at] gmail

Cavalier said...

o_rei_de_havana AT hotmail DOT com

Count me in for both books, please!

Edu Chico said...

Hi there,

Thank you for such a great giveaway.
I don't know the author, so I will nedd both books.
My email: educhico[at]gmail[dot]com

Best wishes!

ktobias said...

These 2 books are at the top of my list currently. I hate that you found the start of Sapphique slow... I still want to read them and determine how I feel about them myself though! So yes, please enter me in this giveaway!

andrea b said...

I haven't read either of the books but I've heard great things about Incarceron so I would love to enter the giveaway! Thanks for making it international...


Jafantunes said...

I need both books.
I mean, really neeeeeeeeeed them!
I went to research the books after checking this giveaway, so now I just feel like reading them right now!


MariaD said...

I don't know this series, so count me in for both of them!


Caty said...

I'm running for both books.

catarina [.] magoito [@] gmail [.] com

Susy said...

Oh, such a nice giveaway!
I need both of them, please.
Good luck to all, both I do hope I win.

39 DOT 5susy AT gmail DOT com

Mil said...

I will need both books, please. []

Joana Dias said...

Sign me up on this giveaway.
I haven't read any of the books, so I will need the full pack.

Tanita said...

Another great giveaway, a real treat.
Unfortunetly, I haven’t read anything by Catherine Fisher, but this is a good opportunity to start.

Best wishes to all!

tanitalves AT

Anonymous said...

Haven't read either.
Please enter me for both!


Dana Palmer said...

I really enjoyed the first book Incarceron and would love to read the second book Sapphique. Please enter me in your giveaway contest.

Penny said...

I think maybe I forgot to post my email address. Is it too late to post it?

Katy said...

I haven't read either one, so I would want both! :)

srfbluemama at gmail dot com

Lenore Appelhans said...

CONTEST CLOSED. I will notify the winner shortly.

Unknown said...

I thought it was pretty good, but I definitely wasn't blown away. Not sure if I would read another one if one comes out, but it was decent enough to read the sequel.

Great review!
