Friday, August 8, 2008

Book Review: Death by Bikini by Linda Gerber

Aphra Behn Connolly lives at a tropical island resort her father owns. Despite the rich and famous guests she mingles with, Aphra doesn’t find island life so exciting … until one day a mysterious family – which just happens to include a hot guy Aphra’s age – shows up and sets off a chain of events which includes one of guests being strangled by her own bikini…

This is a quick paced and satisfying teen mystery with some truly scary moments (a near drowning, claustrophobic moments in tight caves, and chases through the rain-soaked jungle at night), lots of intrigue and a dash of romance. The small island setting and the limited number of characters made spotting the villain pretty easy and left me with some nagging plausibility questions, but that is a small quibble. Aphra is an appealing, strong female character who has no problem jumping into dangerous situations to save those she loves.

Although the main plotline is wrapped up, there is an ongoing mystery that continues in the next installment – Death by Latte. I am super eager to read it, so it’s a good thing I won an ARC from author Linda Gerber’s site a few weeks ago. (Review coming up next!) If you too would like an advanced copy of Death by Latte, enter Linda’s Freebie Friday giveaway here. And if you don't win this week, keep trying - she's giving away copies and swag all month long!


Shooting Stars Mag said...

Nice review. The book sounds like a fun, interesting mystery and I really do want to check it out at some point.


Alea said...

I just got this book this morning! I don't usually read many "mysteries" but this one sounds fun!

Kelly said...

this is an author and a series I've not heard of, I'll have to check them out. I love series!

Sara said...

Sounds like a great book! I've heard so much good things about it and I can't wait to read it! I love the mix of mystery, romance and teenage life.


photoquest said...

sounds like a fun read, enjoyed your review. photoquest

Melissa said...

Great review! I'm always on the lookout for strong female characters.

windycindy said...

What a wonderful book for teens. I would love to win this for my niece. Then, get her the rest of the series!
Please enter me in your book drawing. Many thanks.....Cindi

Amber said...

I love mysteries - Nancy Drew was sa childhood favorite :) This reminds me a little of Nancy Drew. I am glad that Alpha is a strong female character, not just a frivolous stereotypical lovestruck teen.

Anonymous said...

Great review. This sounds like "my kind" of book. I always enjoy a good mystery and a strong female character. Now I REALLY want to win your contest, lol.

:::off to update my library list:::

Chick Lit Teens said...

Great review! This sounds like my type of book!

Tempest52 said...

This sounds like a fun read!


Sarah Woodard said...

Sounds Great.

ellie_enchanted said...

Sounds good! I haven't read a mystery in a while, so hopefully I'll read this sometime :D

katayoun said...

sound really nice. entering the giveaway and also putting this on my wishlist it's the time of the year where wishlists are looked at! :)

Book Lover Lisa said...

Your review has me wanting to read this. (closing my eyes during the scary parts, of course).

Anastasia @ Here There Be Books said...

I think even if I don't win a copy, I'm going to check this book out. YA mysteries starring girls are one of my favorite things to read, but I don't really read enough of them.

- Anastasia
herebebooks AT

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read this book! I've heard so many good things.

Shalonda said...

I love that you mentioned the book has a fast pace. Too often, mysteries take too long to develop the storyline. Glad to hear so many great things about this book.

Vanessa ( said...

I haven't read a mystery book in a while (it's not around much in the YA bookshelves) but I really would like to because it's a cool genre.


whatvanessareads (at)