Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Waiting On Wednesday (3) Nothing but Ghosts by Beth Kephart

Beth Kephart revealed this awesome cover for her next YA novel Nothing but Ghosts, which is due out June 2009, a couple of weeks ago on her blog. I couldn't find a summary anywhere, but it apparently involves the decoding of a mystery on the site of a reclusive gardener’s. Also, the main character, a high school senior, is grappling with the death of her mother. I'm actually a little afraid to read it because my mother died when I was a freshman in college, and if you've lived through that, you know it's something you never completely get over. But what Beth says about it in her blog post makes me think it's a MUST read:

"Nothing but Ghosts began life as a relentless finch and in the aftermath of my mother's passing. It went through countless iterations. It has emerged, it is emerging, as a book of which (forgive me) I am proud. A book that I hope says something."

UPDATE: From Megan's recent interview with Beth, I have learned that the main character's name is Katie. And that there's a bit of romance. The plot thickens!!
UPDATE 2: Thanks to my gentle urging, Beth has posted HarperTeen's official catalog description at her blog. YAY - Now I'm even more interested - check it out here.

What about you? Is this a book you'd like to read? What other forthcoming books are on your radar? Find out what other bloggers are looking forward to on Waiting On Wednesday's host Jill's post this week.


S. Krishna said...

I tried to read Kephart's House of Dance and just couldn't get into it...but I've heard good things about her, so I'm willing to give her another shot!

Lenore Appelhans said...

I haven't read House of Dance yet, but I think it also has a great cover and I like the premise, so I'm sure I'll read it at some point.

Beth Kephart said...


This is such a nice post — thank you for putting this book on your stage, and on your radar. I'll post the official description someday soon (when I re-locate it). Forged in some version of the truth, it finds its own way, ultimately, as a story imagined and loved through what felt like countless versions.

Thank you again,


Beth Kephart said...

Lenore and S. Krishna — a smile back to both of you, upon my blog.

Anonymous said...

YES! I'd love to read it.

Darlene said...

Nice post Lenore. The book sounds good-I've not read anything by her but this one I wouldn't mind reading at all.

Ladytink_534 said...

I probably wouldn't enjoy this one too much because it sounds kind of sad.

The book that I'm most looking forward to is Swallowing Darkness by Laurell K. Hamilton.

Angela said...

Yes, this sounds like one I would like to read... love the title.

I'm also waiting for Fran C Slayton's new book...HOW TO STOP A MOVING TRAIN... due out SOON. I heard her read a bit at a critique group (earlier draft) and it is a story I haven't been able to get out of my head!!!

Here's her website:

Lenore Appelhans said...

Beth - Thanks for stopping by and for your blog reaction :)

j.kaye - Too bad it's not out til JUNE. Not that you don't have enough to read until then ;)

Dar and ladytink - You know, sometimes a sad book is a good thing.

Angela - I looked it up, not on amazon yet but I love her website. Thanks for the tip!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I do have a lot, don't I? Thank goodness or I'd be in a panic state of mind! (lol)

Beth Kephart said...

Dearest Lenore.

I have been moved (by your dear and welcome interest) to post HarperTeen's "official" description of Ghosts on my site today.



Anonymous said...

Sounds good!

Jena said...

now that the summary is up, I can answer: I'll put it on my wishlist.

Em said...

Oh, I'll definitely be reading this one as soon as it comes out! :)