When I first read the summary for this one, I knew I had to read it. I loved the premise, but couldn't fathom how Author Huntley could actually make it work. But oh does she! The structure she has set up of Madison being able to "jump" to certain moments of her life gives us ample opportunity to really get to know Madison and the people that are central to telling her story - her sister, her best friend Sandra who is terrorized by her unstable mother, her boyfriend Gabe (and his ex-girlfriend Dana), and a former friend Tammy. Madison visits seemingly random scenes from her life, but they all fit together like a puzzle to help her (and us) solve the mystery of her death - leading to a surprising and bittersweet ending that really packs a punch.
What I probably liked best about the novel was the philosophical subtext. Huntley has some very intriguing ideas about the coexistance of life and death - a scene from Madison's childhood where she and her friends play with a ouijia board is especially spooky in this context. I also appreciated the inclusion of a few Emily Dickenson's poems and discussion thereof. It definitely made me want to dig out my volumes of her poetry again.
The Everafter is now available in hardcover. Find out more about it on the author's website. I read the ARC, but will be buying a copy for my keeper shelf.
What an interesting and deceptively simple premise! I'm quite glad it delivers.
This sounds so cool - I'm very interested in reading to understand what Huntley's interesting ideas about the coexistence of life and death are.
The cover is amazing, glad know the book is too. I am definately adding this to my wish list, thanks!
Very excellent concept and the cover seems to fit the book really well.
What a fantastic cover! I must add this to my wish list. :)
I'm very much looking forward to reading this myself now!
This book sounds great. I think I remember seeing it on your blog before and thinking I'd like to read it.
Great review, I can't wait to read this one!
Glad to hear that this lived up to your expectations. I hoped this would be good as the premise sounds so interesting. This is definitely on my wish list.
Sounds like a very interesting concept for the genesis of a plot. I'm adding it to my TBR!
What a fascinating concept. Sounds very original.
This sounds really good. I should deffinitely try and read it at some point. Great review!
This is high in my TBR pile! Glad you enjoyed it.
I NEED this novel. Thanks for the great review!
A philosophical subtext is always interesting to me; this sounds like a great book!
definitely picking this book up when i get some book money :)
I just think this sounds so neat! Love the idea of lost objects that can change the past.
Glad to see you liked this one. I've read some praising reviews but this clinched it.
great review! i cant wait to read this one!
if I was surrounded by the objects I had lost during my life, there would be a lot of watches and earrings floating around.
This sounds really good! I'm adding it to the ever-growing-and-expanding TBR list.
Ha! I just went to add it and it's already there!!! See there is so much on there I don't even know anymore!
What a great setup! This sounds like exactly my thing.
From your review, this sounds deeper than what I would have imagined it to be. I might have to give it a shot!
I'm glad this book delivers! I was deciding whether or not to pick it up...
Glad you liked it! Thank you for the great review, it sounds like I should be moving this one closer to top of my TBR list. :)
I am really glad that you liked this book so much. It sounds like a great read with a really interesting concept. Great review, I will be looking out for this one.
I want to read this book even more now. Thanks for a great review!
I've never heard of this book, but it sounds awesome and I will definitely check it out! Even though the cover made me think of jellyfish *shivers* :)
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