Daniel and I got up early and went to the airport clinic to get our yellow fever shots for our upcoming trip to Kenya and Tanzania. It took a rather long time. Daniel went immediately after to an illustrator meeting, but I didn't go to the fair until about 4 pm. I talked to various guide book publishers about getting some guide books to review for my trip. Footprint Books has a travel guide for Kenya, but by the time I made it back on Sunday, they had packed up and left. Thomas Cook has a Travellers guide for Tanzania, but the fair copy was stolen, so the rep promised to send it to me. I have the Lonely Planet East Africa guide and got their Watching Wildlife East Africa guide today. I also already have Fodor's The Complete African Safari Planner. Many companies don't seem to have much for Africa, so the selection isn't as grand as I hoped.
My only schelduled activity on Friday was a reading by German YA Author Nina Blazon. She read from her new novel TOTENBRAUT (Dead Bride) and told us a bit about the story. It's a historical/paranormal set in the Balkans and incorporates vampire myths from Eastern European folktales, which are much different than TWILIGHT and books of its' ilk. Originally, before Bram Stoker got ahold of them, vampires were more like zombies. People were afraid that people who died and were buried could come out of their graves and then suck the life out of the living. It was quite a fascinating talk and we ended up buying the book and got it signed.

Afterwards, we walked around hall 4.1 some and looked at the art and design books. I also stopped by Scholastic and got a few books, and was dazzled by the cover for Maggie Stiefvater's LINGER (highly anticipated sequel to SHIVER). The rep there told me that SHIVER has sold foreign rights in 37 territories and counting so that's exciting news!
After attending Daniel's cousin's birthday brunch, Daniel and I headed over to the Shaun Tan signing (see my whole separate Shaun Tan signing post). Then I went over to Simon and Schuster and got my copy of Lisa McMann's GONE (yay!) and over to Random House were the rep had reserved the last copy of ALL UNQUIET THINGS by Anna Jarzab (unfortunately someone had stolen THE RED UMBRELLA by Cristina Diaz Gonzalez). They were also all out of THE IRON KING by Julie Kagawa by the time I got to Harlequin Teen and neither HarperTeen or Little, Brown had any ARCs of upcoming books. I briefly saw some yummy Egmont USA ARCs at Random House, but they belonged to someone (sigh).
But Penguin saved the day with lots of delicious upcoming offerings! There I met Ka-Yam who is also an avid YA book reader and blogger. You should have seen her bag of ARCs - insane I tell you!
I met Ann again, this time with our friend Rebecca and we were at the fair when the doors opened. We got a ton of picture books and sales dummies of upcoming picture books (including Daniel's!!) - I must have gotten at least 40. We also stopped by a few remainder dealers and bought a couple of books. Then we dropped off our goodies and went out for a relaxing brunch.
Here are some haul highlights (YA):
EXODUS and ZENITH by Julie Bertagna (apocalyptic lit from the UK)
ALL UNQUIET THINGS by Anna Jarzab (mystery/thriller set for Jan 2010)
THE LAST SUMMER OF THE DEATH WARRIORS by Francisco X. Stork (March 2010)
SHADOW by Jenny Moss (Fantasy April 2010)
DARK LIFE by Kat Falls (MG dystopia set for May 2010)
FOR KEEPS by Natasha Friend (April 2010)
WILL GRAYSON, WILL GRAYSON by John Green & David Levithan (April 2010)
SING ME TO SLEEP by Angela Morrison (March 2010)
THE NAUGHTY LIST by Suzanne Young (Feb 2010)
UP OVER DOWN UNDER by Micol Ostow & Noah Harlan (April 2010)
STUPID CUPID by Rhonda Stapleton (Dec 2009)
GONE by Lisa McMann (Feb 2010)
MAGIC UNDER GLASS by Jaclyn Dolamore (Feb 2010)
A MYTHOLOGICAL DATING GUIDE by Francesca Lia Block (out now)
I also got a bunch of adult titles:
And a couple of cook books :)
I am suffering majorly from book jealousy. I'm dying for Gone, and Linger. And speaking of Linger I LOVELOVELOVE the vover for it!
I meant cover....Sorry, typos tend to bother me. :)
Will Grayson is SO AWESOME!
OMG! I am in love with the cover of Linger! And you got so many great books!
You got so many amazing books. I love the Linger cover.
Aww, I really like the Linger cover! You can see the girl and the wolf... :) You've got some GREAT books--what's the Jasper Fforde one about? It's been so long since I've read his Thursday Next series; I really should read them again! Looks like you had a great time!
Wow, again you made a haul! Sounds like fun!
ZOMG! YOU ALREADY HAVE Will Grayson, Will Grasyon!!!!!!111 *fights the urge to hop on a plane and show up at your door, looking all innocent*
What a great trip!!
Love the new cover!
You made out like a bandit with those books!
Thanks for posting the Linger cover, I hadn't seen it yet. You got some great ARCs - I really enjoyed Shadow by Jenny Moss, hope you enjoy it as well.
GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG I am full blast green right now. Shrek green! LOL
will TOTENBRAUT be released in English? It sounds very interesting.
Thanks so much for sharing the cover of Linger! It's gorgeous. :)
And nice haul. Those are some amazing books, and I'm extremely jealous now. Of all of them.
Happy reading!
Oooh, the Linger cover is so prettyful!
And I have to say, I would kill for a copy of STUPID CUPID or UP OVER DOWN UNDER. Especially the second one. I am OBSESSED with the SASS series!!!
How totally fun! I hope you like GONE. So cool to see it's out there now. :)
So excited to see the Linger cover. I'm glad they have stuck with the same type of design, I was imagining yellow but green isn't that far off :D
Thanks for all this coverage, I've been enjoying it!
What a great time you had. Wonderful books! Love the Linger cover.
Are you fluent in German or did Nina Blazon speak English? I'm surprised at all the English books at a book fair in Germany and I'm also surprised that people stole books! I'm totally jealous of the new Kingsolver book.
Are you fluent in German or did Nina Blazon speak English? I'm surprised at all the English books at a book fair in Germany and I'm also surprised that people stole books! I'm totally jealous of the new Kingsolver book.
You are so lucky. I think I hate you now!
FABULOUS - so jealous...
The Linger cover is beautiful! I love the green... but is it bad that I wish there was still just the wolf but not the girl in the picture? Either way, I'm dying to read it!
Also, completely jealous of all the other books. Will Grayson's definitely one I'm excited for.
I enjoyed reading your posts re. the book fair... and I love the cover of Linger! Can't wait for its release! :)
Thank you for taking the time to explain everything so in depth. I loved reading about the books you got and your experiences!
Nina Blazon's books sound interesting, but it looks like only one of her books has been translated into English and it's not a historical set one... she has very nice book covers though.
Ooh, you got my British ARC with the nice inside pages! Did it come from the Bloomsbury booth or somewhere else?
Steph - The new Jasper Fforde is a dystopia set in a world where people can only see certain colors. Sounds very interesting!!
Cynthia - Who knows? I asked Nina that same question and she says she hopes so.
Kathy - Fluent in German and reading was done in German.
Jaclyn - Got it at the Bloomsbury booth!
absolutely W H E W
O.M.G. Look at all the books!
Jealous!!! I went to Simon&Schuster but they where out of GONE ARCs. Next time I'll come right after they opened up the door. Grrr-!
The cover for Linger is totally lovely. Ever prettier than the one for Shiver, which I didn't think was possible. Enjoy all your new books!
Thanks for posting about Shadow. Great to see the ARC out in the wild!
Wow, that's quite a stack, Lenore! I'm totally not jealous. Nope. Not a bit. ;)
Whoooa, that's a fantastic haul!!! So wait, how did you get all those ARCs and stuff? Do you just ask for them? I was there on a business trip, but I would've totally begged for ARCs if I knew they were available. :)))
Bookie - Some stands sell all their books at the end, some don't. It pays to ask nicely as many times the reps are agreeable to giving you the books AFTER their business is done (anywhere from Friday evening to Sunday morning), especially if you are a reviewer.
Not that I'm the only one here who feels this way, but I am practically on the brink of death knowing you have a copy of GONE! =D All the Tenner books and the rest look exciting but... omg!
Sounds like a lot of fun, Lenore! Enjoy!
LOVE the cover for LINGER! Thanks for sharing! And I hope you love SING ME TO SLEEP ... I thought it was fantastic! But be warned, soooo sad! You will need a box of tissues.
Argh, I so want to get my hands on some Julie Bertagna!
Looks like you had an awesome time. Have a great trip too, you lucky thing!
Oh, I wish I could've been there... what a great experience (and stacks of books!)
whoa, u made out like a bandit w/that arc stash! just seeing Gone got me excited enough, but to then see that beautiful Linger cover...
*sigh* it put me in book coma :)
I also am really looking forward to Will Grayson, Will Grayson.
thanks for this awesome rundown Lenore!
Ooh, you win the contest for first online mention of the SASS super special! Yay!
I'm jealous =D
I'm glad you had fun. Happy reading ^_^
I loved the cover for SHIVER, but I think LINGER is even more stunning. And add me to the envious chorus over GONE.
Thanks for answering the kitteh question.
You got Gone! I am so envious.
Oh wow! I love your reports from the book fair! And I'm so jealous of that big stack of beautiful books!
I am SO jealous that you have a copy of Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde! Colour me green.
It looks like you were able to snag some great books! I am glad that you had such a nice time, but it's too bad you couldn't find your travel guide. I am anxious to see some of these reviews as well, especially the one for Shades of Grey.
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