Friday, December 4, 2009

700 Followers Prize Pack: 5 Upcoming Books & A Giftcard. Open Internationally!

As a thank you to my faithful followers, I wanted to offer a prize pack with some hot upcoming YA titles. Here's what you could win:

THE LINE by Teri Hall (March 2010)
An invisible, uncrossable physical barrier encloses the Unified States. The Line is the part of the border that lopped off part of the country, dooming the inhabitants to an unknown fate when the enemy used a banned weapon. It’s said that bizarre creatures and superhumans live on the other side, in Away. Nobody except tough old Ms. Moore would ever live next to the Line.

Nobody but Rachel and her mother, who went to live there after Rachel’s dad died in the last war. It’s a safe, quiet life. Until Rachel finds a mysterious recorded message that can only have come from Away. The voice is asking for help.

Who sent the message? Why is her mother so protective? And to what lengths is Rachel willing to go in order to do what she thinks is right?

Read a review at The Compulsive Reader.

WILL GRAYSON, WILL GRAYSON by John Green and David Levithan (April 2010)
One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two teens—both named Will Grayson—are about to cross paths. As their worlds collide and intertwine, the Will Graysons find their lives going in new and unexpected directions, building toward romantic turns-of-heart and the epic production of history’s most fabulous high school musical.

Hilarious, poignant, and deeply insightful, John Green and David Levithan’s collaborative novel is brimming with a double helping of the heart and humor that have won both them legions of faithful fans.

Khy gave it 5 stars, but she IS a David Levithan stalker...

THE NAUGHTY LIST by Suzanne Young (Feb 2010)
As if being a purrfect cheerleader isn’t enough responsibility! Tessa Crimson’s the sweet and spunky leader of the SOS (Society of Smitten Kittens), a cheer squad–turned–spy society dedicated to bringing dastardly boyfriends to justice, one cheater at a time. Boyfriend-busting wouldn’t be so bad . . . except that so far, every suspect on the Naughty List has been proven 100% guilty!

When Tessa’s own boyfriend shows up on the List, she turns her sleuthing skills on him. Is Aiden just as naughty as all the rest, or will Tessa’s sneaky ways end in catastrophe?

Read a review at Shalonda's blog.

THE MARK by Jen Nadol (Feb 2010)
Cassandra Renfield has always seen the mark—a glow around certain people reminiscent of candlelight. But the one time she mentioned it, it was dismissed as a trick of the light. Until the day she watches a man awash in the mark die. After searching her memories, Cassie realizes she can see a person’s imminent death. Not how or where, only when: today.

How does the mark work? Why is she the only one who sees it? And finally, the most important of all: If you know today is someone’s last, should you tell them?

Read my review.

WANDERLUST by Lucy Silag (Dec 2009)
The second book in the Beautiful Americans series. Read my review.

I am willing to send these books internationally, so that means anyone can enter!

But now I am going to sweeten the pot:
There will be a second winner of an amazon giftcard and the amount of the giftcard will be determined by how many followers I have at the end of the contest period. If I have 700-710 followers, the winner will get a $10 gift card. For every additional follower over 710, the gift card amount goes up $1. I am going to cap this at $50. The first place winner can then pick the gift card or the books.

For your first entry, tell me what book you'd buy your best friend for Christmas and why.

Additional entries as follows (must each be in a separate comment to count):
+1 for followers (new followers welcome - obviously!)
+1 for tweeting (include @lenoreva in your tweet)
+1 for posting a link to the contest on your blog (sidebar is fine) or social media site (if you don't have a blog)

Contest will remain open until Dec 21st at 11:59 pm CST.


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Anonymous said...


+1 for following (Karin the Librarian)


Anonymous said...

+1 for Tweeting.


Anonymous said...

+1 for putting contest in my sidebar.

Under the label Contests, Contests, Contests

Anonymous said...

This should have been my first comment, but....

I would buy my best friend an iPhone if I could. Since I got mine, I have been able to listen to audio books so easily since I always have my phone with me there is never a time I don't have a book with me. My friend is such a reader and this would just be convenient for her.

Senfaye said...

Whoa, amazing contest!
+1 I am a follower


Senfaye said...

I would buy my best friend Dull Boy by Sarah Cross, because she thinks it looks awesome!

Senfaye said...

+1 I tweeted here:

Thanks so much!

nomadreader said...

I would buy American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld because it's still the best book I've read.

nomadreader said...

+1 I'm a follower

nomadreader said...

I tweeted!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME contest!! I follow and I'm off to tweet. +2 for me!

Unknown said...

WOW AWESOME!!! Lots of books I want to read!

+1 Follower
+1 Tweeted (@bookcrazyblog)
+1 Sidebar (@ - on the left side bar)

Thank you soo much!

Leslie said...

I would buy my best friend a really fancy copy of Emma by Jane Austen because that is her favorite book. She already has a copy, but I would get her a nice one to display so that she can read the old one as many times as she likes without having to worry about messing it up.

Alissa Grosso said...

I'm buying my sister (one of my best friends) The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks and Pride and Prejudice (can you believe she never read it?) because that's what she asked for. Some of my other friends are getting A Working Writer's Daily Planner (which is a sort of book) because they are writers and because it is awesome.

Sab H. said...

I'd buy Ballads of Suburbia because it was one of my favorites this year and its also pretty cheap so that way I can maybe give 2 books instead of one!

crystalreviews AT gmail DOT com

Sab H. said...

+1 follower

Leslie said...

+1 follower

Sab H. said...

+1 Sidebar:

Katie said...

Awesome contest! Congrats on almost 700!

For Christmas, I'd buy (and have already bought) my best friend Willow by Julia Hoban. She went through almost the same thing that the main character went through, and I know the story would really touch her.

Katie said...

+1 I follow your blog.

Katie said...

+1 Tweeted-

Katie said...

+1 Added to my sidebar-

Debbie's World of Books said...

Ok, trying to comment one more time. I would buy Catching Fire for my best friend since she hasn't read it yet.

Debbie's World of Books said...

+1 I am a follower

Debbie's World of Books said...

+1 I tweeted-

The Book Bug said...


I would buy my best friend(s!)for christmas City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare, as it is my favourite book of all time and I want them to stop looking at me like I'm crazy (which I possibly am) when I say that Jace beats Edward (which he does) as best fictional character.

LisaMM said...

I'm back because I forgot to say what book I'd buy my best friend and why. This is hard because my BFF isn't a reader! So.. I'll have to use another friend for this (like you needed to know all that, sheesh..) Ok, I'd give my OTHER bff Catching Fire, because she borrowed The Hunger Games from me and loved it, so she's ready for book 2.

Debbie's World of Books said...

+1 I also posted about it here:

Jo said...

Congrats on almost hitting 700 followers, Lenore! That's awesome!

I'm going to imagine that I have a best friend who is a big book lover. Because I have one best friend who likes book, but she's not hugely into it, and I wouldn't know what to get her book-wise. So for my imaginary best friend, I would buy him/her Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick because it is absolutely AMAZING! As far as I'm concerned, it's one of the best books of 2009 (so far)! Even my Dad wants to read it now, since I've been going on about how great it is!

+1 Follower
+1 Tweeting
+1 Blog post

Email: joannestapley[at]googlemail[dot]com

Alysa Stewart said...

I would buy Sorcery and Cecilia for my best friend.

Alysa Stewart said...

+1 follower

I Want To Read That said...

WOW - Great contest:) I would buy You are so Undead to Me by Stacy Jay as she would love it - it's such a fun book!

I Want To Read That said...

+ 1 for being a follower:)

holdenj said...

I already purchased my friend a copy of Cleopatra's Daughter. The author, Michelle Moran, was kind enough to send me a personalized bookplate for it! A little planning is making it very special.

holdenj said...

+1 I'm a follower.

Thanks for the great contest!

Ellz said...

I would give my BFF a copy of Friday Night Bites by Chloe Neill because this series has great potential and she likes a good vamp story.

Elie (Ellz Readz)

Ellz said...

+1 tweet

Elie (Ellz Readz)

Ellz said...

+1 sidebar

Elie (Ellz Readz)

Ellz said...

+1 follower

Elie (Ellz Readz)

Diana Dang said...

20 Boy Summer because it reminds me of her

Diana Dang said...

+ 1 sidebar:

Unknown said...

Well my best friend is my big sis. I would buy her Forgive My Fins even though it would have to be a preorder. She has had a serious mermaid addiction since we were kids. I can't wait for it to be released just so I can buy it for her. I think it has the potential to be her best book ever!

Anonymous said...

I would by my friend "eve: a novel of the first woman" by elissa elliott...I loved that book.


Unknown said...

+1 I've been following you for a while!

Unknown said...

+1 I tweeted about your contest:

KT Grant said...

I follow, tweet and everything in between. What a generous contest!

Unknown said...

+1 I posted a link to your contest in my sidebar:

P.S. Thanks so much for making this international!

Jessy said...

I would buy The Dark Divine because I have not read a bad review on it yet. Also because I am dying to read it.

findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Jessy said...

+1- I am a follower

findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Katie said...

I would buy my best friend Psych Major Syndrome for Christmas because it reminded me of her so much while I was reading it. =]

Katie said...

+1 I am already a follower (katieb206)

Jessy said...


findjessyhere at gmail dot com

ccqdesigns said...

I bought my best friend Tuesdays With Morrie. I love that book and it is so inspiring.

rebecca dot cox at charter dot net

ccqdesigns said...

+ 1 for following

rebecca dot cox at charter dot net

ccqdesigns said...

+1 for Tweet

rebecca dot cox at charter dot net

Evgenia said...

I would buy my best friend M. Snyder "Poison Study" because she really want this book and asked me to present it)


Evgenia said...

+1 I follow

Evgenia said...

+1 I tweeted:

PJ Hoover said...

Oooh, hard to decide. Which best friend :)
My favorite read this year had been THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH but I'm not sure any of my close friends would dig it.

I'd go with an indiebound gift card!

Bunny B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Natascha De Marco said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Natascha De Marco said...

I would buy my friend Beautiful Creatures because I love it and Im sure she will too.

Natascha De Marco said...

+1 for following

Anya said...

For Christmas Id buy my friend Fallen by Lauren Kate. Its one of my favorite books and my friend reads the same kind of books I do so she`d love it too.;)

Anya said...

+1 I tweeted:

pepsivanilla said...

Shiny booooks :)

+1 New follower (hi!)

I would get my best friend This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen, because it's classic!


Anya said...

+1 I follow:)

D Swizzle said...

I'm a follower!

Amanda said...

I would buy my best friend a laptop so she can write anywhere that she wants to.


Amanda said...

+1 for following!

Amanda said...

+1 for posting on my sidebar!

Nicole (Linus's Blanket) said...

Totally boring but I am getting mine a cook book. Her job is crazy and she has absolutely no time to read but when we were in the bookstore the other day she was looking for some recipe ideas.

Sarah said...

I plan on buying Fire by Kristin Cashore because she really enjoyed Graceling. Plus Fire is great!

+1 follower

Sadako said...

+1 for following

Mariana S said...

Congrats!! Sounds great, please count me in ;)

+1 follower
+1 tweet:
+1 sidebar:



Anonymous said...

+1 Follower
+1 Twitter

Chick Lit Teens said...

Congratulations on hitting 700 followers.

+1 for following


Brittany said...

Great contest. I want to read Will Grayson, Will Grayson so bad.
+1 old follower
+1 tweeted
+1 sidebar post

What an super exciting contest. Congrats on 700+



Sandy Jay said...

I'd buy my best friend Bloodline by F. Paul Wilson because she'd love it and then she'd let me borrow it.

forwhlz at gmail dot com

Sandy Jay said...

+1 for following

forwhlz at gmail dot com

Kelsey said...

I'd buy by best friend Fat Cat by Robin Brande. She'd really like it :)

+1 follower

kelseythebookscout at gmail dot com

ReggieWrites said...

Amazing contest! I'd buy my best friend Hush, Hush because it's an amazing debut, plus, my best friend LOVES the paranormal!

+1 I was already a follower =)

ReggieWrites said...

+1 Tweeted here:

ReggieWrites said...

+1 Sidebarred:

Orchid said...

Awesome Contest! :)

+1 follower

hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com

Orchid said...

I'd buy my best friend Girl in the Arena because she really wants that book. :)

hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com

Steph Bowe said...

YAY! Great contest.

+1 for following

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

I'd buy my best friend The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins because it was AWESOME. :)

Unknown said...

I would get my best friend The Secret of Joy by Melissa Senate. I read it and loved it and she's a fan of chicklit that's less fluffy than the norm.

Unknown said...

+1 follower :)

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

I Tweeted!

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

It's on my sidebar as: Presenting Lenore Follower Giveaway (12/21)

Justine said...

Amazing! I'd love to enter please :)

Hm, I'd buy....The Vampire is Just Not that Into You by Vlad Mezrich for my best friend just because she adores vampires...and well, she needs a guide book. haha.


Justine said...

+1 follower :)


Justine said...

+1 sidebar:


Justine said...

+1 tweeting:


Sylvia said...

Wow! As I was reading this post, I kept on hoping and hoping a little more that I win, the books you are giving away are AMAZING and whoever wins this contest will be so lucky!!:) I just recently read The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness and it was amazing and it would definitely be one of the books I will be giving my friends this Christmas, along with Hunger Games of course (the two are a perfect match!)
Thanks for this contest!!:)

Sylvia said...

+1 I follow!

alitareads said...

Wow, great giveaway!!

I'm giving Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton to my sister for Christmas. I think she's read every other book by him :)


alitareads said...

+1 I'm a follower

alitareads said...

+1 tweeted!

Anonymous said...

I follow!


email. theveronicaproject[at]gmail[dot]com

Emily said...

Awesome contest, enter me please!

I would buy my BF Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder because it is the first book in an amazing series!

+1 I am a follower.

emily DOT wittenberg @ gmail DOT com

Molly said...

Don't enter me in the contest but I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on such an amazing milestone: 700 followers!!!

Jessica Love said...

+1 for following

jessrlove at hotmail

I think I'm going to get my bff The Luxe for Christmas. I know she'll get a kick out of the cover.

Anonymous said...

My BFF loves Gregory, so I would likely get her White Queen for Christmas because she has yet to get that one herself.

Anonymous said...

I am a follower.

Stephanie S said...

For Christmas I would buy my best friend Never After by Dan Elconin because she loves Peter Pan and would be totally stoked at the new play on her favorite story.


Anonymous said...


Valorie said...

Added a link to my sidebar:

Unknown said...

I'd buy my friend the lovely bones by alice sebold because she really wants to see the movie but enjoys reading the books first! Thanks for entering me into this giveaway and congrats on all your followers :)


Unknown said...

I'm a follower thanks!


Anonymous said...


For Christmas, I'd give my best friend a copy of either "The Blind Assassin" or "The Handmaid's Tale," both by Margaret Atwood. They're lyrical, literary, have interesting story-telling styles, and do a better job at portraying the female psyche than practically anything else I've read.

Raspberry said...

Well, since I've bought a book for my best friend....I bought The Mad King by Edgar Rice Burroughs for my husband. It's a historical fiction in a fictitious country kind of book, but it's aMAZing. Absolutely an A.
The second I bought is for my mom (yes, my other best friend is my mom)and I got her A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelley.

Raspberry said...

Ok - and I love your choices. I would have a hard time picking if I had to...
I posted this on my sidebar at

Raspberry said...

And! I'm a follower! Woot!

Andrea said...

I would buy my best friend My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent because she read My Soul to Take and absolutely loved it.


Andrea said...

+1 I am a follower

Andrea said...

+1 And I blogged about the contest here.

Vanessa said...

I got my best friend Magic Lost, Trouble Found by Lisa Shearin for Christmas, because I know it will make her laugh.

Congrats on all your followers!


Vanessa said...

I'm a follower.


Zombie Girrrl said...

I'd get my three best friends the following:
1. Breathers: A Zombie's Lament because it's more about the relationships than the brains (although there's still quite a lot about brains).
2. The Forest of Hands and Teeth because she's always looking for something that will scare her and I think this has the right type of fear to do the trick.
3. Zombie Queen of Newbury High because she'd get a kick out of the zombies trying to fatten up the prom queen for a feast.


Zombie Girrrl said...

+1 for following


Zombie Girrrl said...

+1 Sidebar Link!


Zombie Girrrl said...

+1 Second Sidebar Link!


Mitzy said...

mitzyanne33 at gmail dot com

+ 1 following =)

Zombie Girrrl said...

Okay, so I already answered this, but it's fun! Plus a lot of people were saying "my friend's not really a reader..." and I have one of those, too.
I'd get my non-reader friend Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief because it's super fun, super fast, and I only read it this year, but it was so good I'm already nastalgic about it. I think he'd really like it because he could relate to Percy.

Llehn said...

I'd love to play please!

+1 I'd get Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater for my friend because it is such an awesome book

+1 following.


Llehn said...

Oops ... forgot to add this in a separate comment.

+1 I'm following.


Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

I would buy my best friend book #4 of the Yotsuba graphic novel series because she adores those books. She's more into the whole graphic novel thing and most day she has her nose buried in Yotsuba or Fruits Basket.


Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

+1 I'm a follower


Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

+1 Tweeting


Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

+1 Posted on my sidebar


Bianca said...

I would buy my best friend a comic book for Christmas, since she loves them!

+1 for following

infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com

donnas said...

I would buy Matchless by Gregory MacGuire. It was a great story for the holiday season.

+1 follower
+1 linked here: and on sidebar

bacchus76 at myself dot com

throuthehaze said...

I would buy my sister the Vampire Academy series. It is one of my favorite series and my sister like reading about vamps :)

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

+1 I am a follower

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would buy my best friend The Other Boelyn Girl because that was the last book I read that I couldn't put down. I'd probably buy any of my friends this book if they haven't read it though.

Brodie said...

WOW, 700 followers? That's amazing!! Congrats! Awesome contest!!

I would buy Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick for my best friend because to put it simply - the book is HOT. The story is brilliant, it has sexy fallen angels, a gorgeous cover and a guaranteed swoon-inducing gift :D

Brodie said...

+1 Follower

Brodie said...

+1 Tweeted -


Mardel said...

+1 I'm a follower, though I usually just lurk. :) well, lurk and read your posts.

Mardel said...

+1 linked in my sidebar at

(first sidebar contest link)

Mardel said...

I would by my best friend Twenties Girl by Sophia Kinsella. Sophia Kinsella writes some pretty funny books (especially her standalone novels) and my friend needs a laugh.

Jenny N. said...

I would by my best friend a copy of The Hunger Games. I really liked the book and I'm sure she would too.

+1 Follower
+1 Tweeted:
+1 Added to sidebar:


Bunny B said...

LOL I answered the question wrongly the first time :P I would get my best friend the whole Twilight pack because she's been talking about reading it, but hasn't yet :P

bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said...


bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said...


bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said...


bunnybx at gmail . com

Unknown said...

Wow! What a cool contest, and congrats on the followers!

I have been buying several people copies of HUNGER GAMES and CATCHING FIRE. It's my go-to present this year for most of my friends, honestly.

I love giving books for Christmas, especially books that I've read. I feel like a matchmaker every time!

Unknown said...

+ 1 for following

Kate said...

Superb competition Lenore =D

I would buy my friend Fallen for Christmas (I'm going to, shhh). I think she'll really like it.

Kate said...


I'm a follower

MissA said...

I would love an amazon giftcard :D
I would buy Whale Talk by Chris Crutcher for my best friend because she only liks funny books and this book is hysterical but still utterly sweet and deep.
+1 follower
+1 sidebar

Ladytink_534 said...

I'm buying my best friend all three books in Frank Beddor's Looking Glass Wars trilogy.


Ladytink_534 said...

+1 Follower


Travis said...

Books are my gift of choice.

+1 Following.


Anonymous said...

I am getting one of my good friends Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles for Christmas. I really enjoyed the book and want to share the love.

thebookvixen at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

+1 I'm a follower

Anonymous said...

+1 tweeted

Anonymous said...

+1 sidebar link

brizmus said...

AWESOME contest! You're giving away such GReAT books!

This Christmas, I'm actually buying my best friend "Confessions of a Serial Kisser." I read a review of it somewhere (I unfortunately can't remember where), and it sounds like it is totally about her. My best friend is ABSOLUTELY a serial kisser!


brizmus said...

+1 follower

brizmus said...

+1 in my sidebar under the contest list

brizmus said...

+1 tweeted it here:

Lilixtreme said...

I would probably by my friend all the books by Sarah Dessen and make her sign them, if possible, because my bff is a huge fan!

Lilixtreme said...

I'm a follower!

Lilixtreme said...

Tweeted about contest:

Lilixtreme said...


Milka said...

I would buy my friend a copy of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice because I think it is the best book ever and she should read it. :D Or copy of The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison.

Milka said...

I am a follower.

Jessica B said...

+1 for followers

Shalonda said...

I would buy my best friend a lighthearted book with a deep meaning. Something like Twenty Boy Summer since it has fun moments but still touches the heart.

Shalonda said...

+1 I am a follower!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

I would buy my friend The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky OR Ballads of Suburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert.


Shooting Stars Mag said...

+1 i follow the blog


christina said...

awesome contest collection!

+1 follower ( Reading Thru The Night)

Taylor P. said...

Wow, what great prizes! =)

+1 Follower

Taylor P. said...

+1 Sidebar

Dani. said...

Holy Wow. This is an awesome contest!

For Christmas I am buying my friend Hush, Hush! And my other friend EyeLeash but that has nothing to do with the content of the book but rather the fact that the author has the same name as her! :]

Dani. said...

I am still basking in the glory of this contest!

+1: FOLLOWER!!!!!

forgot to include email:

Dani. said...

And to share the awesomeness with the world...

+1: I tweeted-


Dani. said...

Still Awesome...

+1: Linked to Sidebar-


Dani. said...


Anonymous said...

I'd buy my best friend Going Bovine by Libba Bray because it has a gnome on the cover and she collects gnomes :)

+1 following
+1 tweeted (justkeepreading)
+1 sidebar

foltzsfantasticbooks at

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

I would buy Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins for my best friend, or really any friend who loves reading for that matter. One of the best books I've read all year - absolutely LOVED it!

- Nikki
(nikkinizzle at

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

+1 new follower! :D

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

+1 Sidebar

Kim Pickett said...

What an amazing contest. Thanks Lenore!!

+1 follower and loyal Emmy and Fin fan! :)

bookbutterfly9(at)gmail(dot) com

Noella said...

Hi, Great contest! Books sound great!
+1 new follower

Noella said...

Sidebar link:

june.mmix @

Melissa (Books R Us) said...

I would buy my friend the Heritics Daughter. The book was great


Melissa (Books R Us) said...

I am a follower +1

Melissa (Books R Us) said...

tweeted about the contest +1


Sheere said...

I would buy her The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I love this book and I know that she is a fanatic of love triangle and strong heroines.

Sheere said...

+1 for followers

Sheere said...

+1 for tweeting

Sheere said...

+1 for posting a link to the contest on your blog

Meghan said...

I'd buy my friend Let it Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle. It's a Christmas book obviously, and I really loved it. I've read it a few times.

Thanks. :)

Meghan said...

+1 for followers

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