Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Book Review: Choker by Elizabeth Woods

What if your best friend turned out to be dangerous? 

16 year old Cara feels like an outsider at her high school.  She has no real friends and tries to ignore the taunts of the popular girls who call her choker.  So she's excited when her best friend from her old town shows up.  Zoe is bold and independent and gives Cara confidence.  But when Cara's enemies start turning up dead, Cara has to wonder if Zoe has something to do with it.

Soooo....this is one of those novels that messes with your head.  You know, one of those that you start reading and initially dismiss as predictible and then WHOA!

Debut Author Woods builds a frighteningly effective atmosphere that's a mix of bullying, desire, low self-esteem, and mental instability.  It's an explosive combo.  Cara is a total train wreck, crush Ethan (the head mean girl's boyfriend) is hiding an atypical dark secret and Zoe is campy fun...that is until she engages in some PETA unfriendly behavior.  NOOO!

I should note that this is the first full length novel I read on my new NOOK.  I am noticing a bit of a disconnect with the material I am reading on it, which is worrying.  Hopefully I'll take to reading on an eReader soon.

CHOKER was released yesterday in hardcover. Find out more about it (and read an excerpt) on the publisher's website.


Nicole (Linus's Blanket) said...

i have tried reading a few things on e-reader but they have not held my attention in spite of them being books I think I will like. I still won't buy one. In any case this sounds really good. Will be adding it to THE LIST.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, congrats on the ereader! But I agree, it makes me feel like I haven't really *read* the book when I read it on my Kindle. Strange. Maybe it's because we're so used to physical books with pages and pretty colors...
Happy Reading!
The Book Swarm

Swapna said...

This was a WOAH book for me as well. I thought it was incredibly well done!

Kristi said...

I felt that way at first with my nook. For the first couple of weeks, I worried that I'd wasted my money on something I was never going to use because reading books on it felt so strange and cold. Then something just clicked for me. I've had my nook for about six months now and I use it all the time. Sometimes I'll go weeks without picking up an actual book, although there's no way I'd ever completely stop wanting to read physical books as well.

Zibilee said...

I also sort of felt that way with my first few books on the e-reader. I noticed that I read much faster, but that there was something about the books that just weren't resonating with me like they should have. Since then I have become a little more accustomed to it, but it's still very different than reading paper, and I am sure that it will always feel a little weird for me. I actually still read more paper books, even though I could readily have access to them on the Kindle if I wanted to.

All that being said, this does sound a little more unusual than most of the other YA books out there for some reason, and it sounds like something that I'd like to try. I am not so sure about the offensive animal parts though!

Amy said...

Hmmm I regret abandoning this after a few chapters I was put off by the writing style. Now my egalley has expired.

I felt the same way about the first ebook I read, but have definitely gotten more comfortable with it. For me, a lot of it depends on if the ebook is properly formatted so that I can be immersed in the story.

Melissa said...

Oooh, a WHOA book sounds fun. And that's such a pretty cover. (I'm really into pretty covers today.) On the TBR list it goes.

Stasia said...

Just got a Kindle for Christmas and am reading like a maniac. I have the larger sized one which may make the interface more pleasant (?). Anyhow, I've loved the books I've e-read so far--way too many. Biggest problem is the Kindle may put me in the poorhouse!

Jenn said...

I have heard so many great things about this book. I am definitely looking for books that aren't what you expect and this sounds just about right.

Jana said...

I really like the direction the author took with her characters--that was pretty bold!

Diana Paz said...

I know what you mean about the disconnect, having just read my first ereader book. I don't know if you've read Anna and the French Kiss but it became so good that I forgot I was using my Nook until I wanted to turn the page. Not having a page to turn kept snapping me back to reality :P I hope I'm like other commenters and get used to it.

Anyway, Choker sounds really good. Dark though... I'd have to be in the mood for this one, for sure. Great review!

bermudaonion said...

The book sounds like a good one! I know what you mean about the e-reading experience - I haven't been able to get past that. I also find it harder to review e-books.

Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

This one sounds pretty cool!

Jamie said...

This one sounds really interesting. I'm always down for a "mess with your head" kind of book. Will have to add this to my "to check out" list.

I haven't read a book fully on my Nook yet! I'm nervous!

booklineandsinker said...

my comment vaporized when i clicked submit! boo! (feel free to delete if this is a duplicate)

i love the cover and premise of this book--i'm on a bit of a YA binge right now! as for your ereader, i admit to not reading on mine as often as reading traditional books. i've had my kindle for a year and maybe read 15 books on it last year. i like it for its ease and convenience but still like books! good luck with yours.

nat @book, line, and sinker

ps. saw your tweets the other night about chocolate chips--i'd be happy to send some to you if need be. :) life without chocolate chips should be illegal!

Trisha said...

I am still working on my nook-relationship. Like you said, I feel disconnected from what I'm reading. I will say, though, that I'm now on book four and things are looking up. Perhaps it just takes time.

Michelle said...

Once you get used to the differences in formatting I think you'll be alright. :)

Shelley said...

If you really knew somebody, I think you couldn't be totally surprised to find out they were evil.

Carla said...

This actualy sounds really interesting. plus, the main character has the same name as me, only y'know, without the L, which I never really liked all that much myself.

And the issue you had with the Nook is what scares me the most about e-readers. Hopefully you'll get used to it :)

Staci said...

This one sounds intense!!! I love my son's Kindle!

Shweta said...

It has such an awesome cover . I so want to read this book.

Nina said...

Sounds very intense and very good :) I'm going to look out for this one. Great review.

Sarah said...

I've been wanting to read this book for awhile now. Your review has made it even more intriguing for me.

Shannon The Bookstalker said...

Just bought this one, hoping it going to be good it sounds so interesting!

Jennifer said...

This sounds like an intense take on the somewhat typical high school mean girls story.

Congrats on getting an e-reader. It has taken me a while to get used to reading on mine (I have an iPad) but I do enjoy it (especially at the gym). But I still tend to switch between the ereader and good old paperbacks. There is just something about holding a book and turning pages that I still love.

Carina L. Tai said...

I saw this in the bookstore the other day, I have to say, the cover is gorgeous, and it sounds like a great story :)

and yay for ereaders! I'm pending on purchasing one myself!

Pam Pho said...

I quite liked this one, and I don't mind reading on my ereader.

Lola said...

I just bought this one last week and am REALLY looking forward to it, especially after your review!!!

ELISEH said...