Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (13)

What's in the box?  Doesn't look like headphones to me!

Aha! It's Kaia.  Silly kitty.


Jeanne said...

I'll bet she has "powerful sound output" occasionally!

Sandy Nawrot said...

Furry headphones! Just what I wanted!

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Bahahahahaha Stella and Jasper like to squish into my boots. It's so funny to watch.

Anonymous said...

What is it with cats and boxes? Love your pics--your kitties are so cute!

The Book Swarm

SuziQoregon said...

They do love boxes, don't they ??

Zibilee said...

No matter how small the box, a kitty will find its way in. At least that is the case in my house. Very cute pictures, Lenore!

Unknown said...

Oh my! That's hilarious. My cats never do crazy stuff like that. They only lay in the pizza box when we put it by the recycling.

Tara Martin said...

What a silly kitty! My Charlie is a big boy and he's always the one (of my 3) that wants to shove himself into the smallest possible place. He used to sleep in the sink or squeeze himself under my dresser.

Sam said...

This is something one of my kitties would do!

So cute!

Anonymous said...


Emy Shin said...

Aw, so cute. I wonder how Kaia got in there; it's so crowded!

danya said...

Aw that is adorable!!

Amy said...

That just looks really uncomfortable.

jpetroroy said...

Lenore, Cat Tuesday makes me happy :)

Stasia said...

Too darling! I spent the evening at the emergency vet after my pup ate what we think was a roofing shingle. Poor thing! He's holding his own now but it wasn't a pleasant night.

Serena said...

LOL that is too adorable.

avisannschild said...

So cute! I especially like the top pic!

Anonymous said...

Cat in a box, what do cats like more than a good box and a good bag. Doesn't matter how big it is or how small it is, they think they can get into any box. So cute.


Bonnie @ A Backwards Story said...

LOL! What a silly cat! I'm surprised Kaia could fit. Very cute, thanks for sharing! <3

Tasha said...

Why do cats like to squish into the smallest boxes? Kaia looks like she's folded in half in that bottom picture!

Irish said...

There's just something about cats and boxes. lol Cute picture

Rhiannon Hart said...

Dawww....much better than headphones :D

Linda said...

Love it! It's so cute to see cats squish themselves into small boxes!

bermudaonion said...

Too cute!!

ffprncez said...


Shweta said...

Adorable !! :) :)

Lola said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!!!!!!

Cass said...

Classic! Absolutely adorable.

Alyce said...

I love that you can see the kitty through the box! My kitties just can't get enough of boxes either and I have to admit I will leave boxes out with them in mind.

Jen (Makeshift Bookmark) said...

Box cats are pretty much one of my favorite things in the world <3

CHRISTIE said...

So cute! Our newest kitty loves to squeeze into super small places. I love it :)

Amused said...

Oh my goodness that is hysterical!

kay - Infinite Shelf said...

Awwww! Just so adorable!
My cat is afraid of boxes. He'll only get in if I put some catnip in it first - and even then, he gets all paranoid. He wants the catnip, but not the box!

Darlene said...

LOL - that is too cute! They sure do love to go in boxes a lot.

Michelle said...

OMG! Is that cat part ferret?