Thursday, July 10, 2008

Author Interview: Shannon Greenland AND The Specialists Series Giveaway!

Every thursday for the next 4 weeks, Shannon Greenland, author of the Specialists series, is going to join us. Today were going to talk about the series with a focus on the first book.

Can you give us a quick pitch for the first Specialists book, Model Spy?

Computer genius, GiGi, hacks into the government’s mainframe. In exchange for jail, she enlists in a spy agency that trains teens to go undercover. After all, what does she have to lose? She has no family or friends. But in just a few short weeks she finds herself thrown into her first mission, undercover as a model. Not so easy for a nerdy klutz like GiGi.

So far 3 books in the 5 book Specialists series are out with a 4th being released at the end of the month. Where are you in the process with book 5? Can you give us any sneak peeks? Unfortunately, I don’t have a pub date for the fifth one, but it features both Mystic, the clairvoyant, and Bruiser, the fighter.

What were the seeds of the series and how did you go about getting it published? I’m a big fan of Alias. So naturally when I dreamed of writing a teen series, I knew it would be about spies. And getting published? Phew. I think any author would agree it’s a tenacious process. Lots of query letters, conferences, meetings with agents and editors. And then finally, one day, someone likes your stuff enough to take it to the next level.

Your main character, Kelly AKA GiGi (Genius Girl), is a coding whiz who hacked into government systems. I know you’re asked this all the time, but what would your specialty be if you were selected for the team? LOL, I love this question. My specialty would be adventurer. Anyone who knows me would tell you I’d try about anything once.

Gigi is very partial to lollipops. What are your favorite candies? I’m a gum freak. I’m really into Dentyne Splash right now.

You are quite the adventure traveler. What was the scariest thing you’ve ever done on your adventures? Hands down, exploring an uncharted cave was the scariest thing I’ve ever done. Just imagine going somewhere no other person has ever been. What an adrenaline rush!

Thanks Shannon for the fun interview! I loved reading Model Spy and my review will go up shortly. I can't wait to start on book 2 - Down to the Wire.

Now for the giveaway! Comment on this post to be entered to win a signed copy of Model Spy. I will announce the winner next thursday. As always, you can get extra entries by blogging about the contest and commenting on my review of the book.

And check this out: By entering this week's Specialists contest, you are also entered to win the grand prize - signed copies of all 4 published books in the series including book 4, Native Tongue which comes out on July 31st! Come back each week and comment to increase your chances of winning this exciting series.
This contest is open to residents of the US and Canada only.


ya ya's mom said...

pick me! pick me! pick me!

Bunny B said...

Sounds fun! I'm in :) The talk of lollipops make me crave for jelly beans!

Anonymous said...

I love books, so I hope I win your contest! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

the cave-adventure sounds amazing

Rachel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel said...
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Rachel said...

Hi. I know this isnt the place where I should be writing this, but you didnt have a C-Box so I didnt know what to do... I'm not sure if on your link list you have 'Muffins.and.Books' but if you could change the URL to
Because I changed it to that. Thank you!

kamewh said...

Sounds like a great book! Thank you for the giveaway!

Liviania said...

Cool giveaway! I like the title - very clever.

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

oh, wow!! what an amazing giveaway!!!:) I want in too. thank you so much.

Rachael Stein said...

i have been totally wanting to read this. i love spy books, especially the ones with awesome girl spies!!

thanks for letting me know :D

Ruth King said...

Great interview! Please enter me in the contest! :)

Melsy626 said...

Wow, this sounds like a really terrific series and this is a great giveaway!!!! Love the interview, I will be looking forward to reading the next few weeks as well!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Cool contest, L. I'm going to comment on your review, too...

Anonymous said...

Oooohhh, love this series, *crossing fingers*, hope I win!

Kathleen Gilligan said...

Sounds interesting :) I'd love to win!

Angela said...

The series sounds interesting. It makes me think of the TV series she-spies, which I thought was hilarious. Are the books in this series more of the serious tone or more humorous?

I really enjoy books with a lead female character, but I like them to be smart and strong characters, not b*tchy or whiney. You also mentioned clairvoyant? Are these supernaturally slanted?

Lenore Appelhans said...

angela - they are more serious in tone. And the characters are anything but whiny! There were no supernatural elements in the first one, but I haven't gotten to the others yet.

Linda said...

Yep, would love to win! Love to win books!

peng said...

please enter me. thanks

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun series, I'm an Alias fan too.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! this book sounds soo cool!! Almost like the Spy Goddess series, which are one of my favorite series. Enter me please!!

Grace L

Cheryl said...

I have never heard of this series. Nice interview.

clbstitch at yahoo dot com

Rashmi said...

Nice interview. It sounds like a great read :)

Anonymous said...

Enter me please! I've been wanting to get my hands on this book!! =)

nimrodiel said...

I would love to be entered in this. It sounds like a great book for summer reading!

Anonymous said...

I would love to read/review this book to give my students a recommendation.

Anita Yancey said...

The book sounds great. Please enter me, and thanks.

Rachel said...

I dont know if Ic an enter since I'm an overseas person ( I live in Japan) but, its its ok, please enter me :D

Anonymous said...

Another stellar interview. Spying is fun... until you get stabbed.

Anonymous said...

I hope I'm not too late. Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lenore,
I actually don't want a copy of the book since I also just finished reading it. I really loved your interview with Shannon Greenland, and just wanted to say, thanks for posting it. I'm about to start Down to the Wire, and I already purchased The Winning Element. I think that readers who loved the Alias books OR those readers who liked Fearless FBI by Francine Pascal would really like this series. I'm a middle school librarian, and I'm going to recommend this series to my reluctant female readers who are a bit adventurous. Thanks again,
Janice Robertson

Iryna said...

Great interview! I totally want this book now!

Well, then again, I almost always want a book once I've heard of it.

Anonymous said...

Great interview. I never heard of this series before this but now I definitely have to add this to my TBR pile. It reminds me of another book I read that I can't recall the title but it was also about a girl who hacks into the FBI or something and then has to work for them for a set amount of years to avoid jail time. That one was more of a thriller book though.

jpetroroy said...

I'm making a comment to qualify for an entry for the Penguin Prize Pack 11+ YA books. Great interview!