So I finished the Miles from Nowhere today. It was quite a different experience to read a few chapters each day and then discuss them. I thought it was a strategy that actually worked quite well for this particular book as it gave it some structure that it lacks on its own. Joon, the main character, is very aimless throughout the narrative and we are continually introduced to new characters who disappear as quickly as they appear. The only constants were Joon, pitiful conditions and the three lovely bloggers who hosted/joined in the discussion:
J. Kaye,
Alea and
Ali. Thank you sincerely for accompanying me on this reading journey. It would have been lonely without you!
Thanks, Lenore! I agree that it helped to read this together--though I have to admit, it was a relief to finally be able to finish it last night!
Lenore, I love to read how others are feeling about a book I am reading too! When we can do this together, it's magical, even if we don't feel the same.
I first read "three LONELY bloggers" ... so glad you're LOVELY, not lonely!
I was embarrassed to discover this book hidden on my shelf. Now I'm a bit reluctant to start it ...
I loved doing this! I hope we can do it again sometime! It definitely helped me think over the book a bit more than i do sometimes!
I'll be interested to see what others think of the book too.
Dawn, Too bad you didn't realize it soon enough to book-chat with us! But don't be afraid to start it. There's some great writing in there and, if you have a warped sense of humor like me, some of it's hilarious.
Alea ~ I agree. I love getting different points of view from each reader. We don't feel exactly the same, and the difference has been neat to discover!
I have this book! So I have to come back and read all of these when I have finished.
Just wanted to let you know that I have linked to your review on my site: Random Wonder.
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